立法會選舉票站調查問卷 Legislative Council Election Exit Poll Questionnaire返回

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Main Questions 主要題目

Q1. Why did you come to vote today? (Ask for the main reason)
請問你今次點解黎投票呢? 【追問最主要原因】

Q2. Have you voted previously in different council elections?

Q3. Do you support or oppose the referendum movement in five geographical constituencies?

Q4. Do you support or oppose the 2012 political reform proposals by the government?

Q5. If the candidate that you vote for wins the election, would you ask him/her to support or oppose the 2012 political reform proposals by the government? or leave him/her to decide?
你今日投票支持既候選人如果入左立法會,你會要求佢係立法會投票支持定係反對政府既2012政改方案? 定係遲D由佢決定?

Q6. Which candidate did you vote for today?

Q7. When did you decide to vote for this candidate?

Q8. Which candidate list did you vote for in the 2008 Leg Co direct election?

Q9. Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the SAR government?

Q10. Do you support or oppose the development of civil referendum system for Hong Kong citizens to vote on policy issues?

Personal Information 個人資料

Gender 性別

Age 年齡

Marital status 婚姻狀況

Education 教育程度

Occupation 職業

Religious Belief 宗教信仰

Have you participated in any July 1 rally?

Are you a native of the New Territories? (for NTE and NTW only)