POP Express Vol. 24 From the Editor - The Structure of District OrganizationBack

August 1998

In June, the SAR Government released a consultation paper on the Review of District Organizations. Although the paper did not receive as much public attention as expected, due to the economic and airport crises, the POP Team has, nevertheless, conducted a large scale opinion survey after the two-month consultation period ended. This month's POP Express features people's reaction registered in the opinion survey.


Although the editors have very different ideas on the future development of the district organizations, as compared to those described in the consultation paper, or those expressed by the general public, we have, nevertheless, tried our best to remain impartial in designing our study, and interpreting the results. We believe this is an important element of our professionalism.


We have, of course, not forgotten our regular indicator survey, and our tracking surveys on the popularity of the Chief Executive, the SAR Government, and the new group of Legislative Councillors.


Chung Ting-yiu Robert