民 意 快 訊 其 他 號 外POP Express Other Extra Print Copies返回

 市民對財政預算案即時反應 - 印行本 (發放日期:10/03/00, 03/03/99, 29/02/98;上網日期:09/03/01) |2000|1999|1998|
 Survey on People's Instant Reaction to the Budget - print copy (released on 10/03/00, 03/03/99, 29/02/98; on-line from 29/12/00) |2000|1999|1998|
 二零零零年回顧與前瞻 (發放日期:29/12/00;上網日期:29/12/00) 印行本
 Review and Forward Looking at the end of Year 2000 (released on 29/12/00; on-line from 29/12/00) print copy
 立法會香港島地區補選:選前調查 (發放日期:08/12/00;上網日期:09/12/00) 印行本
 Legislative Council Hong Kong Island Geographical Constituency By-election: Pre-election Survey (released on 08/12/00; on-line from 09/12/00) print copy
 市民對董建華第四份施政報告評價之跟進調查(發放日期:1/11/00;上網日期:30/11/00) 印行本
 Follow-up Surveys on People's Evaluation of the Fourth Policy Address of Tung Chee-hwa (released on 1/11/00; on-line from 30/11/00) print copy
 市民對董建華第四份施政報告的即時反應(發放日期:12/10/00;上網日期:30/11/00) 印行本
 People's Instant Reaction to the Fourth Policy Address of Tung Chee-hwa (released on 12/10/00; on-line from 30/11/00) print copy
 市民對董建華第四份施政報告的期望(發放日期:10/10/00;上網日期:30/11/00) 印行本
 People's Expectation for the Fourth Policy Address of Tung Chee-hwa (released on 10/10/00; on-line from 30/11/00) print copy
 第二屆立法會選舉地區形勢分析(發放日期:9/9/00;上網日期:30/11/00) 印行本
 Candidate Strength in the Second Legislative Council Geographical Constituency Elections (released on 9/9/00; on-line from 30/11/00) print copy
 選舉號外(發放日期:8/9/00;上網日期:30/11/00) 印行本
 Election Extra (released on 8/9/00; on-line from 30/11/00) print copy