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[Q1] 你認為香港嘅退休保障制度應該朝向「不論貧富」抑或「有經濟需要」嘅方向發展? In your opinion, towards which direction should the retirement protection system of Hong Kong be developed, “Regardless of rich or poor” or “Those with financial needs”? |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數Base=535) |
朝向「不論貧富」方向發展 Should be developed towards “Regardless of rich or poor” |
252 | 47.1% |
朝向「有經濟需要」方向發展 Should be developed towards “Those with financial needs” |
242 | 45.1% |
冇所謂 It doesn’t matter |
20 | 3.8% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / hard to say |
21 | 4.0% |
合計 Total | 535 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 1 |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數Base=534) |
好贊成 Very much support |
78 | 14.6% |
幾贊成 Somewhat support |
88 | 16.4% |
一半半 Half-half |
89 | 16.7% |
幾反對 Somewhat oppose |
135 | 25.3% |
好反對 Very much oppose |
115 | 21.5% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / hard to say |
30 | 5.6% |
合計 Total | 534 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 2 |
[Q2]第一,將現時全港勞動人口強積金嘅每月一半供款,轉至一個「全民養老金」嘅「資金池」以發放俾所有長者,請問你有幾贊成或反對以一半強積金供款轉至資金池發放俾所有長者?[訪員追問程度] [綜合數據] First, to transfer half of the MPF contributions of Hong Kong’s working population into a “Fund Pool” for distributing the pensions to all senior citizens of Hong Kong. How much do you support or oppose this proposal? [Probe intensity] [Aggregate data] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數Base=534) |
贊成 Support |
165 | 31.0% |
一半半 Half-half |
89 | 16.7% |
反對 Oppose |
249 | 46.7% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / hard to say |
30 | 5.6% |
合計 Total | 534 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | 2 |
[Q3] 第二,政府只透過增加利得稅,而唔加薪俸稅同開徵銷售稅去應付「全民養老金」開支。你認為政府會唔會接受學者呢個建議只增加利得稅,而唔加薪俸稅同開徵銷售稅? Second, the government should cover the expenditure for the “Universal Pension” scheme only by raising the profits tax, but not by raising the salary tax or levying sales tax. Do you think the government would follow this suggestion and would only raise the profits tax, but would not raise the salary tax or levy sales tax? |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數Base=536) |
會 Yes |
106 | 19.9% |
唔會 No |
329 | 61.4% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / hard to say |
100 | 18.7% |
合計 Total | 536 | 100.0% |
缺數 Missing | <1 |
[Q4] 最後,有人話如果實施「全民養老金」可能會吸引內地嘅長者申請單程證黎香港以享有呢個福利。請問你有幾擔心或唔擔心呢個情況出現?[訪員追問程度] Last but not least, some people said that the implementation of the “Universal Pension” scheme may attract elderly people in mainland China to apply for One-Way Permit to enter Hong Kong so as to enjoy this welfare benefit. How much are you worried or not worried about this? [Probe intensity] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數Base=536) |
好擔心 Very worried |
185 | 34.5% |
幾擔心 Somewhat worried |
122 | 22.8% |
一半半 Half-half |
23 | 4.3% |
唔係幾擔心 Not quite worried |
102 | 19.0% |
完全唔擔心 Totally not worried |
95 | 17.6% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / hard to say |
9 | 1.7% |
合計 Total | 536 | 100.0% |
[Q4] 最後,有人話如果實施「全民養老金」可能會吸引內地嘅長者申請單程證黎香港以享有呢個福利。請問你有幾擔心或唔擔心呢個情況出現?[訪員追問程度] [綜合數據] Last but not least, some people said that the implementation of the “Universal Pension” scheme may attract elderly people in mainland China to apply for One-Way Permit to enter Hong Kong so as to enjoy this welfare benefit. How much are you worried or not worried about this? [Probe intensity] |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage (基數Base=536) |
擔心 Worried |
307 | 57.3% |
一半半 Half-half |
23 | 4.3% |
唔擔心 Not worried |
196 | 36.6% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / hard to say |
9 | 1.7% |
合計 Total | 536 | 100.0% |