
日期 總樣本人數 回應率 ^誤差
1-5/9/2008 3937 70.3% 1.6%
31/8-4/9/2008 3580 71.8% 1.7%
30/8-3/9/2008 3302 71.7% 1.7%
29/8-2/9/2008 3230 72.2% 1.8%
28/8-1/9/2008 3067 72.8% 1.8%
27-31/8/2008 2878 73.2% 1.9%
26-30/8/2008 2725 73.2% 1.9%
25-29/8/2008 2569 71.9% 2.0%
24-28/8/2008 2416 72.1% 2.0%
23-27/8/2008 2228 71.9% 2.1%
#21-26/8/2008 2189 70.3% 2.1%
#20-25/8/2008 2135 70.3% 2.2%
#19-24/8/2008 2089 70.1% 2.2%
#18-23/8/2008 1996 69.9% 2.2%
17-21/8/2008 1934 69.5% 2.3%
16-20/8/2008 1880 71.9% 2.3%
15-19/8/2008 1834 71.1% 2.3%
14-18/8/2008 1813 72.1% 2.3%
13-17/8/2008 1831 71.4% 2.3%
12-16/8/2008 1845 71.0% 2.3%
11-15/8/2008 1838 69.3% 2.3%
10-14/8/2008 1838 69.9% 2.3%
9-13/8/2008 1761 70.9% 2.4%
8-12/8/2008 1689 72.2% 2.4%
7-11/8/2008 1625 72.4% 2.5%
#5-10/8/2008 1575 74.0% 2.5%
#4-9/8/2008 1475 73.2% 2.6%
#3-8/8/2008 1426 71.7% 2.6%
#2-7/8/2008 1375 72.0% 2.7%
1-5/8/2008 1331 65.3% 2.7%
^ 有關誤差數字均以95%置信水平及整體樣本計算。
^ Calculated at 95% confidence level using full sample size.
# 因颱風北冕及鸚鵡的影響,08年8月6日及08年8月22日當晚調查工作取消。
# Due to typhoon Kammuri and Nuri, the fieldwork operation of 6 August 2008 and 22 August 2008 were cancelled.