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1.而家想請你用0-100分評價你對保安局局長黎棟國既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分保安局局長黎棟國呢? (半年結)
2.假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免黎棟國作為保安局局長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票? (半年結)
3.你認為黎棟國做保安局局長既工作做得好唔好? (半年結)
1.Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Secretary for Security Lai Tung-kwok, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Secretary for Security Lai Tung-kwok? (half-yearly average)
2.If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of Lai Tung-kwok as the Secretary for Security tomorrow, how would you vote? (half-yearly average)
3.Do you think Lai Tung-kwok is doing a good or bad job as the Secretary for Security? (half-yearly average)

Month of Survey
0-100 support rating 
Hypothetical vote share on reappointment 
Job performance approval rate  
  1-6/2017  -   39.3%   - 
  7-12/2016  -   37.2%   - 
  1-6/2016  -   36.1%   - 
  7-12/2015  -   38.7%   - 
  1-6/2015  -   36.4%   - 
  7-12/2014  -   39.8%   - 
  1-6/2014  -   47.0%   - 
  7-12/2013  -   42.9%   - 
  1-6/2013  -   50.1%   - 
  7-12/2012  -   52.9%   -