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[Q1] 如果聽日畀你投票選特首,而參選者只有以下人士,你會選邊個?[讀出首10個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
If you can vote in CE Election tomorrow and the only candidates are as follows, whom will you vote for? [Read first 10 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]"
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=516)
曾俊華 John Tsang 155 30.0%
曾鈺成 Jasper Tsang 72 13.9%
林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam 56 10.8%
胡國興 Woo Kwok-hing 43 8.4%
梁振英 CY Leung 36 6.9%
葉劉淑儀 Regina Ip 32 6.1%
梁錦松 Anthony Leung 30 5.8%
泛民候選人 Candidate from the pan-democracy camp 23 4.5%
陳德霖 Norman Chan 3 0.5%
空白票∕棄權∕全部都唔選 Cast a blank vote / Abstain / None of the above 32 6.2%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 35 6.9%
合計 Total 516 100.0%
缺數 Missing <1

[Q2] 如果聽日投票選特首,而參選者只有以下人士,你認為邊個會當選?[讀出首10個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
If CE Election will be held tomorrow and the only candidates are as follows, who do you think will be elected? [Read first 10 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=516)
曾俊華 John Tsang 167 32.4%
梁振英 CY Leung 96 18.6%
曾鈺成 Jasper Tsang 53 10.3%
林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam 52 10.1%
葉劉淑儀 Regina Ip 25 4.8%
胡國興 Woo Kwok-hing 20 3.9%
梁錦松 Anthony Leung 16 3.2%
泛民候選人 Candidate from the pan-democracy camp 7 1.4%
陳德霖 Norman Chan 5 1.0%
以上皆否 None of the above 10 2.0%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 63 12.3%
合計 Total 516 100.0%

[Q3] 你認為以下邊一個係特首最重要既特質?[讀出首6個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
Which of the following do you think is the most important characteristic of the CE? [Read first 6 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=516)
有能力管治香港 The ability to govern Hong Kong 149 28.8%
有能力解決社會分化 The ability to resolve social differentiation 127 24.7%
廉潔奉公 Honest and abide by the law 60 11.6%
得到中央支持 With the support of the central government 52 10.0%
有個人誠信 Have personal integrity 50 9.6%
民望高 High popularity 30 5.8%
以上皆是 All of the above 21 4.1%
其他答案 Others 10 1.9%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 18 3.5%
合計 Total 516 100.0%

[Q4] 明年3月1,200個選舉委員將會投票選出下一任特首,你認為以下邊一個係佢地投票時最重要既考慮?[讀出首5個答案,次序由電腦隨機抽樣,只選一個]
The 1,200 members of the Election Committee will be responsible for electing the next CE in March next year, which of the following do you think is the most important consideration of the members? [Read first 5 answers, order randomized by computer, choose only one]
  頻數 Frequency 百分比 Percentage
(基數 Base=514)
管治能力 The governing capability 163 31.6%
中央取態 The attitude of the central government 136 26.5%
民意 Public opinion 70 13.6%
所屬分組界別既利益 The sector interests 56 10.9%
候選人政綱 Candidates' platforms 56 10.9%
其他答案 Others 2 0.4%
唔知∕難講 Don’t know / Hard to say 31 6.0%
合計 Total 514 100.0%
缺數 Missing 2