具體問卷題目 Question Wording返回
中文問卷題目 (General wordings in Chinese)
你認為而家香港新聞傳媒既報導負唔負責任?(訪員追問程度) |
非常負責任 |
幾負責任 |
一半半 |
幾唔負責任 |
非常唔負責任 |
唔知/難講 |
拒答 |
General wordings in English (英文問卷題目)
(The exact wordings used in specific questionnaires may deviate slightly due to the need to adapt the question according to the context of the questionnaire)
Do you think the news media in Hong Kong are
responsible in their reporting? (Interviewer to probe extent) |
Very responsible |
Quite responsible |
Half-half |
Quite irresponsible |
Very irresponsible |
Don't know / hard to say |
Refuse to answer |
- TP1604021_022 11-14/4/2016
- TP1509046_047 24-30/9/2015
- TP1409055_056 23-30/9/2014
- TP1310067_068 28-31/10/2013
- TP1305036_038 28-31/5/2013