詳細數表 Frequency Tables返回

Q1 [Q1] 整體而言,請問你認為英文水平好對香港人嚟講有幾重要? 請你用0至10分表示,0分代表完全唔重要,10分代表非常重要,5分代表一半半,你會比幾多分?
Overall speaking, how important do you think having a good command of English is to Hong Kong people? Please rate on a scale of 0-10, with 0 meaning not important at all, 10 meaning very important, and 5 meaning half-half.
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
4 4 0.7%
5 36 7.1%
6 14 2.8%
7 37 7.3%
8 144 28.6%
9 63 12.5%
10 205 40.7%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 1 0.2%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 8.6
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.1
中位數 Median 9.0
基數 Base 502

Q2_1 [Q2] 你認為英文好對你嘅工作前途有冇幫助? 以下我會讀出幾個範疇,請你用0至10分評分,你會比幾多分呢啲範疇? - 容易搵到工
Do you think having a good command of English is helpful to your career prospects? I will now read out several career aspects, please rate on a scale of 0-10, with 0 meaning not helpful at all, 10 meaning very helpful, and 5 meaning half-half. - Easier to get a job
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 8 1.5%
3 1 0.1%
4 2 0.5%
5 28 5.7%
6 16 3.1%
7 43 8.5%
8 127 25.2%
9 65 12.8%
10 206 40.9%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 8 1.6%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 8.5
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 9.0
基數 Base 495

Q2_2 [Q2] 你認為英文好對你嘅工作前途有冇幫助? 以下我會讀出幾個範疇,請你用0至10分評分,你會比幾多分呢啲範疇? - 獲得上司賞識
Do you think having a good command of English is helpful to your career prospects? I will now read out several career aspects, please rate on a scale of 0-10, with 0 meaning not helpful at all, 10 meaning very helpful, and 5 meaning half-half. - Appreciated by the boss
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 10 2.0%
2 2 0.3%
3 5 1.1%
4 3 0.5%
5 45 9.0%
6 27 5.5%
7 76 15.2%
8 133 26.4%
9 38 7.5%
10 156 31.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 8 1.5%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 7.9
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 495

Q2_3 [Q2] 你認為英文好對你嘅工作前途有冇幫助? 以下我會讀出幾個範疇,請你用0至10分評分,你會比幾多分呢啲範疇? - 升職加薪
Do you think having a good command of English is helpful to your career prospects? I will now read out several career aspects, please rate on a scale of 0-10, with 0 meaning not helpful at all, 10 meaning very helpful, and 5 meaning half-half. - Promotion and pay raise
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 16 3.2%
2 2 0.3%
3 3 0.6%
4 5 1.0%
5 50 10.0%
6 40 7.9%
7 63 12.5%
8 123 24.4%
9 44 8.7%
10 150 29.8%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 9 1.7%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 7.8
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 8.0
基數 Base 494

Q3_1 [Q3] 咁你認為英文好對你嘅社交生活有冇幫助? 同樣,以下我會讀出幾個範疇,請你用0至10分表示,你會比幾多分呢啲範疇 - 吸引異性
Then, do you think having a good command of English is helpful to your social life? Similarly, I will read out several aspects of social life, please rate on a scale of 0-10, with 0 meaning not helpful at all, 10 meaning very helpful, and 5 meaning half-half. - Making me more attractive as a person
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 27 5.4%
1 <1 0.1%
2 8 1.6%
3 12 2.4%
4 23 4.6%
5 139 27.7%
6 62 12.3%
7 60 11.9%
8 89 17.6%
9 13 2.5%
10 56 11.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 14 2.8%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 6.2
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 6.0
基數 Base 489

Q3_2 [Q3] 咁你認為英文好對你嘅社交生活有冇幫助? 同樣,以下我會讀出幾個範疇,請你用0至10分表示,你會比幾多分呢啲範疇 - 朋友之間嘅溝通
Then, do you think having a good command of English is helpful to your social life? Similarly, I will read out several aspects of social life, please rate on a scale of 0-10, with 0 meaning not helpful at all, 10 meaning very helpful, and 5 meaning half-half. - Communication between friends
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 29 5.7%
1 3 0.5%
2 7 1.3%
3 23 4.5%
4 20 3.9%
5 149 29.5%
6 62 12.2%
7 61 12.1%
8 76 15.0%
9 13 2.7%
10 56 11.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 7 1.5%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 6.0
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 6.0
基數 Base 496

Q3_3 [Q3] 咁你認為英文好對你嘅社交生活有冇幫助? 同樣,以下我會讀出幾個範疇,請你用0至10分表示,你會比幾多分呢啲範疇 - 認識新朋友
Then, do you think having a good command of English is helpful to your social life? Similarly, I will read out several aspects of social life, please rate on a scale of 0-10, with 0 meaning not helpful at all, 10 meaning very helpful, and 5 meaning half-half. - Making new friends
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 17 3.4%
1 1 0.2%
2 4 0.8%
3 13 2.6%
4 11 2.1%
5 116 23.0%
6 70 13.9%
7 75 14.9%
8 91 18.1%
9 20 4.0%
10 74 14.8%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 11 2.2%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 6.6
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 7.0
基數 Base 492

Q4_1 [Q4]跟住落黎我會讀出四個英語能力範疇,請你以0至10分評價一下你自己喺各個範疇嘅水平,你會比幾多分? - 聽力
I will now read out 4 English aspects, please rate on a scale of 0-10 your self-assessment on these 4 English aspects, with 0 meaning very poor, 10 meaning very good, and 5 meaning half half. - Listening
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 69 13.7%
1 25 5.0%
2 26 5.1%
3 41 8.1%
4 31 6.2%
5 106 21.2%
6 58 11.5%
7 71 14.2%
8 41 8.2%
9 17 3.3%
10 14 2.7%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 4 0.8%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 4.6
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 5.0
基數 Base 499

Q4_2 [Q4]跟住落黎我會讀出四個英語能力範疇,請你以0至10分評價一下你自己喺各個範疇嘅水平,你會比幾多分? - 文法
I will now read out 4 English aspects, please rate on a scale of 0-10 your self-assessment on these 4 English aspects, with 0 meaning very poor, 10 meaning very good, and 5 meaning half half. - Grammar
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=502)
0 83 16.4%
1 12 2.5%
2 32 6.4%
3 41 8.2%
4 36 7.2%
5 118 23.5%
6 51 10.1%
7 57 11.4%
8 35 7.0%
9 15 3.0%
10 13 2.5%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 8 1.7%
合計 Total 502 100.0%
缺數 Missing 1
平均數 Mean 4.4
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 5.0
基數 Base 494

Q4_3 [Q4]跟住落黎我會讀出四個英語能力範疇,請你以0至10分評價一下你自己喺各個範疇嘅水平,你會比幾多分? - 串字
I will now read out 4 English aspects, please rate on a scale of 0-10 your self-assessment on these 4 English aspects, with 0 meaning very poor, 10 meaning very good, and 5 meaning half half. - Spelling
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 75 14.8%
1 15 3.0%
2 33 6.6%
3 48 9.6%
4 25 4.9%
5 113 22.5%
6 68 13.5%
7 56 11.1%
8 46 9.1%
9 8 1.7%
10 9 1.8%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 7 1.4%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 4.5
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 5.0
基數 Base 496

Q4_4 [Q4]跟住落黎我會讀出四個英語能力範疇,請你以0至10分評價一下你自己喺各個範疇嘅水平,你會比幾多分? - 詞彙
I will now read out 4 English aspects, please rate on a scale of 0-10 your self-assessment on these 4 English aspects, with 0 meaning very poor, 10 meaning very good, and 5 meaning half half. - Vocabulary
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=503)
0 80 15.9%
1 18 3.6%
2 24 4.8%
3 44 8.7%
4 34 6.7%
5 124 24.6%
6 60 11.8%
7 69 13.7%
8 33 6.6%
9 7 1.3%
10 3 0.7%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 8 1.6%
合計 Total 503 100.0%
平均數 Mean 4.3
抽樣誤差 Sampling error +/-0.2
中位數 Median 5.0
基數 Base 495

Q5 [Q5] 首先我會播出一句英文句子 “Thank you for your advice”,中文意思係「多謝你既意見」。請你話俾我聽以下邊一個先係 “advice”即「意見」嘅正確串法?
I will now read out an English sentence which means “Thank you for your advice” in Chinese. Please tell me which of the following is the correct spelling for the word “advice”?
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
Advice (正確) (Correct) 234 46.6%
Advece 24 4.7%
Advise 82 16.3%
Advest 23 4.5%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 140 27.9%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q5gp [Q5] 首先我會播出一句英文句子 “Thank you for your advice”,中文意思係「多謝你既意見」。請你話俾我聽以下邊一個先係 “advice”即「意見」嘅正確串法?(綜合數據)
I will now read out an English sentence which means “Thank you for your advice” in Chinese. Please tell me which of the following is the correct spelling for the word “advice”? (Aggregate data)
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
正確 Correct 234 46.6%
不正確 Incorrect 128 25.5%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 140 27.9%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q6 [Q6] 跟住我想請問邊一個係 「請參考附件」既正確英文寫法?【訪員播出每個寫法,次序由電腦隨機排列,只選一項】
Then, I would like to ask which of the following is the correct saying of “Please find attached …” (請參考附件in Cantonese) in English?【Interviewer read out each saying, order to be randomized by the computer, only one option is allowed】
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=497)
Please find attach. 98 19.8%
Attached document for your reference. 226 45.5%
Attached is the document. (正確) (Correct) 68 13.6%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 105 21.1%
合計 Total 497 100.0%
缺數 Missing 6

Q6gp [Q6] 跟住我想請問邊一個係 「請參考附件」既正確英文寫法?(綜合數據)
Then, I would like to ask which of the following is the correct saying of “Please find attached …” (請參考附件in Cantonese) in English? (Aggregate data)
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=497)
正確 Correct 68 13.6%
不正確 Incorrect 324 65.3%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 105 21.1%
合計 Total 497 100.0%
缺數 Missing 6

Q7 [Q7] 跟住我再想請問「我有咩幫到你?」既正確英文講法係咩野?【訪員播出每個講法,次序由電腦隨機排列,只選一項】
Now I would like to ask how to say “What can I help you with” (我有咩幫到你?in Cantonese) in proper English? 【Interviewer read out each saying, order to be randomized by the computer, only one option is allowed】
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=497)
What can I help you? 175 35.2%
Anything I can help you? 188 37.8%
What can I help you with? (正確) (Correct) 60 12.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 74 14.8%
合計 Total 497 100.0%
缺數 Missing 6

Q7gp [Q7] 跟住我再想請問「我有咩幫到你?」既正確英文講法係咩野?(綜合數據)
Now I would like to ask how to say “What can I help you with” (我有咩幫到你?in Cantonese) in proper English? (Aggregate data)
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=497)
正確 Correct 60 12.1%
不正確 Incorrect 363 73.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 74 14.8%
合計 Total 497 100.0%
缺數 Missing 6

Q8_1 [Q8] 最後,我想問你以下呢三個廣東話俚語(slang)係英文應該點講? - 吹水
Lastly, I would like to ask how to say the following Cantonese slangs in English? - Small Talk / Chit chat
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
Chit chat 14 2.8%
Blow water 12 2.5%
其他錯誤答案 Other wrong answers 112 22.4%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 362 72.3%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q8_1gp [Q8] 最後,我想問你以下呢三個廣東話俚語(slang)係英文應該點講? - 吹水 (綜合數據)
Lastly, I would like to ask how to say the following Cantonese slangs in English? - Small Talk / Chit chat (Aggregate data)
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
正確 Correct 14 2.8%
不正確 Incorrect 124 24.8%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 362 72.3%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q8_2 [Q8] 最後,我想問你以下呢三個廣東話俚語(slang)係英文應該點講? - 笑死我
Lastly, I would like to ask how to say the following Cantonese slangs in English? - Laughed myself to death
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
It’s hilarious 4 0.7%
Laughed myself to death 3 0.6%
Laugh die me 11 2.2%
其他錯誤答案 Other wrong answers 110 22.0%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 373 74.6%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q8_2gp [Q8] 最後,我想問你以下呢三個廣東話俚語(slang)係英文應該點講? - 笑死我 (綜合數據)
Lastly, I would like to ask how to say the following Cantonese slangs in English? - Laughed myself to death (Aggregate data)
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
正確 Correct 7 1.3%
不正確 Incorrect 121 24.1%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 373 74.6%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q8_3 [Q8] 最後,我想問你以下呢三個廣東話俚語(slang)係英文應該點講? - 串
Lastly, I would like to ask how to say the following Cantonese slangs in English? - Great sarcasm
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
Cocky 5 1.0%
Great sarcasm <1 0.1%
Inch 14 2.7%
其他錯誤答案 Other wrong answers 67 13.3%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 415 83.0%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2

Q8_3gp [Q8] 最後,我想問你以下呢三個廣東話俚語(slang)係英文應該點講? - 串 (綜合數據)
Lastly, I would like to ask how to say the following Cantonese slangs in English? - Great sarcasm (Aggregate data)
  頻數Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=501)
正確 Correct 5 1.0%
不正確 Incorrect 80 16.0%
唔知 / 難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 415 83.0%
合計 Total 501 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2