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Q1 你認為「土地大辯論」對於解決香港市民住屋問題有冇幫助?
Do you think “The Big Debate on Land Supply” is helpful in solving the housing problem in Hong Kong?
幫助好大Very helpful |
} 幫助大Helpful |
85 |
} 232 |
8% |
} 23% |
幫助幾大Quite helpful |
146 |
14% |
一半半Half-half |
154 |
15% |
幫助幾細Not quite helpful |
} 幫助細/無幫助 Not quite helpful / not helpful |
101 |
} 511 |
10% |
} 50% |
幫助好細/無幫助 Not helpful at all |
410 |
40% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
124 |
12% |
合計Total |
1,021 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
2 |
Q2 如果有更多土地興建房屋,你認為應優先用喺以下邊一方面?[讀出答案,只選一項]
If there were more land available for housing, which of the following types of housing do you think the priority should be given to? [read out answers, single answer only]
增加公屋 Public housing |
670 |
66% |
增加居屋Home ownership scheme flats |
277 |
27% |
增加私樓Private housing |
45 |
4% |
其他 Others |
19 |
2% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
12 |
1% |
合計Total |
1,022 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
1 |
Q3 諮詢文件提到,政府可以收回私人遊樂場契約用地,例如佔地172公頃嘅粉嶺高爾夫球場。請問你認為政府應該喺2020年約滿後,收回整個粉嶺高爾夫球場用作發展,抑或收回部分,抑或保留全部?
The consultation document has mentioned that the government can resume the land under private recreational leases (PRLs), such as the Fanling Golf Course that occupies 172 hectares of land. Do you think the government should resume all or part of the Fanling Golf Course for other uses, or to keep it as it is when its private recreational lease expires in 2020?
收回全部Resume all of it |
405 |
40% |
收回部分 Resume part of it |
431 |
42% |
保留全部Keep all of it |
145 |
14% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
38 |
4% |
合計Total |
1,018 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
5 |
Q4 如果政府真係收回粉嶺高爾夫球場,你認為應該喺原址興建乜野?[讀出首三項,次序由電腦隨機排列,可選多項]
If the government will really resume the Fanling Golf Course, what do you think it should be developed into? [read out first three answers in random order, multiple answers allowed]
公屋 Public housing |
788 |
77% |
公園或休憩設施 Parks or recreational facilities |
416 |
41% |
私樓 Private housing |
230 |
22% |
居屋 (不讀出) Subsidized housing (not prompted) |
110 |
11% |
其他 Others |
14 |
1% |
應保留整個粉嶺高爾夫球場 Should keep all of the golf course |
36 |
4% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
10 |
1% |
合計Total |
1,607 |
100% |
[讀出句子] 關於發展新界私人農地,有意見認為政府應該行使《收回土地條例》,透過補償去收回私人發展商持有嘅新界農地,然後由政府發展用地,亦有意見認為政府應該透過「公私營合作方式」吸引發展商釋出農地,而當中部分土地必須用於興建公屋。
[Read out] With respect to developing private farmland in the New Territories, some argue that the government should exercise the “Lands Resumption Ordinance” to resume the farmland owned by private developers through compensation, and then develop on its own. Another way is to adopt a “public-private partnership” approach to attract the developers to release the farmland, and part of them must be used to build public housing.
Q5 請問你傾向支持邊一個方式去發展新界私人農地?
Which approach do you incline to support for developing private farmland?
行使《收回土地條例》發展 Exercise “Lands Resumption Ordinance” |
493 |
48% |
透過「公私營合作方式」發展Adopt the “public-private partnership” approach |
434 |
43% |
其他 Others |
28 |
3% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
63 |
6% |
合計Total |
1,018 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
5 |
Q6 有意見認為動用《收回土地條例》可能引發司法覆核,你認為政府應該因此而避免動用條例,抑或不必考慮司法覆核,繼續動用條例?
There is a view that exercising the “Lands Resumption Ordinance” may lead to judicial review. Do you think the government should therefore avoid exercising the Ordinance, or should not consider it a factor?
應該避免動用條例Should avoid exercising the Ordinance |
187 |
18% |
不必考慮司法覆核,繼續動用條例 Should not consider it a factor, continue to exercise the Ordince |
623 |
61% |
不同意行使《收回土地條例》Disagree with exercising the Ordinance |
55 |
5% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
149 |
15% |
合計Total |
1,013 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
10 |
Q7 又有意見認為「公私營合作方式」可能被標籤為「官商勾結」,你認為政府應該因此而避免使用有關方式,抑或不必考慮有關因素?
Some also argue that the “public-private partnership” approach may be labelled as “collusion between the government and the business sector”. Do you think the government should therefore avoid this approach, or should not consider it a factor?
避免使用有關方式Should avoid using the “public-private partnership” approach |
287 |
28% |
不必考慮有關因素 Should not consider it a factor |
515 |
51% |
不同意「公私營合作方式」Disagree with using the “public-private partnership” approach |
123 |
12% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
94 |
9% |
合計Total |
1,020 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
3 |
Q8 發展新界私人農地會牽涉新界原居民的丁權問題,即係18歲男丁有權申請興建丁屋,你傾向支持即時或盡快廢除丁權釋出土地,抑或維持現狀保留丁權,抑或以混合模式發展丁屋用地用作多種房屋?
Developing private farmland in the New Territories would encounter the problem of “small house concessionary rights”, meaning an indigenous male villager over 18 years old is entitled to build a small house in his lifetime. Do you incline to support abolishing “small house concessionary rights” immediately or the soonest to release land, or remaining status quo, or using a mixed mode for multiple housing types in the small house areas?
即時或盡快廢除丁權 Abolish “small house concessionary rights” immediately or the soonest |
443 |
44% |
維持現狀保留丁權Remain status quo to keep the “small house concessionary rights” |
107 |
11% |
以混合模式發展丁屋用地用作多種房屋 (包括部分用作丁屋,部分用作公屋) Use a mixed mode for multiple housing types in the small house areas (partly for building small houses and partly for public housing) |
411 |
40% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say |
55 |
5% |
合計Total |
1,017 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
6 |
Q9 你有幾支持或者反對以填海方式去開發土地供應,無論你對其他開發土地供應嘅方式有乜野意見?
Whether you support increasing land supply by other means or not, how much do you support or oppose using reclamation to increase land supply?
好支持 Very much support |
} 支持Support |
284 |
} 511 |
28% |
} 50% |
幾支持Quite support |
227 |
22% |
一半半Half-half |
103 |
10% |
幾反對Quite oppose |
} 反對Oppose |
176 |
} 363 |
17% |
} 36% |
好反對Very much oppose |
186 |
18% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
39 |
4% |
合計Total |
1,016 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
7 |
10 土地供應專責小組建議政府建立土地儲備,去滿足市民想「住大啲」以及其他改善居住空間既訴求,你有幾支持或者反對呢個建議?
The Task Force on Land Supply has suggested the government to establish land reserve to fulfil public’s needs of “living in a bigger area” and improving other living standards. How much do you support or oppose this suggestion?
好支持 Very much support |
} 支持Support |
375 |
} 752 |
37% |
} 74% |
幾支持Quite support |
376 |
37% |
一半半Half-half |
91 |
9% |
幾反對Quite oppose |
} 反對Oppose |
72 |
} 112 |
4% |
} 11% |
好反對Very much oppose |
40 |
6% |
唔知∕難講Don't know / hard to say |
62 |
6% |
合計Total |
1,016 |
100% |
缺數 Missing |
7 |