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[Q1]喺呢個訪問之前,請問你有冇聽過「信貸評分」(即“Credit Score”)? Prior to this interview, have you ever heard of “Credit Score”?" |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=516) |
有 Yes | 297 | 57.6% |
冇 (跳至Q3) No (Skip to Q3) | 219 | 42.4% |
合計 Total | 516 | 100.0% |
[Q2] [只問於 Q1 回答「有」既被訪者,基數=297] 咁你係從乜野渠道聽過「信貸評分」呢?(不讀答案,可選多項) (Only ask respondents who answered “Yes” in Q1, base=297) From what channel(s) did you learn about “Credit Score”? (Do not read out out options, multiple answers allowed) |
頻數 Frequency | 佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=461) |
佔次樣本百分比 % of sub-sample (基數 Base=297) |
電視 (包括宣傳片、特備節目、新聞等) TV (including promotional videos, special programs, news, etc.) | 188 | 40.8% | 63.4% |
金融機構(包括銀行、財務機構、保險公司等) Financial institutions (including banks, financial companies, insurance companies, etc.) | 69 | 15.1% | 23.4% |
報紙 (包括廣告、報導等) Newpapers (including advertisements, reports, etc.) | 68 | 14.7% | 22.8% |
網上資訊 (包括社交媒體、金融機構網站等) Online information (including social media, website of financial institutions, etc.) | 45 | 9.9% | 15.3% |
電台 (包括宣傳聲帶、特備節目、新聞等) Radio (including promotional clips, special programs, news, etc.) | 26 | 5.7% | 8.9% |
家人∕朋友 Family members / friends | 14 | 3.1% | 4.8% |
學校 School | 13 | 2.7% | 4.2% |
同事∕工作地方 Colleagues / workplace | 12 | 2.7% | 4.1% |
雜誌 (包括廣告、報導等) Magazines (including advertisements, reports, etc.) | 10 | 2.1% | 3.3% |
宣傳單張∕小冊子∕海報 Leaflets / pamphlets / posters | 5 | 1.1% | 1.8% |
宣傳活動 Promotional activities | 1 | 0.2% | 0.4% |
其他 Others | 4 | 0.9% | 1.3% |
唔知∕難講∕唔記得 Don’t know / Hard to say / Can’t remember | 4 | 1.0% | 1.5% |
合計 Total | 461 | 100.0% |
Q2_其他_Other responses |
頻數 Frequency | |
銀行信用卡 Credit cards | 1 |
普通常識 Common senses | 1 |
流動應用程式 Mobile apps | 1 |
「信貸評分」(即“Credit Score”)職員 Staff of Credit Score companies | 1 |
股市資料 Stock market information | <1 |
合計 Total | 4 |
[Q3] 以你所知,喺香港邊D人會擁有一個「信貸評分」?(不讀答案,可選多項) As far as you know, what kinds of people in Hong Kong would have a “Credit Score”? (Do not read out out options, multiple answers allowed) |
頻數 Frequency | 佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=615) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=516) |
曾經向銀行或金融機構借錢既人 People with lending experience from banks or financial institutions | 99 | 16.1% | 19.2% |
持有信用卡既人 People who have a credit card | 50 | 8.1% | 9.6% |
曾經申請樓宇按揭既人 People who have applied for mortgage | 35 | 5.6% | 6.7% |
做生意既人 Businessman | 25 | 4.1% | 4.9% |
曾經欠債既人 People who have overdue payment | 20 | 3.2% | 3.8% |
有收入/在職人士 People with income / working people | 15 | 2.4% | 2.9% |
專業人士 Professionals | 15 | 2.4% | 2.9% |
有銀行戶口的人 People who have a bank account | 13 | 2.2% | 2.6% |
中產/有錢人 Middle class / the rich | 8 | 1.3% | 1.5% |
係銀行/金融機構工作既人 People who work in a bank / financial institutions | 7 | 1.1% | 1.4% |
商業機構 Commercial organizations | 5 | 0.9% | 1.0% |
有投資的人 People who have an investment | 2 | 0.4% | 0.4% |
曾經破產既人 People who were bankruptcy | 1 | 0.1% | 0.1% |
所有香港市民 All Hong Kong people | 76 | 12.3% | 14.7% |
其他 Others | 19 | 3.1% | 3.7% |
唔知道 Don’t know | 226 | 36.7% | 43.8% |
合計 Total | 615 | 100.0% |
Q3_其他_Other responses |
頻數 Frequency | |
有名譽既人 People with reputation | 4 |
銀行或者財務機構 Banks or financial institutions | 3 |
大學生 University students | 2 |
政治人物 Political figures | 2 |
家庭負擔重的人 People who have heavy family burdens | 1 |
誠信有問題既人 People without integrity | 1 |
選民 Voters | 1 |
有案底人 People with criminal records | 1 |
視乎學歷 Depends on the education level | 1 |
視乎學歷;視乎家庭情況 Depends on the education level and family situation | 1 |
政府官員 Government officials | <1 |
視乎資產擁有 Depends on the assets owned | <1 |
合計 Total | 19 |
[Q4] 咁你認為呢個「信貸評分」會唔會影響以下既申請?(訪員讀出1-4項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項) Then, do you think one’s “Credit Score” would affect the following applications? (Read out options 1-4, order to be randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed) |
頻數 Frequency | 佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=1,334) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=516) |
申請貸款 (包括私人貸款、信用卡、按揭等) Loan applications (include personal loans, credit card, mortgage, etc.) | 423 | 31.7% | 82.1% |
申請涉及財務處理嘅職位 Apply for a job position that involves handling of financial matters | 319 | 23.9% | 61.9% |
申請移民 Apply for immigration | 311 | 23.3% | 60.3% |
申請政府部門嘅工作 Apply for a government job | 249 | 18.6% | 48.2% |
以上皆不會受影響 None of the above | 14 | 1.0% | 2.6% |
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say | 18 | 1.4% | 3.5% |
合計 Total | 1,334 | 100.0% |
[Q5] 你知唔知道邊D因素會影響一個人既「信貸評分」?(不讀答案,可選多項) Do you know what factor(s) would affect one’s “Credit Score”? (Do not read out out options, multiple answers allowed) |
頻數 Frequency | 佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=758) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=516) |
知道,過往逾期還款紀錄 Yes, the overdue payment records | 169 | 22.3% | 32.8% |
知道,現時未償還債務 Yes, the outstanding loans | 129 | 17.0% | 24.9% |
知道,信貸賬戶記錄 (包括持有信用卡數目) Yes, the credit account records (including the number of credit card owned) | 92 | 12.1% | 17.8% |
知道,公眾記錄 (包括破產和法律行動) Yes, the public records (including bankruptcy and legal actions) | 78 | 10.3% | 15.1% |
知道,過往信貸查詢∕申請記錄 Yes, the credit inquiry records / application records | 70 | 9.2% | 13.6% |
知道,收入/工作狀況 Yes, the employment status | 42 | 5.5% | 8.1% |
知道,個人財務/資產狀況 Yes, the financial / asset status | 20 | 2.6% | 3.8% |
知道,案底/犯罪紀錄 Yes, the criminal records | 15 | 2.0% | 2.9% |
知道,其他因素 Yes, another factors | 9 | 1.2% | 1.8% |
唔知道 Don’t know | 135 | 17.8% | 26.1% |
合計 Total | 758 | 100.0% |
Q5_其他_Other responses |
頻數 Frequency | |
以往交易紀錄 Past transaction records | 3 |
社會行為 Social behavior | 2 |
誠信/信譽 Integrity / credibility | 1 |
無責任的人 People without responsibility | 1 |
教育程度;家庭背景 Education level; family background | 1 |
做過擔保人,已那人又沒有還款 People who was a guarantor, but the borrower did not repay the debt | 1 |
以往申請政府資助紀錄 Previous records of government subsidy application | <1 |
合計 Total | 9 |
[Q6] 整體嚟講,你認為「信貸評分」對一個人申請貸款,例如信用卡、私人貸款、按揭等,有幾重要?(訪問員追問程度) In general, how important do you think “Credit Score” is to one’s loan applications, such as credit card, personal loans, mortgage, etc.? (Interviewer probe intensity) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=516) |
非常重要 Very important | 283 | 54.8% |
幾重要 Quite important | 155 | 30.0% |
一半半∕一般 Half-half | 40 | 7.7% |
幾唔重要 Not quite important | 18 | 3.5% |
完全唔重要 Not important at all | 4 | 0.8% |
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say | 17 | 3.2% |
合計 Total | 516 | 100.0% |
Q6gp [Q6] 整體嚟講,你認為「信貸評分」對一個人申請貸款,例如信用卡、私人貸款、按揭等,有幾重要?(綜合數據) In general, how important do you think “Credit Score” is to one’s loan applications, such as credit card, personal loans, mortgage, etc.? (Aggregate data) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=516) |
重要 Important | 438 | 84.8% |
一半半∕一般 Half-half | 40 | 7.7% |
唔重要 Not important | 22 | 4.3% |
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say | 17 | 3.2% |
合計 Total | 516 | 100.0% |
[Q7] 你知唔知道自己既「信貸評分」? Do you know your “Credit Score”? |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=516) |
知道 (跳至Q9) Yes (Skip to Q9) | 55 | 10.7% |
唔知道 No | 460 | 89.3% |
合計 Total | 516 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | <1 |
[Q8] [只問於 Q7回答「唔知道」及拒答之被訪者,基數=461] 咁你有冇打算喺短期內查閱自己既「信貸評分」?如果有,你知唔知道可以點樣查閱? (Only ask respondents who answered “No” and refuse to answer in Q7, base=461) Then are you going to check your “Credit Score” in the near future? If yes, do you know how to check it? |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=461) |
有,知道點樣查閱 Yes, I know how to check it | 10 | 2.1% |
有,唔知道點樣查閱 Yes, but I don’t know how to check it | 39 | 8.6% |
冇打算 No such plan | 411 | 89.3% |
合計 Total | 461 | 100.0% |
[Q9] 喺過去12個月,請問你有冇曾經向銀行或者財務機構申請過任何私人貸款? Have you applied for any personal loan from banks or financial institutions over the past 12 months? |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=515) |
有 Yes | 53 | 10.3% |
冇 (跳至DEMO) No (Skip to DEMO) | 462 | 89.7% |
合計 Total | 515 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 1 |
[Q10] [只問於 Q9回答「有」既被訪者,基數=53] 你當時申請貸款既主要原因係?(不讀答案,可選多項) (Only ask respondents who answered “Yes” in Q9, base=53) What was(were) the reason(s) for applying such loan? (Do not read out out options, multiple answers allowed) |
頻數 Frequency | 佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=51) |
佔次樣本百分比 % of sub-sample (基數 Base=49) |
日常生活開支 Daily expenses | 8 | 15.1% | 15.6% |
清還其他債務 Debt repayments | 7 | 13.4% | 13.8% |
投資 Investments | 7 | 12.9% | 13.3% |
買樓 To buy a property | 6 | 12.4% | 12.8% |
生意週轉 To manage the cash flows for business | 4 | 8.0% | 8.3% |
緊急支出 (例如:火災或其他意外) Emergency expenditures (e.g. fire or other accidents) | 4 | 7.3% | 7.5% |
協助家人∕朋友 To help family members / friends | 3 | 5.2% | 5.4% |
購物∕娛樂∕旅遊 Shopping / entertainment / traveling | 2 | 3.6% | 3.8% |
交稅 To pay taxes | 2 | 3.3% | 3.4% |
買車 To buy a car | 2 | 3.1% | 3.2% |
進修學習開支 Expenses for further study | <1 | 0.8% | 0.8% |
沒有特別原因 No specific reasons | 4 | 7.9% | 8.2% |
其他 Others | 4 | 7.1% | 7.3% |
合計 Total | 51 | 100.0% |
Q10_其他_Other responses |
頻數 Frequency | |
裝修 Home Decoration | 1 |
銀行利息低 Low interest rate in banks | 1 |
購買醫療保險 Purchase medical insurances | 1 |
合計 Total | 4 |
[Q11] [只問於 Q9回答「有」既被訪者,基數=53] 咁請問你當時申請既貸款額大約係幾多錢呢? (Only ask respondents who answered “Yes” in Q9, base=53) What was the approximate amount of that loan? |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數 Base=53) |
HK$10,000 – 49,999 | 17 | 31.4% |
HK$50,000 – 100,000 | 9 | 17.1% |
HK$100,000以上 Above HK$100,000 | 25 | 46.9% |
唔知∕難講∕唔記得 Don’t know / Hard to say / Can’t remember | 2 | 4.6% |
合計 Total | 53 | 100.0% |