注意事項Points to Note返回
兩項評分是否高低分明可根據兩者的差值及誤差判別。在95%置信水平下,判別距離約等於兩個標準誤差。 | ||
榜上有名與無名的分別,可能是基於某議員或政團的認知率是否僅可合格。因此,該等認知率的比較應視為第一基準,支持度則為第二基準。某議員或政團可能今次名列前矛,但下次則十大不入。原因可能因為其認知率未乎理想。認知率與支持度之間並無必然關係。 | ||
九九年六月前的政治團體評分,是以五大團體形式進行,而支聯會的評分則不計在內。九九年六月以後的政治團體評分則以十大團體形式進行,支聯會計算在內。 | ||
當政治團體評分改以十大進行後,歷次「入圍」團體數目皆不及十個,顯示市民對本地政治團體認識有限。 |
Points to Note
Whether two ratings are statistically distinguishable depends on the value of their difference and the standard errors of their scores. Generally speaking, at 95% confidence level, a difference of over two standard errors can be taken as meaningful. | ||
Whether a legislator or political group is on the list or not is sometimes marginally determined by one's recognition rate. Higher recognition rate means more people know of the person or group, and can be taken as the first benchmark in comparing popularity. Support rating is the second, and the two are not necessarily related. If the recognition rate of a person or group is only marginal, one could top the list this time, but drop out completely next time. | ||
Before June 1999, the popularity of political groups were gauged by the "top five" method. After that, they are measured by "top ten" method. ASPDMC was admitted as a political group after June 1999. | ||
After the enhancement of the exercise in June 1999, the number of political groups "qualified" for the final round, however, never reached the planned quota of 10. This indicates that Hong Kong people's knowledge of local political groups is still rather limited. |