數據彙集 Frequency Tables返回
Q1 請問你現時常住住所係:[讀出各項,只選一項]
Which type of housing are you living in now? [read out answers, single answer only]
頻數 |
百分比 |
自置,仍有按揭供款或借貸還款 Self-owned, still under mortgage or repayment |
99 |
20% |
自置,不用按揭供款或借貸還款 Self-owned, not under mortgage or repayment |
108 |
21% |
租公屋 Renting public housing |
172 |
34% |
租樓 Renting private housing |
107 |
21% |
不用供款及交租,例如免交租金、由僱主提供及職員宿舍 No need for repayment or rent, such as staff housing provided by employer |
10 |
2% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
11 |
2% |
合計Total |
507 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
1 |
Q2 咁你現時常住住所既實用面積有幾多平方英呎?
In terms of square feet, how big is the flat you are living in?
頻數 |
百分比 |
< 300 |
66 |
13% |
300 - < 500 |
277 |
45% |
500 - < 700 |
114 |
22% |
700 - < 1,000 |
65 |
13% |
1,000+ |
15 |
3% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
20 |
4% |
合計Total |
507 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
1 |
平均數Mean |
482 sq ft |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-24 sq ft |
Q3 你有無打算最遲喺十年八載後搬離現時居所?如果會,你會選擇:
Do you plan to move away from your current flat in 8 to 10 years’ time? If yes, will you choose:
頻數 |
百分比 |
樓換樓 Change into another private flat |
} 有意換/買樓 Will change/buy a private flat |
38 |
} 206 |
7% |
} 41% |
買私樓 Buy a private flat |
87 |
17% |
買居屋 Buy a subsidized flat |
81 |
16% |
輪候公屋 Wait for public housing |
} 有意輪候公屋/租樓 Will wait for public housing/rent a flat |
60 |
} 89 |
12% |
} 18% |
租樓 Rent a flat |
29 |
6% |
不打算搬離現時居所 No plan of moving away from current flat |
} 不打算搬離現時居所/不知道 No plan of moving away from current flat / don’t know |
182 |
} 213 |
36% |
} 42% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
31 |
6% |
合計Total |
508 |
100% |
Q4(只問Q3中回答「 樓換樓」、「買私樓」或「買居屋」,共206人)你預計因為置業而付出既首期連雜費開支要幾多錢?
(Only ask those who answer “Change into another private flat”, “Buy a private flat” or “Buy a subsidized flat” in Q3, base=206) How much money do you expect is needed for down payment?
頻數 |
百分比 |
< HK$500,000 |
19 |
9% |
HK$500,000 - < HK$1,000,000 |
43 |
21% |
HK$1,000,000 - < HK$1,500,000 |
39 |
19% |
HK$1,500,000 - < HK$2,000,000 |
22 |
11% |
HK$2,000,000 - < HK$2,500,000 |
21 |
10% |
HK$2,500,000 - < HK$3,000,000 |
8 |
4% |
HK$3,000,000+ |
38 |
19% |
沒有預計 No expectation |
9 |
4% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
5 |
2% |
合計Total |
204 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
2 |
平均數Mean |
$1,743,000 |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-20,000 |
(Only ask those who answer amount in Q4, base=190) How much money are you now saving for down payment per month?
頻數 |
百分比 |
< HK$5,000 |
26 |
14% |
HK$5,000 - < HK$10,000 |
47 |
25% |
HK$10,000 - < HK$15,000 |
32 |
17% |
HK$15,000 - < HK$20,000 |
13 |
7% |
HK$20,000 - < HK$25,000 |
19 |
10% |
HK$25,000 - < HK$30,000 |
8 |
4% |
HK$30,000+ |
15 |
8% |
沒有儲蓄 No saving |
23 |
12% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
4 |
2% |
合計Total |
187 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
3 |
平均數Mean |
$13,575 |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-1,924 |
Q6(只問Q3中回答「輪候公屋/租樓」或 Q4/Q5中回答金額者,共249人)現時樓價水平對你既生活有冇造成以下影響?[讀出1-3項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項]
(Only ask those who answer “wait for public housing/rent a flat” in Q3 or amount in Q4, base=249) Has the current housing price level affected you in the following ways? [read out first 3 items in random order, multiple answers allowed]
頻數 |
百分比 |
積極尋求增加收入既機會 Strive to increase income proactively |
160 |
65% |
減少外遊、購買奢侈品等消費 Reduce travel, purchase of expensive products |
131 |
53% |
結交願意共同儲蓄既伴侶 Meet a partner who is willing to save money together |
86 |
35% |
沒有影響 No effect |
33 |
13% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
1 |
<1% |
合計Total |
411 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
1 |
Q7 (只問Q3中回答「不打算搬離現時居所/不知道」或Q4/Q5中回答「沒有預計/沒有儲蓄」、「唔知/難講」或「拒答」者,共259人) 你有幾同意或者反對以下既句子?
(Only ask those who answer “No plan of moving away from current flat” in Q3 or “No expectation / No saving” , "Don't know" or "Refuse to answer" in Q4/5, base=259) How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
我無論如何都儲唔到首期I can never save enough for down payment no matter what.
頻數 |
百分比 |
好同意Very much agree |
} 同意Agree |
96 |
} 142 |
38% |
} 56% |
幾同意Quite agree |
46 |
18% |
一半半Half-half |
28 |
11% |
幾反對Quite disagree |
} 反對Disagree |
62 |
} 83 |
24% |
} 33% |
好反對Very much disagree |
21 |
8% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
2 |
1% |
合計Total |
255 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
4 |
我即使比到首期,都供唔起抵押貸款 Even if I can pay for down payment, I can’t afford the mortgage repayment.
頻數 |
百分比 |
好同意Very much agree |
} 同意Agree |
82 |
} 145 |
32% |
} 57% |
幾同意Quite agree |
63 |
25% |
一半半Half-half |
27 |
11% |
幾反對Quite disagree |
} 反對Disagree |
53 |
} 80 |
21% |
} 31% |
好反對Very much disagree |
27 |
11% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
4 |
2% |
合計Total |
256 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
3 |
我有父母財政支持,無需自己儲蓄I can seek financial support from parents, so no need to make my own saving.
頻數 |
百分比 |
好同意Very much agree |
} 同意Agree |
8 |
} 27 |
3% |
} 11% |
幾同意Quite agree |
19 |
7% |
一半半Half-half |
17 |
7% |
幾反對Quite disagree |
} 反對Disagree |
77 |
} 208 |
30% |
} 81% |
好反對Very much disagree |
131 |
51% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
4 |
2% |
合計Total |
256 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
3 |
喺現時經濟環境,住公屋比租私樓或買樓更好 Under current economic environment, it’s better to live in public housing or rent a private flat than buying a flat.
頻數 |
百分比 |
好同意Very much agree |
} 同意Agree |
129 |
} 198 |
50% |
} 77% |
幾同意Quite agree |
69 |
27% |
一半半Half-half |
16 |
6% |
幾反對Quite disagree |
} 反對Disagree |
26 |
} 38 |
10% |
} 15% |
好反對Very much disagree |
12 |
5% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
5 |
2% |
合計Total |
257 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
2 |
買樓唔係我唯一選擇 Buying a flat is not my only choice.
頻數 |
百分比 |
好同意Very much agree |
} 同意Agree |
97 |
} 206 |
38% |
} 80% |
幾同意Quite agree |
109 |
42% |
一半半Half-half |
15 |
6% |
幾反對Quite disagree |
} 反對Disagree |
27 |
} 33 |
11% |
} 13% |
好反對Very much disagree |
6 |
2% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
3 |
1% |
合計Total |
257 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
2 |
Q8a(只問Q3中回答「 樓換樓」、「買私樓」或「買居屋」,共206人)喺唔考慮自己負擔能力下,你願意比幾多錢購買一個沙田第一城實用面積500呎既單位?
(Only ask those who answer “Change into another private flat”, “Buy a private flat” or “Buy a subsidized flat” in Q3, base=206) Regardless of your affordability, how much are you willing to buy a flat of 500 square feet in CityOne Shatin?
頻數 |
百分比 |
< HK$1,000,000 |
3 |
1% |
HK$1,000,000 - < HK$2,000,000 |
10 |
5% |
HK$2,000,000 - < HK$4,000,000 |
57 |
28% |
HK$4,000,000 - < HK$6,000,000 |
78 |
38% |
HK$6,000,000 - < HK$8,000,000 |
32 |
16% |
HK$8,000,000 - < HK$10,000,000 |
5 |
2% |
HK$10,000,000 - < HK$15,000,000 |
2 |
1% |
無興趣 Not interested |
10 |
5% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
9 |
4% |
合計Total |
206 |
100% |
平均數Mean |
$4,450,000 |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-270,000 |
(Only ask those who answer “wait for public housing” or “rent a flat” in Q3, base=89) Regardless of your affordability, how much are you willing to rent a flat of 500 square feet in CityOne Shatin?
頻數 |
百分比 |
< HK$5,000 |
5 |
6% |
HK$5,000 - < HK$10,000 |
35 |
39% |
HK$10,000 - < HK$15,000 |
28 |
31% |
HK$15,000 - < HK$20,000 |
10 |
11% |
HK$20,000 - < HK$25,000 |
1 |
1% |
HK$30,000+ |
1 |
1% |
無興趣 Not interested |
4 |
4% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
5 |
6% |
合計Total |
89 |
100% |
平均數Mean |
$9,962 |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-1,030 |
Q9a(只問Q3中回答「 樓換樓」、「買私樓」或「買居屋」,共206人)你認為現時一個沙田第一城實用面積500呎單位既實際樓價係幾多?
(Only ask those who answer “Change into another private flat”, “Buy a private flat” or “Buy a subsidized flat” in Q3, base=206) How much do you think is the actual price for a flat of 500 square feet in CityOne Shatin nowadays?
頻數 |
百分比 |
< HK$1,000,000 |
1 |
<1% |
HK$1,000,000 - < HK$2,000,000 |
3 |
1% |
HK$2,000,000 - < HK$4,000,000 |
8 |
4% |
HK$4,000,000 - < HK$6,000,000 |
38 |
18% |
HK$6,000,000 - < HK$8,000,000 |
72 |
35% |
HK$8,000,000 - < HK$10,000,000 |
52 |
25% |
HK$10,000,000 - < HK$15,000,000 |
11 |
5% |
HK$15,000,000+ |
1 |
<1% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
20 |
10% |
合計Total |
206 |
100% |
平均數Mean |
$7,063,000 |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-360,000 |
(Only ask those who answer “wait for public housing” or “rent a flat” in Q3, base=89) How much do you think is the actual rental price for a flat of 500 square feet in CityOne Shatin nowadays?
頻數 |
百分比 |
HK$5,000 - < HK$10,000 |
8 |
9% |
HK$10,000 - < HK$15,000 |
22 |
25% |
HK$15,000 - < HK$20,000 |
23 |
26% |
HK$20,000 - < HK$25,000 |
13 |
15% |
HK$25,000 - < HK$30,000 |
4 |
5% |
HK$30,000+ |
1 |
1% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
17 |
19% |
合計Total |
88 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
1 |
平均數Mean |
$15,866 |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-1,300 |
There is a view that the term “house slaves” refers to people who are tied to housing problems, deprived of life choices and with reduced quality of life. Do you think you are a house slave? Please rate a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 means absolutely not a house slave, 50 means half-half and 100 means absolutely a house slave. How much would you give to yourself?
頻數 |
百分比 |
0 |
118 |
23% |
1-24 |
47 |
9% |
25-49 |
65 |
13% |
50 |
125 |
25% |
51-75 |
68 |
13% |
76-99 |
46 |
9% |
100 |
31 |
6% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
7 |
1% |
合計Total |
507 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
1 |
平均數Mean |
41.4 |
樣本誤差Sampling error |
+/-2.7 |