數據彙集 frequency Tables (第一次 First survey)返回
[Q1] 你對今次立法會選舉既整體結果滿唔滿意?(追問程度) Are you satisfied with the overall result of the Legislative Council Election? (Interviewer probe intensity) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=519) |
非常滿意 Very satisfied | 17 | 3.2% |
幾滿意 Quite satisfied | 203 | 39.2% |
一半半 Half-half | 154 | 29.7% |
幾唔滿意 Not quite satisfied | 83 | 15.9% |
非常唔滿意 Very dissatisfied | 34 | 6.6% |
唔知道/難講/無意見 Don't know / hard to say / no comment | 28 | 5.4% |
合計 Total | 519 | 100.0% |
[Q1gp] 你對今次立法會選舉既整體結果滿唔滿意?(追問程度) [綜合數據] Are you satisfied with the overall result of the Legislative Council Election? (Interviewer probe intensity) [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=519) |
滿意 Satisfied | 220 | 42.4% |
一半半 Half-half | 154 | 29.7% |
唔滿意 Not satisfied | 117 | 22.5% |
唔知道/難講/無意見 Don't know / hard to say / no comment | 28 | 5.4% |
合計 Total | 519 | 100.0% |
[Q2] 係今次立法會選舉中,你有冇響應部分人士既呼籲進行策略性投票?(逐一追問答案) In this Legislative Council Election, did you respond to the call from different parties about strategic voting? (prompt for each answer) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=519) |
有 - 響應「雷動計劃」進行策略性投票 Yes, respond to the call of "ThunderGo" about strategic voting | 21 | 4.0% |
有 - 響應建制派人士進行策略性投票 Yes, respond to the call of pro-establishment camp about strategic voting | 5 | 1.0% |
有 - 響應其他人士進行策略性投票 Yes, respond to the call of other people about strategic voting | 21 | 4.0% |
有 – 自行策略性投票 Yes, strategic voting on my own | 50 | 9.7% |
沒有進行策略性投票 No strategic voting | 408 | 78.7% |
唔知道/唔記得 Don't know / can't remember | 13 | 2.6% |
合計 Total | 519 | 100.0% |
[Q2gp] 係今次立法會選舉中,你有冇響應部分人士既呼籲進行策略性投票?(逐一追問答案) [綜合數據] In this Legislative Council Election, did you respond to the call from different parties about strategic voting? (prompt for each answer) [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=519) |
有 Yes | 97 | 18.7% |
沒有 No | 408 | 78.7% |
唔知道/唔記得 Don't know / can't remember | 13 | 2.6% |
合計 Total | 519 | 100.0% |
[Q3] 無論如何,你對「雷動計劃」策略性投票既做法滿唔滿意?(追問程度) No matter what, are you satisfied with the strategic voting of ""ThunderGo""? (Interviewer probe intensity) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=519) |
非常滿意 Very satisfied | 2 | 0.4% |
幾滿意 Quite satisfied | 76 | 14.7% |
一半半 Half-half | 58 | 11.2% |
幾唔滿意 Not quite satisfied | 92 | 17.8% |
非常唔滿意 Very dissatisfied | 94 | 18.2% |
唔知道/難講/無意見 Don't know / hard to say / no comment | 196 | 37.7% |
合計 Total | 519 | 100.0% |
[Q3gp] 無論如何,你對「雷動計劃」策略性投票既做法滿唔滿意?(追問程度) [綜合數據] No matter what, are you satisfied with the strategic voting of ""ThunderGo""? (Interviewer probe intensity) [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=519) |
滿意 Satisfied | 78 | 15.1% |
一半半 Half-half | 58 | 11.2% |
唔滿意 Not satisfied | 187 | 36.0% |
唔知道/難講/無意見 Don't know / hard to say / no comment | 196 | 37.7% |
合計 Total | 519 | 100.0% |