| 調查方法 / Survey Method | 樣本資料 / Contact Information | 人口變項 / Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷 / Full questionnaires | |
假設你明日去投票選立法會議員,你會有幾重視候選人提出既經濟政策? If you were going to vote for the Legislative Councillors tomorrow, how important would you consider the Economy-related policies proposed by candidates? |
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假設你明日去投票選立法會議員,你會有幾重視候選人提出既政治訴求,包括政制、民主發展等? If you were going to vote for the Legislative Councillors tomorrow, how important would you consider the Political policies proposed by candidates, such as constitutional affairs, democratic development, etc? |
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假設你明日去投票選立法會議員,你會有幾重視候選人提出既民生政策,包括房屋、教育、醫療、環境、治安問題? If you were going to vote for the Legislative Councillors tomorrow, how important would you consider the Livelihood policies proposed by candidates, such as problems on housing, education, medical, environment, and public order, etc? |
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假設你明日去投票選立法會議員,你會有幾重視候選人同中央政府既關係? If you were going to vote for the Legislative Councillors tomorrow, how important would you consider the Candidates’ relations with the Central People’s Government? |
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假設你明日去投票選立法會議員,你會有幾重視候選人既知名度? If you were going to vote for the Legislative Councillors tomorrow, how important would you consider the Candidates’ fame? |
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假設你明日去投票選立法會議員,你會有幾重視候選人係議會既資歷? If you were going to vote for the Legislative Councillors tomorrow, how important would you consider the Candidates’ experiences in the Council? |
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