Chief Executive Election Vote Count Projection Calculator 特首選舉得票推算器
Number of votes cast 選票總數 = ( Maximum 1194 上限為 1194 ) Total votes counted 已點票數 = 0 ( % counted 點算比率 = 0 ) Number to win 當選門檻 = 601
Projection using 95% certainty (at 1.96 SEP) 以 95% 置信水平推算得票 (1.96 個百分比標準誤差)
Candidate 候選人 | Counted votes已點票數 | Vote share得票比率 | Projection error推算誤差 | Projected votes Minimum推算得票下限 | Projected votes Mean推算得票平均 | Projected votes Maximum推算得票上限 | |
TSANG Chun Wah John 曾俊華 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
LAM CHENG Yuet Ngor Carrie 林鄭月娥 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Woo Kwok Hing 胡國興 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Formula used 推算方程: SEP = Standard Error of Percentage, 百分比標準誤差 = SQRT[(p(1-p)/n] where p = percentage reading, 當中 p = 百分比讀數
使用方法: 1) 點票前,先填上選票總數 2) 點票期間,在對應藍色方格填上候選人的最新得票 3) 當所有已點票數超過100,而某候選人的推算下限 (見黃色方格) 達到601,該候選人可視為「統計上當選」
Instructions: 1) Before the counting starts, fill in the total number of votes cast 2) Update the number of counted votes in the blue boxes corresponding to each candidate as counting progresses 3) When the number of votes counted exceeds 100, the candidate who gets a minimum of 601 projected votes (in the corresponding yellow box) can be considered 'statistically elected'