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[Q1] 請問你有冇喺剛過去(9月4日)既立法會選舉中投票?
Did you vote in the Legislative Council Election (September 4) just past?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=1,047)
有 Yes 1,047 100.0%
合計 Total 1,047 100.0%

[Q2] 你係屬於邊個選區既登記選民?
Which geographical constituency do you belong to?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=1,047)
香港島 Hong Kong Island (ask Q3A) 158 15.1%
九龍西 Kowloon West (ask Q3B) 134 12.8%
九龍東 Kowloon East (ask Q3C) 156 14.9%
新界西 New Territories West (ask Q3D) 289 27.6%
新界東 New Territories East (ask Q3E) 310 29.6%
合計 Total 1,047 100.0%

[Q3A] (只問於Q2回答「香港島」的被訪者,共158人)請問你喺地區直選中投票支持左邊張名單?[有需要時順序讀出答案,只選一個]
[Only ask those who answered ""Hong Kong Island"" in Q2, base=158] Which candidate list did you vote for in the Geographical Constituency election? (Read the answers in sequence when needed, only one answer is allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=131)
8號香港眾志既羅冠聰名單 No. 8 LAW Kwun-chung, Nathan of Demosistō 19 14.5%
3號新民黨既葉劉淑儀名單 No. 3 IP LAU Suk-yee, Regina of New People's Party 15 11.5%
15號工聯會既郭偉强名單 No. 15 KWOK Wai-keung of HKFTU 14 10.8%
5號民建聯既張國鈞名單 No. 5 CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, Horace of DAB 14 10.8%
13號民主黨既許智峯名單 No. 13 HUI Chi-fung of Democratic Party 13 9.9%
10號獨立參選既王維基名單 No. 10 Independent Ricky Wong Wai-kay 9 6.8%
14號公民黨既陳淑莊名單 No. 14 CHAN Suk-chong, Tanya of Civic Party 7 5.6%
7號熱血公民既鄭錦滿名單 No. 7 CHENG Kam-mun, Alvin of Civic Passion 7 5.4%
4號工黨既何秀蘭名單 No. 4 HO Sau-lan, Cyd of Labour Party 5 4.0%
1號民主思路既黃梓謙名單 No. 1 WONG Chi-him, Gary of Path of Democracy 3 2.6%
2號人民力量既劉嘉鴻名單 No. 2 LAU Gar-hung, Christopher of People Power 3 2.6%
11號獨立參選既徐子見名單 No. 11 Independent CHUI Chi-kin 1 0.9%
6號獨立參選既詹培忠名單 No. 6 Independent CHIM Pui-chung 1 0.8%
沒有投票∕投白票 Did not vote / cast a blank vote 2 1.3%
唔記得 Can't remember 16 12.5%
合計 Total 131 100.0%
缺數 Missing 27

[Q3B] (只問於Q2回答「九龍西」的被訪者,共134人)請問你喺地區直選中投票支持左邊張名單?[有需要時順序讀出答案,只選一個]
[Only ask those who answered ""Kowloon West"" in Q2, base=134] Which candidate list did you vote for in the Geographical Constituency election? (Read the answers in sequence when needed, only one answer is allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=101)
4號經民聯既梁美芬名單 No. 4 LEUNG Mei-fun, Priscilla of Business and Professionals Alliance for HK 20 20.0%
3號公民黨既毛孟靜名單 No. 3 Claudia MO of Civic Party 16 15.8%
10號民建聯既蔣麗芸名單 No. 10 CHIANG Lai-wan, Ann of DAB 16 15.5%
12號小麗民主教室既劉小麗名單 No. 12 LAU Siu-lai of Democracy Groundwork 12 11.8%
13號青年新政既游蕙禎名單 No. 13 YAU Wai-ching of Youngspiration 6 5.6%
8號民主黨既黃碧雲名單 No. 8 WONG Pik-wan, Helena of Democratic Party 5 4.6%
7號普羅政治學苑既黃毓民名單 No. 7 WONG Yuk-man of Proletariat Political Institute 4 3.5%
5號民協既譚國僑名單 No. 5 TAM Kwok-kiu of HK Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood 3 2.8%
1號社民連既吳文遠名單 No. 1 NG Man-yuen, Avery of League of Social Democrats 3 2.5%
14號獨立參選既李泳漢名單 No. 14 Independent LEE Wing-hon, Augustine 2 2.1%
15號新思維既狄志遠名單 No. 15 TIK Chi-Yuen of Third Side <1 0.5%
唔記得 Can't remember 15 15.2%
合計 Total 101 100.0%
缺數 Missing 33

[Q3C] (只問於Q2回答「九龍東」的被訪者,共156人)請問你喺地區直選中投票支持左邊張名單?[有需要時順序讀出答案,只選一個]
[Only ask those who answered ""Kowloon East"" in Q2, base=156] Which candidate list did you vote for in the Geographical Constituency election? (Read the answers in sequence when needed, only one answer is allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=136)
8號民主黨既胡志偉名單 No. 8 WU Chi-wai of Democratic Party 22 16.4%
6號民建聯既柯創盛名單 No. 6 OR Chong-shing, Wilson of DAB 21 15.7%
9號公民黨既譚文豪名單 No. 9 TAM Man-ho, Jeremy of Civic Party 18 13.5%
5號獨立參選既謝偉俊名單 No. 5 Independent TSE Wai-chun, Paul 17 12.6%
12號人民力量既譚得志名單 No. 12 TAM Tak-chi of People Power 13 9.4%
10號熱血公民既黃洋達名單 No. 10 WONG Yeung-tat of Civic Passion 9 6.4%
1號工聯會既黃國健名單 No. 1 WONG Kwok-kin of HKFTU 8 6.0%
11號東九龍社區關注組既陳澤滔名單 No. 11 CHAN Chak-to of Kowloon East Community 3 2.5%
3號愛港之聲既高達斌名單 No. 3 KO Tat-Pun, Patrick of Voice of Loving Hong Kong 1 1.1%
4號前綫既譚香文名單 No. 4 TAM Heung-man of The Frontier 1 1.1%
2號工黨既胡穗珊名單 No. 2 WU Shui-shan Suzanne of Labour Party <1 0.4%
沒有投票∕投白票 Did not vote / cast a blank vote 4 2.6%
唔記得 Can't remember 17 12.3%
合計 Total 136 100.0%
缺數 Missing 20

[Q3D] (只問於Q2回答「新界西」的被訪者,共289人)請問你喺地區直選中投票支持左邊張名單?[有需要時順序讀出答案,只選一個]
[Only ask those who answered ""New Territories West"" in Q2, base=289] Which candidate list did you vote for in the Geographical Constituency election? (Read the answers in sequence when needed, only one answer is allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=251)
20號獨立參選既朱凱廸名單 No. 20 Independent CHU Hoi-dick, Eddie 38 15.2%
7號新民黨既田北辰名單 No. 7 TIEN Puk-sun, Michael of New People's Party 32 12.8%
10號公民黨既郭家麒名單 No. 10 KWOK Ka-ki of Civic Party 20 8.2%
5號熱血公民既鄭松泰名單 No. 5 CHENG Chung-tai of Civic Passion 20 8.1%
16號民建聯既陳恒鑌名單 No. 16 CHAN Han-pan, Ben of DAB 20 8.1%
12號工黨既李卓人名單 No. 12 LEE Cheuk-yan of Labour Party 15 5.8%
8號獨立參選既何君堯名單 No. 8 Independent HO Kwan-yiu, Junius 12 4.9%
2號民主黨既尹兆堅名單 No. 2 WAN Siu-kin, Andrew of Democratic Party 12 4.8%
9號民建聯既梁志祥名單 No. 9 LEUNG Che-cheung of DAB 11 4.2%
11號社民連/人民力量既黃浩銘名單 No. 11 WONG Ho-ming, Raphael, League of Social Democrats/ People Power 10 4.1%
1號街工既黃潤達名單 No. 1 WONG Yun-tat, Ivan of Neighbourhood and Workers Services Centre 10 4.0%
14號工聯會既麥美娟名單 No. 14 MAK Mei-kuen of HKFTU 9 3.6%
15號民協既馮檢基名單 No. 15 FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick of HK Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood 6 2.4%
4號自由黨既周永勤名單 No. 4 CHOW Wing-kan of Liberal Party 3 1.0%
19號獨立參選既湯詠芝名單 No. 19 Independent TONG Wing-chi 1 0.6%
13號青年新政既黃俊傑名單 No. 13 WONG Chun-kit of Youngspiration 1 0.2%
6號獨立參選既鄺官穩名單 No. 6 Independent KWONG Koon-wan <1 0.1%
沒有投票∕投白票 Did not vote / cast a blank vote 2 1.0%
唔記得 Can't remember 27 10.8%
合計 Total 251 100.0%
缺數 Missing 38

[Only ask those who answered ""New Territories East"" in Q2, base=310] Which candidate list did you vote for in the Geographical Constituency election? (Read the answers in sequence when needed, only one answer is allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=251)
7號公民黨既楊岳橋名單 No. 7 YEUNG Ngok-kiu, Alvin of Civic Party 35 13.9%
10號民建聯既葛珮帆名單 No. 10 QUAT Pui-fan, Elizabeth of DAB 30 11.9%
6號工黨既張超雄名單 No. 6 CHEUNG Chiu-hung, Fernando of Labour Party 23 9.3%
5號社民連既梁國雄名單 No. 5 LEUNG Kwok-hung of League of Social Democrats 21 8.4%
22號民建聯既陳克勤名單 No. 22 CHAN Hak-kan of DAB 19 7.4%
18號人民力量既陳志全名單 No. 18 CHAN Chi-chuen of People Power 18 7.0%
2號民主黨既林卓廷名單 No. 2 LAM Cheuk-ting of Democratic Party 17 6.7%
1號獨立參選既方國珊名單 No. 1 Independent FONG Kwok-shan, Christine 15 6.1%
21號新民黨既容海恩名單 No. 21 YUNG Hoi-yan of New People's Party 10 3.9%
9號獨立參選既鄭家富名單 No. 9 Independent CHENG Kar-foo, Andrew 8 3.3%
13號工聯會既鄧家彪名單 No. 13 TANG Ka-piu of HKFTU 8 3.1%
19號青年新政既梁頌恆名單 No. 19 LEUNG Chung-hang, Sixtus of Youngspiration 6 2.6%
4號香港復興會/熱血公民既陳云根名單 No. 4 CHIN Wan-kan of Hong Kong Resurgence Order/ Civic Passion 6 2.5%
14號新民主同盟既范國威名單 No. 14 FAN Kwok-wai, Gary of NeoDemocrats 6 2.4%
12號自由黨既李梓敬名單 No. 12 LEE Tsz-king, Dominic of Liberal Party 4 1.5%
11號獨立參選既侯志強名單 No. 11 Independent HUI Chi-keung 1 0.3%
唔記得 Can't remember 24 9.6%
合計 Total 251 100.0%
缺數 Missing 59

[Q4] 今次選舉中,你喺決定投票俾邊位候選人既時候,有冇考慮個別候選人既勝算? When you decide whom to vote for, did you consider the candidates’ chance of winning?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=1,047)
有考慮 Yes (Skip to Q6) 477 45.6%
冇考慮 No 556 53.1%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say (Skip to Q11) 14 1.4%
合計 Total 1,047 100.0%

[Q5] (只問於Q4回答「冇考慮」的被訪者,共556人)點解你冇考慮?[讀出首5個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,可選多項]
(Only ask respondents who answered “No” in Q4, base=556) Why not? (Read out options 1-5, order to be randomized by the computer, multiple answers allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 佔答案百分比
% of responses
(基數 Base=740)
% of sub-sample
(基數 Base=553)
我好清楚自己想支持嘅候選人係邊個 I know well that which candidate I would like to support 327 44.1% 59.0%
按我相信嘅政治理念投票 To vote according to my political beliefs 230 31.1% 41.6%
個選舉制度根本就唔公平 The electoral system is unfair 44 5.9% 7.9%
策略投票唔尊重選民的自由意志 Strategic voting does not respect the free will of the voters 43 5.8% 7.8%
聽我支持嘅政黨嘅呼籲 Listen to the call from the political party I support 41 5.5% 7.4%
其他 Others 25 3.4% 4.6%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 30 4.1% 5.5%
合計 Total 740 100.0%

[Q6] (只問於Q4回答「有考慮」的被訪者,共477人)點解你有考慮個別候選人既勝算來決定投票俾邊個?[讀出首5個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,可選多項]
(Only ask respondents who answered “Yes” in Q4, base=477) Why consider the candidates’ chance of winning to decide whom to vote for? (Read out options 1-5, order to be randomized by the computer, multiple answers allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 佔答案百分比
% of responses
(基數 Base=764)
% of sub-sample
(基數 Base=477)
希望我支持嘅陣營能夠有多D人當選 I hope the camp I support could have more people to be elected 244 32.0% 51.2%
我相信我嘅一票係可以產生到真正嘅作用,改變到選舉嘅結果 I believe that my vote will have a real effect in changing the election results 222 29.1% 46.6%
唔想浪費咗張選票 Do not want to waste my vote 172 22.6% 36.2%
對我來講,同陣營嘅不同候選人其實分別唔係好大 For me, different candidates come from the same camp do not have a big difference 57 7.5% 11.9%
雷動計劃嘅呼籲 The call from ThunderGo 37 4.9% 7.8%
其他 Others 8 1.0% 1.6%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 23 3.0% 4.8%
合計 Total 764 100.0%

[Q7] (只問於Q4回答「有考慮」的被訪者,共477人)你當時參考咗乜野資訊去衡量個別候選人既勝算?[讀出首6個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,可選多項]
(Only ask respondents who answered “Yes” in Q4, base=477) When considering the candidates’ chance of winning, what was/were your reference(s)? (Read out options 1-6, order to be randomized by the computer, multiple answers allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 佔答案百分比
% of responses
(基數 Base=638)
% of sub-sample
(基數 Base=476)
政黨呼籲 The call from political party 99 15.6% 20.9%
港大民調 HKUPOP polls 91 14.2% 19.1%
朋友或家人的建議 Friends or family members' recommendations 88 13.8% 18.5%
其他民調 The poll results from other institutions 84 13.1% 17.6%
雷動計劃的建議 ThunderGo’s recommendations (ask Q8) 56 8.7% 11.7%
候選人的政綱、表現及往績 Candidates' political beliefs, past performances and achievements 35 5.4% 7.2%
傳媒報導 Media reports 23 3.6% 4.9%
知名人士的建議 Recommendations from renowned people 22 3.4% 4.5%
沒有參考 Do not have any reference 133 20.9% 28.0%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 8 1.3% 1.7%
合計 Total 638 100.0%

[Q8] (只問於Q7回答「有參考雷動計劃的建議」的被訪者,共56人)咁你有冇按照「雷動計劃」既建議投票?
(Only ask respondents who answered ""make reference to ThunderGo’s recommendations"" in Q7, base=56) Then did you follow ThunderGo’s recommendations to vote?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=56)
完全跟從 Followed all recommendations 18 32.2%
只跟從地方選區既建議 Followed the recommendations for geographical constituency only 11 20.6%
只跟從「超級區議會」既建議 Followed the recommendations for “Super DC” only 4 6.9%
冇 No 21 37.0%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 2 3.3%
合計 Total 56 100.0%

[Q9] (只問於Q7回答「有參考雷動計劃的建議」的被訪者,共56人)你係點樣得知「雷動計劃」喺選舉當日發出既投票建議?[讀出首5個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,可選多項]
(Only ask respondents who answered ""make reference to ThunderGo’s recommendations"" in Q7, base=56) How did you know about ThunderGo’s recommendations in the election day? (Read out options 1-5, order to be randomized by the computer, multiple answers allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 佔答案百分比
% of responses
(基數 Base=83)
% of sub-sample
(基數 Base=56)
傳媒報導 Media reports 27 32.1% 47.6%
朋友的手機訊息(包括SMS、whatsapp、telegram或其他手機程式) Friends' mobile messages (including SMS, whatsapp, telegram or other mobile apps) 17 20.3% 30.1%
Facebook 14 17.1% 25.4%
直接收到「雷動聲吶」的telegram訊息 Receive the telegram messages from "VotSonar" directly 11 12.9% 19.1%
朋友口述 Friedns' oral messages 8 10.1% 15.0%
其他 - 家人 Other - family members 2 1.9% 2.9%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 5 5.7% 8.5%
合計 Total 83 100.0%

[Q10] (撇除於Q4回答「唔知∕難講」的被訪者,共1,033人)你有冇同家人或者朋友一齊商量點樣分配選票?
(Exclude respondents who answered ""Don't know / Hard to say"" in Q4, base=1,033) Did you discuss with your family members or friends on how to allocate your votes?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=1,032)
有 Yes 283 27.5%
冇 No 748 72.5%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say <1 <0.1%
合計 Total 1,032 100.0%
缺數 Missing 1

[Q11] (問所有人) 下一次選舉,喺決定投票俾邊位候選人既時候,你會唔會先衡量個別候選人既勝算然後作出決定?
(Ask everyone) In the next Legco election, would you consider the candidates' chance of winning before deciding how to vote?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=1,043)
會 Yes 419 40.1%
唔會 No 547 52.5%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 77 7.4%
合計 Total 1,043 100.0%
缺數 Missing 4