Q5 - 其他答案
Other answers
頻數 Frequency
Ovarian cancer can be discovered if a body check is done
More aware of breast cancer
No vaccine
Affects reproduction
More concerned with colorectal cancer; possible to have ovarian
cancer after giving birth, so it is the second
卵巢可有可無, 生完BB就無用
Ovaries are not essential; no function after giving birth
Having period once a month
合計 Total
第二部分: 有關卵巢癌的一般認知
Part 2: General knowledge of ovarian cancer
[Q6] 請問你知唔知卵巢有咩野功能?[不讀答案,可選多項]
Do you know what are the functions of the ovaries? (Do not read options, multiple answers allowed)
頻數 Frequency |
佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=587) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=508) |
產生卵子 或 排卵 Producing eggs / ovulation |
305 |
51.9% |
60.1% |
分泌女性賀爾蒙 Secreting female hormones |
67 |
11.5% |
13.3% |
生育 Reproduction |
62 |
10.5% |
12.2% |
其他 (見下表) Others (see the table below) |
15 |
2.5% |
2.9% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say |
139 |
23.6% |
27.3% |
合計 Total |
587 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
<1 |
[Q6] - 其他答案
Other answers
頻數 Frequency |
排經 Period |
9 |
儲存卵子 Storing eggs |
4 |
保護卵子 Protecting eggs |
<1 |
產生激素 Producing secretion |
<1 |
Total |
15 |
[Q7] 咁你又知唔知,以下邊個年齡組別係患上卵巢癌嘅高危一族?[訪員讀出1-6項,只選一項]
Then do you know which of the following age groups is most susceptible to ovarian cancer? (Read out options 1-6, one answer only)
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
24歲或以下 24 years old or below |
1 |
0.2% |
25-34歲 25-34 years old |
34 |
6.7% |
35-44歲 35-44 years old |
168 |
33.0% |
45-54歲 45-54 years old |
182 |
35.9% |
55-64歲 55-64 years old |
54 |
10.6% |
65歲或以上 65 years old or above |
19 |
3.7% |
其他 (見下表) Others (see the table below) |
4 |
0.8% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say |
46 |
9.1% |
合計 Total |
508 |
100.0% |
Frequency |
任何年齡組別 Any age group |
4 |
合計 Total |
4 |
[Q8] 就你所知,以下邊啲係卵巢癌常見嘅癥狀?[訪員讀出1-4項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項]
To the best of your knowledge, which of the following are common symptoms of ovarian cancer? (Read out options 1-4, order to be randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed)
頻數 Frequency |
佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=863) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=508) |
月經出現變化,或更年期後忽然出血 Change in menstruation or sudden bleeding after menopause |
379 |
43.9% |
74.7% |
腹部腫脹、不適或疼痛 Gastrointestinal discomfort, such as stomachache or indigestion |
305 |
35.4% |
60.1% |
大小便習慣改變,如大便困難、小便頻密 Change of toilet habits such as having difficulty in defecation or frequent urination |
77 |
9.0% |
15.2% |
腸胃不適,如胃痛、消化不良 Gastrointestinal discomfort, such as stomachache or indigestion |
52 |
6.1% |
10.3% |
以上皆否 None of the above |
<1 |
<0.1% |
0.1% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say |
49 |
5.6% |
9.6% |
合計 Total |
863 |
100.0% |
[Q9] 咁你又知唔知,以下邊啲係卵巢癌嘅高危人士?[訪員讀出1-5項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項]
Then do you know which of the following types of people are at higher risk of ovarian cancer? (Read out options 1-5, order to be randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed)
頻數 Frequency |
佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=934) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=508) |
家族遺傳 Family history |
288 |
30.8% |
56.6% |
服用避孕藥 Taking/Taken contraceptive pills |
187 |
20.0% |
36.8% |
從未生育 Never given birth |
158 |
16.9% |
31.1% |
性生活頻密 Active sexual life |
131 |
14.0% |
25.7% |
較遲停經 Menopause comes at a later age |
110 |
11.7% |
21.6% |
以上皆否 None of the above |
2 |
0.2% |
0.4% |
其他 (見下表) Others (see the table below) |
2 |
0.2% |
0.4% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say |
57 |
6.1% |
11.2% |
合計 Total |
934 |
100.0% |
頻數 Frequency |
尿頻 Frequent Urination |
1 |
更年期 Menopause |
1 |
受壓 Under pressure |
<1 |
合計 Total |
2 |
第三部分: 有關卵巢癌診斷的認知
Part 3: Awareness of ovarian cancer diagnosis
[Q10] 請問你知唔知帕氏抺片檢查(Pap Test)可唔可以檢驗到卵巢癌?
Do you know if ovarian cancer can be detected by the Papanicolaou test (Pap Test)?
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
可以 Yes |
141 |
27.8% |
唔可以 No |
196 |
38.6% |
唔知道 Don't know / hard to say |
171 |
33.6% |
合計 Total |
508 |
100.0% |
Then to the best of your knowledge, which of the following medical checkups are used to detect ovarian cancer? (Read out options 1-4, order to be randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed)
頻數 Frequency |
佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=885) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=508) |
醫學影像:超聲波掃描、電腦掃描、磁力共振掃描等 Medical imaging: ultrasound scanning, computer scan, magnetic resonance imaging |
382 |
43.2% |
75.3% |
陰道檢查 Vaginal examination |
198 |
22.4% |
39.0% |
病理檢查 Biopsy |
157 |
17.8% |
30.9% |
驗血 Blood test |
112 |
12.7% |
22.1% |
以上皆否 None of the above |
5 |
0.6% |
1.1% |
其他 (見下表) Others (see the table below) |
6 |
0.6% |
1.1% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say |
24 |
2.7% |
4.8% |
合計 Total |
885 |
100.0% |
[Q11] - 其他答案
Other answers |
頻數 Frequency
DNA test
Pap smear test
Collecting blood samples
Taking tissue for tests
合計 Total
[Q12] 同樣就你所知,卵巢癌會唔會有家族遺傳?
Also to the best of your knowledge, do you know if ovarian cancer is inherited?
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
會 Yes |
357 |
70.2% |
唔會 No |
89 |
17.6% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
62 |
12.2% |
合計 Total |
508 |
100.0% |
[Q13] 喺呢個訪問之前,你有無聽過BRCA基因變異?
Prior to this interview, have you heard of BRCA mutation?
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
有聽過(續答Q14) Yes (Continue to Q14) |
131 |
25.7% |
無聽過(跳去Q15) No (Skip to Q15) |
363 |
71.4% |
唔知∕難講(續答Q14) Don’t know / hard to say (Continue to Q14) |
15 |
2.9% |
合計 Total |
508 |
100.0% |
[Q14] [只問Q13答「有聽過」及「唔知∕難講」被訪者,基數=145] 咁你又有無聽過BRCA基因變異,可能同卵巢癌有關?
[Only ask those who answered "Yes" or "Don't know / hard to say" in Q13; N=145] Then have you heard of the possible correlation between ovarian cancer and BRCA mutation?
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
有聽過 Yes |
36 |
24.6% |
無聽過 No |
88 |
60.4% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
22 |
15.0% |
合計 Total |
145 |
100.0% |
[Q15] 如果你懷疑自己患上卵巢癌,你會最先向以下邊一類醫生求診?[訪員讀出1-6項,次序由電腦隨機排列,只選一項]
If you suspect yourself is suffering from ovarian cancer, which of the following types of doctors will you consult first? (Read out options 1-6, order to be randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed)
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
婦產科專科醫生 Obstetrician / Gynecologist |
348 |
68.5% |
腫瘤科專科醫生 Oncologist |
62 |
12.2% |
家庭醫生 Family doctor |
49 |
9.6% |
普通科醫生 General practitioner |
34 |
6.6% |
外科專科醫生 Surgical Specialist |
7 |
1.4% |
中醫 Chinese medicine practitioner |
5 |
1.1% |
其他 (見下表) Others (see the table below) |
1 |
0.2% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say |
2 |
0.4% |
合計 Total |
508 |
100.0% |
[Q15] - 其他答案
Other answers
頻數 Frequency |
家計會 The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong |
1 |
合計 Total |
1 |
[Q16] 最後,如果不幸要接受卵巢癌嘅治療,以下邊啲係你會考慮嘅因素?[訪員讀出1-6項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項]
Lastly, if unfortunately you will need to receive ovarian cancer treatment, which of the following factors you would consider? (Read out options 1-6, order to be randomized by computer, multiple answers allowed)
頻數 Frequency |
佔答案百分比 % of responses (基數 Base=1,501) |
佔樣本百分比 % of sample (基數 Base=508) |
療效 Effectiveness |
296 |
19.7% |
58.3% |
風險∕副作用 Risk / Side effects |
293 |
19.5% |
57.7% |
費用 Cost |
266 |
17.7% |
52.4% |
需唔需要做手術 Whether or not an operation is needed |
247 |
16.4% |
48.5% |
療程嘅長度 The length of treatment |
193 |
12.9% |
38.1% |
對生活質素嘅影響 Impact on quality of life |
181 |
12.1% |
35.7% |
以上皆否 None of the above |
6 |
0.4% |
1.1% |
其他 (見下表) Others (see the table below) |
5 |
0.3% |
0.9% |
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say |
14 |
0.9% |
2.8% |
合計 Total |
1,501 |
100.0% |
頻數 Frequency |
醫生建議 Advice from doctors |
5 |
合計 Total |
5 |
Respondent background information
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
18-24 |
51 |
10.1% |
25-34 |
111 |
22.1% |
35-44 |
121 |
24.0% |
45-54 |
120 |
23.8% |
55-64 |
100 |
19.9% |
Total |
503 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
5 |
[DM2] 教育程度
Educational attainment
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
小學畢業或以下 Primary or below |
87 |
17.2% |
中一至中三(初中) Junior secondary (F.1-F.3) |
68 |
13.4% |
中四至中五(高中) Senior secondary (F.4-F.5) |
141 |
28.1% |
中六(中學文憑或預科) F.6 (DSE or matriculation) |
43 |
8.5% |
中七(預科畢業) F.7 (Matriculation) |
13 |
2.6% |
專上非學位 Tertiary, non-degree |
31 |
6.2% |
專上學位(學士學位) Tertiary, degree (Bachelor's degree) |
98 |
19.5% |
碩士學位 Master's degree |
21 |
4.2% |
博士學位或以上 Doctoral degree or above |
1 |
0.2% |
合計 Total |
503 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
5 |
[DM2] 教育程度 [綜合數據]
Educational attainment [aggreate data]
頻數 Frequency |
百分比Percentage |
小學或以下 Primary or below |
87 |
17.2% |
中學 Secondary |
265 |
52.7% |
大專或以上 Tetiary or above |
151 |
30.1% |
合計 Total |
503 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
5 |
[DM3] 請問你現時係唔係在職人士?[如在職,請追問:「咁係全職定半職?」;如非在職,請追問:「咁你係主理家務、退休、學生、定係待業人士?」]
Are you currently employed? (If yes, ask “is it full time or part time?”’ if no, ask “are you homemaker, retired, student or unemployed?”)
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
在職,全職 Yes, full time |
243 |
48.1% |
在職,半職 Yes, part time |
72 |
14.2% |
非在職,家庭主婦 No, housewife |
121 |
24.0% |
非在職,退休人士 No, retired |
27 |
5.2% |
非在職,學生 No, student |
34 |
6.7% |
非在職,待業∕失業∕因病沒有工作 No, unemployed / do not work due to illness |
9 |
1.8% |
合計 Total |
506 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
2 |
[DM3] 請問你現時係唔係在職人士? [綜合數據]
Are you currently employed? [aggregate data]
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
在職 Yes |
315 |
62.3% |
非在職 No |
191 |
37.7% |
合計 Total |
506 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
2 |
[DM4] 請問你家庭每月收入大約係幾多?(請包括所有收入來源)
Monthly household income (inclduing all sources of income)
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
少於港幣$10,000 Below HK$10,000 |
46 |
10.1% |
港幣$10,000至少於$30,000 HK$10,000 - less than HK$30,000 |
209 |
45.7% |
港幣$30,000至少於$50,000 HK$30,000 - less than HK$50,000 |
110 |
24.2% |
港幣$50,000至少於$70,000 HK$50,000 - less than HK$70,000 |
56 |
12.3% |
港幣$70,000或以上 HK$70,000 or above |
30 |
6.6% |
不穩定 Unstable |
5 |
1.1% |
合計 Total |
456 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
52 |
[DM5] 請問你有冇曾經被確診患有卵巢癌?
Have you ever been diagnosed with ovarian cancer?
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
有(續答DM6) Yes (continue to DM6) |
4 |
0.8% |
冇(skip to end) No (skip to end) |
497 |
98.6% |
唔知∕難講(skip to end) Don’t know / hard to say (skip to end) |
3 |
0.6% |
合計 Total |
504 |
100.0% |
缺數 Missing |
4 |
[DM6] [只問DM5答「有」者,基數=4] 咁請問確診嘅時侯你幾多歲?
[Only ask those who answered “Yes” in DM5; N=4] How old were you when you were diagnosed?
頻數 Frequency |
百分比 Percentage |
30-39歲 30-39 years old |
1 |
18.1% |
40-49歲 40-49 years old |
1 |
27.9% |
50-59歲 50-59 years old |
2 |
54.1% |
合計 Total |
4 |
100.0% |