具體問卷題目 Question Wording返回
中文問卷題目 (General wordings in Chinese)(每次調查所採用的具體提問方式可能會因應問卷的整體編排而略有改變)
咁整體黎講, 你對一國兩制有冇信心﹖ 有信心 冇信心 唔知/難講 拒答 |
General wordings in English (英文問卷題目)
(The exact wordings used in specific questionnaires may deviate slightly due to the need to adapt the question according to the context of the questionnaire)
On the whole, do you have confidence in "One Country, Two Systems"? Confident Not Confident Don't know / hard to say Refuse to answer |
具體問卷編號及調查日期 Exact codes and fieldwork dates for this question (2005年前的資料容後補上 Information before 2005 will be supplied in due course) |