Demographic profile of respondentsBack

  Raw sample Weighted sample
   Frequency  Percentage  Frequency  Percentage
  Male  520    45.2    588    51.1  
  Female  631    54.8    563    48.9  
  Total  1151    100.0    1151    100.0  

  Raw sample Weighted sample
   Frequency  Percentage  Frequency  Percentage
  18 - 20  59    5.8    30    3.0  
  21 - 30  165    16.2    154    15.1  
  31 - 40  222    21.9    190    18.7  
  41 - 50  256    25.2    264    25.9  
  51 - 60  152    15.0    169    16.6  
  61 or above  162    15.9    210    20.7  
  Total  1016    100.0    1016    100.0  
  Missing case (s)  135       135     

Education attainment
  Raw sample Weighted sample
   Frequency  Percentage  Frequency  Percentage
  Primary or below  275    24.6    312    28.0  
  Secondary  555    49.7    536    48.2  
  Postgraduate or above  287    25.7    265    23.8  
  Total  1117    100.0    1114    100.0  
  Missing case (s)  34       37     

The type of ownership of your house is:
  Raw sample Weighted sample
   Frequency  Percentage  Frequency  Percentage
  Self-purchased, or  624    57.1    624    57.3  
  Rent?  468    42.9    465    42.7  
  Total  1092    100.0    1089    100.0  
  Missing case (s)  59       62     

House type
  Raw sample Weighted sample
   Frequency  Percentage  Frequency  Percentage
  Public housing estate  409    37.4    417    38.1  
  Housing Authority subsidized sale flats  188    17.2    190    17.4  
  Housing Society subsidized sale flats  18    1.6    18    1.6  
  Private housing  437    40.0    428    39.1  
  Village: villas / bungalows / modern village houses  12    1.1    14    1.3  
  Village: simple stone structures / traditional village houses  14    1.3    13    1.2  
  Private temporary housing  4    0.4    3    0.3  
  Staff quarters  11    1.0    10    0.9  
  Total  1093    100.0    1094    100.0  
  Missing case (s)  58       57     

  Raw sample Weighted sample
   Frequency  Percentage  Frequency  Percentage
  Professionals and semi-professionals  236    21.5    231    21.1  
  Clerk and service workers  225    20.5    212    19.4  
  Production workers  143    13.0    162    14.8  
  Students  71    6.5    48    4.3  
  Housewives  198    18.1    181    16.5  
  Others  223    20.3    262    23.9  
  Total  1096    100.0    1095    100.0  
  Missing case (s)  55       56