詳細數表 Survey Findings返回

[Q1] 假設明天選特首,而你有權投票,你會選以下邊個做下一任特首?(讀出答案1-9,1-8項次序由電腦隨機排列,只選一項)
After the release of the Policy Address, if a general election of the Chief Executive were to be held tomorrow, and you had the right to vote, who would you vote for as the next Chief Executive? (Read out options 1-11, order of options 1-10 to be randomized by the computer, only one answer is allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比
林鄭月娥Carrie Lam 91 18%
曾俊華John Tsang 84 17%
梁錦松 Antony Leung 54 11%
曾鈺成Jasper Tsang 51 10%
梁振英 Leung Chun-ying 42 8%
馬時亨 Frederick Ma 29 6%
葉劉淑儀Regina Ip 21 4%
陳德霖Norman Chan 5 1%
以上皆否 None of the above 66 13%
定係其他人 (見下表):Others (please see below): 15 3%
唔知∕難講∕棄權Don't know / Hard to say / Abstain 46 9%
合計 Total 504 100.0%
陳方安生Anson Chan 4
唐英年Henry Tang 2
梁國雄 Leung Kwok-hung 1
陳雲Wan Chin 1
陶傑Chip Tsao 1
劉德華Andy Lau 1
沈祖堯Joseph Sung 1
佘若薇Audrey Eu 1
梁家傑Alan Leong 1
陳智思Bernard Charnwut Chan 1
Total 15

[Q2] 無論你本身支唔支持梁振英做特首,你覺得佢2017年會唔會成功連任?
Whether you support CY Leung as the Chief Executive or not, do you think that he will be re-elected in 2017?

  頻數 Frequency 百分比
會Yes 157 31%
唔會NO 235 47%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know /Hard to say 112 22%
合計 Total 504 100%

[Q3] 梁振英上任特首以來,你最滿意佢以下邊個政策範疇? (讀出答案1-9,次序由電腦隨機排列,最多選三項)
Which of the following policy aspects are you most satisfied with upon CY Leung becoming the Chief Executive? (Read out options 1-9, order to be randomized by the computer, at most three answers are allowed)
  頻數 Frequency 百分比
房屋及規劃Housing and planning 139 28%
醫療衛生Medical & hygiene 127 25%
民生福利Livelihood 112 22%
教育Education 72 14%
經濟發展Economic development 50 10%
人口政策Population policy 47 9%
環境保護Environmental protection 23 5%
人權及司法Human rights and judiciary 15 3%
政制及管治Political and governance 12 2%
全部都滿意Satisfied with all aspects 6 1%
全部都不滿Dissatisfied with all aspects 146 29%
唔知∕難講 Don't know / Hard to say 38 8%
合計 Total 787

[Q4] 咁你最不滿特首梁振英以下邊個政策範疇? (讀出答案1-9,次序由電腦隨機排列,最多選三項)
Which of the following policy aspects are you most dissatisfied with upon CY Leung becoming the Chief Executive? (Read out options 1-9, order to be randomized by the computer, at most three answers are allowed)

  頻數 Frequency 百分比
人權及司法Human rights and judiciary 126 25%
政制及管治Political and governance 114 23%
房屋及規劃Housing and planning 80 16%
教育Education 78 16%
人口政策 Population policy 44 9%
民生福利 Livelihood 40 8%
經濟發展Economic development 36 7%
環境保護Environmental protection 31 6%
醫療衛生Medical & hygiene 27 5%
全部都滿意Satisfied with all aspects 16 3%
全部都不滿Dissatisfied with all aspects 147 29%
唔知∕難講Don't know / Hard to say 46 9%
合計 Total 785