POP Express Combined Volume No. 2 - ForewordBack


POP EXPRESS was first published in September 1996, as part of our persistent effort to collect opinion data for public consumption. Such effort began in June 1991 when our POP Team was established.


Amidst tremendous hardship and suffering beyond the expression of words, as well as under serious constraint of resources and sometimes unwarranted political allegations, we have nonetheless managed to produce hundreds of surveys in the past seven years. We are glad to see that, whether or not it was due to our effort, opinion studies have become accepted as one major life-line of our open society. Public bodies, academic institutions, and political groups alike, have become more and more active in such studies.


Immediately after the handover, in 1997, we published the POP EXPRESS Combined Volume # 1 Special Issue, in order to bear witness to our society's historic development.


Now, six months later, we have compiled the Combined Volume # 2, which records our new development under the principle of "one country, two systems". Only time can tell whether this new constitutional arrangement would be successful or not. Initial development seems fairly positive, if not for the sudden occurrence of the bird flu, and the economic turmoil in South East Asia.


To us, of course, what matters is that we continue to operate as we did, as professionally as possible, until our doom.


CHUNG Ting-yiu Robert
Chief Editor of POP EXPRESS and
Head of the Public Opinion Programme
31 March 1998