Research Background返回

In parallel with the "Public Ranking" telephone survey, POP was commissioned by to conduct this local school principal survey which aimed to study their perception towards the eight institutions of higher education which are funded through the University Grants Committee (UGC).

POP was responsible for designing the questionnaire, inputting the questionnaires and processing the data while was responsible for all other survey logistics such as obtaining the contact list of schools from the database of Education and Manpower Bureau (i.e. 475 valid addresses), printing and mailing out the questionnaires, following up with chasers, as well as collecting the returned questionnaires. The questionnaire and cover letter sent to all school principals are attached in Appendix I.

POP was not involved nor consulted on how to make use of the findings from this principal survey to compile the overall rankings of local universities. This was the sole responsibility of who would usually take a handful of other elements into consideration.