POP Express Vol. 16 From the Editor - 1997 Year-end ReviewBack

December 1997

Time flies. We are now half year after the handover. Before 1997 leaves us, POP Express would like to publish a series of benchmark surveys which together give a fairly objective review of the year past.


In order to facilitate comparision between pre- and post-handover Hong Kong, we have, as far as possible, presented our data as half-year aggregates, on top of yearly variations. Readers are welcome to draw their own conclusions on post-handover changes.


Of course, as a monthly newsletter, we have not forgotten to report our latest findings from tracking surveys on media performance, social indicators, popularity ratings, people's confidence in Hong Kong's future, and the like. Needless to say, we continue to cover people's reaction towrads the first election of the Hong Kong Deputies to the National People's Congress under the "one country, two systems".


We are glad to say that six months after the handover, we are still in good shape and remain committed as ever to produce opinion data for public consumption. This is probably our best new year gift to the general reader.


Chung Ting-yiu Robert