POP Express Vol. 23 From the Editor - Jiang Zemin visited Hong KongBack

July 1998

July should have been a quiet month, after the political drama surrounding the First SAR Legislative Council election in May, and the First Anniversary of the SAR Government at the end of June. The unexpected chaos generated by the opening of the new airport, however, got on the nerves of every Hong Kong people. Coupled with the economic downturn, the credibility of the SAR Government was at its record low.


At this troubled time, the POP Team again stood fast on our usual position to take the pulse of the people, and released our findings as quickly as possible for public consumption. Our cooperation with the Hong Kong Commercial Radio to produce frequent instant polls, and the findings reported in this newsletter, are some examples of our effort.


Readers will note that many of the findings carried in this POP EXPRESS are combined results of our tracking and ad hoc polls.


Chung Ting-yiu Robert