POP Express Vol. 8 From the Editor - Press Freedom and News Media in Hong KongBack

April 1997

As the reversion of sovereignty approaches, people are becoming more and more concerned about the future of press freedom in Hong Kong.


Since 1993, our POP Team has been monitoring the performance of our local news media with a set of opinion questions repeated once every two months. In this issue, we have summarized part of our findings accumulated in the past four years, for the reference of media scholars and the general public. We will release our data on the freedom of expression, and freedom of the press in the near future.


This issue also carries a questionnaire (p.12) which we hope all readers would complete and return to us. Findings from this miniature readership survey would be of great value to us in planning our future issues.


Thank you in anticipation.


Chung Ting-yiu Robert