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[Q1] 三個特首候選人中,你最反對邊個做下屆特首?[有需要時讀出答案,只選一個] Among the three CE candidates, whom do you oppose to become the next CE most? (Read out options if necessary, only one answer is allowed) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage(基數 Base=1,014) | |
林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam | 420 | 41.4 |
胡國興 Woo Kwok-hing | 366 | 36.1 |
曾俊華 John Tsang | 73 | 7.2 |
三個都反對 Oppose to all three of them | 26 | 2.6 |
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No opinion | 129 | 12.7 |
合計 Total | 1,014 | 100.0 |
[Q2] 你認為邊一個當選會增加你對一國兩制嘅信心?[有需要時讀出答案,只選一個] Whom do you think will increase your confidence in "One country, two systems" if they got elected? (Read out options if necessary, only one answer is allowed) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage(基數 Base=1,014) | |
曾俊華 John Tsang | 360 | 35.6 |
林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam | 342 | 33.8 |
胡國興 Woo Kwok-hing | 148 | 14.6 |
三個都唔會 None of the three | 85 | 8.4 |
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No opinion | 78 | 7.7 |
合計 Total | 1,014 | 100.0 |
[Q3] 若果一直未有候選人獲過半數、即係唔夠601個選委投票支持,當局會宣佈流選,然後重新舉行選舉,你認為今次出現流選既機會係大定細?[追問程度] If there is no candidate who can get over half of the votes, that is not enough support from at least 601 election committee members, there will be an electoral deadlock and re-election, how likely or unlikely do you think there will be an electoral deadlock this time? (Interviewers probe intensity) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage(基數 Base=1,014) | |
機會好大 Very much likely | 44 | 4.4 |
機會幾大 Quite likely | 61 | 6.0 |
一半半 Half-half | 79 | 7.8 |
機會幾細 Quite unlikely | 223 | 22.0 |
機會好細∕無機會 Very unlikely | 545 | 53.7 |
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No opinion | 62 | 6.2 |
合計 Total | 1,014 | 100.0 |
[Q3gp] 若果一直未有候選人獲過半數、即係唔夠601個選委投票支持,當局會宣佈流選,然後重新舉行選舉,你認為今次出現流選既機會係大定細?[綜合數據] If there is no candidate who can get over half of the votes, that is not enough support from at least 601 election committee members, there will be an electoral deadlock and re-election, how likely or unlikely do you think there will be an electoral deadlock this time? (Interviewers probe intensity) (Aggregate Data) |
頻數 Frequency | 百分比 Percentage(基數 Base=1,014) | |
機會大 Likely | 105 | 10.4 |
一半半 Half-half | 79 | 7.8 |
機會細 Unlikely | 768 | 75.7 |
唔知∕難講∕無意見 Don't know / Hard to say / No opinion | 62 | 6.2 |
合計 Total | 1,014 | 100.0 |