主要官員民望:項目簡介 Popularity of Principal Officials:A brief Description返回

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Would HKUPOP conduct popularity surveys on Anson Chan and Regina Ip?
Popularity survey of principal officials under the accountability system




Would HKUPOP conduct popularity surveys on Anson Chan and Regina Ip?

The general practice of HKUPOP is to begin monitoring the popularity of government officials once they are appointed and stop once they leave office. This applies to Chris Patten, CH Tung, Anson Chan and Regina Ip. Nevertheless, counting on POP tracking surveys alone, these people may be included in our surveys via the following channels: 

Be included in our regular surveys of cross-strait political figures if they have become national leaders, and if they are popular enough according to our nomination surveys; 
Become councillors and be included in our regular surveys of various kinds of councillors; 
Become popular enough to be included in our regular survey of local political figures; 
Be included in our election surveys because they may participate in certain elections, including the election of the Chief Executive. 
These surveys, however, are much less frequent and shallow compared to our regular surveys of incumbent government officials. They are therefore of less study value. 

It should be pointed out, however, that POP may be commissioned any time to study the popularity of these public figures, according to our prescribed service policy. In all such projects, we require full autonomy and independence in their design and operation, and we would release our findings for public consumption upon completion of the projects.

(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 11 July 2006)



  • 有關各司長的評分調查,在2001年1月至11月期間是不定期進行,及至2002年1月開始至今,調查的週期為每月進行一次;至於以假設性投票為準的各司長支持率調查,在2002年9月至2003年12月期間的調查週期為每三個月進行一次,然後由2004年2月至2005年12月改為每兩個月進行一次,再由2006年1月開始至今定為每月進行一次。
  • 「各司長民望」調查一直沿用的提問方式為「而家想請你用0至100分評價你對政務司司長XXX/財政司司長YYY/律政司司長ZZZ既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分政務司司長XXX/財政司司長YYY/律政司司長ZZZ呢?」而各司長支持率調查的提問方式則為「假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免XXX/YYY/ZZZ作為政務司司長/財政司司長/律政司司長,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?」。
  • 樣本數目方面,由開始至今,樣本數目都稍為超過1,000個。 


  • 有關各局長的評分調查,調查的週期在2002年6月至2005年12月期間為每月進行一次,及至2006年1月開始至今改為每兩個月進行一次;至於各局長的支持率調查,在2002年9月開始至2003年12月期間的調查週期為每三個月進行一次,然後由2004年2月至今定為每兩個月進行一次。
  • 跟司長民望的調查一樣,有關各局長民望的調查同樣包括「評分」及「假設性投票」兩條題目,提問方式分別為「請你用0至100分評價你對XXX既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分XXX呢?」及「假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免XXX作為YYYYYY,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?」。不過,該兩個提問是在不同調查分開進行,而並非同時進行。
  • 樣本數目方面,有關局長民望的調查,由開始至2005年12月,樣本數目都稍為超過1,000個;不過,由2006年開始,本系列題目每次只涉及有關定期調查的次樣本,而每題樣本數目不等。 



Popularity survey of principal officials under the accountability system

In advanced democratic countries, the popularity of their principal officials is the crux of all opinion polls. Although the accountability system of the HKSAR Government was established in July 2002, HKUPOP has measured the ratings of the three Secretaries of Departments since January 2001, and then for all the Directors of Bureaux since June 2002. In September 2002, we also started to conduct surveys on the support rate of all principal officials, and to measure and release the popularity of our principal officials as frequently as we could, using our limited resources. First of all, we look at the development of the survey for Secretaries of Departments. 

  • For the rating survey of the Secretaries of Departments, in between January to November 2001, the frequency of the survey was conducted at an irregular basis. From January 2002 onwards, the survey is conducted once every month. For the support rates of the Secretaries based on people's hypothetical vote of confidence, the survey was conducted once every three months from September 2002 to December 2003. Then it was changed to once every two months from February 2004 to December 2005. From January 2006 onwards, the survey is conducted once every month.
  • The wordings used in the questionnaire are: "Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to Chief Secretary for Administration XXX/Financial Secretary YYY/Secretary for Justice ZZZ, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX/YYY/ZZZ?". For the support rates of Secretaries, the wordings are "If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of XXX/YYY/ZZZ as the Chief Secretary for Administration/Financial Secretary/Secretary for Justice tomorrow, how would you vote?"
  • Regarding the sample size, ever since the beginning, the sample size of surveys has been set at slightly over 1,000. 

The development of the survey for Directors of Bureaux is as follows: 

  • For the rating survey of the Directors of Bureaux, in between June 2002 to December 2005, the frequency was once every month. From January 2006 onwards, the survey is conducted once every two months. For the support rates of Directors of Bureaux, the frequency was once every three months from September 2002 to December 2003. Then from February 2004 onwards, the survey is conducted once every two months.
  • Similar to the popularity survey of the Secretaries of Departments, that of the Directors of Bureaux also includes the questions of rating and hypothetical voting. The wordings used in the questionnaire are: "Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX?" and "If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of XXX as YYYYYY tomorrow, how would you vote?" However, the two questions are asked in different surveys separately.
  • Regarding the sample size, from the beginning to December 2005, the sample size of the surveys has been set at slightly over 1,000. However, from 2006 onwards, this series of questions only uses sub-samples of the tracking surveys concerned, and the sample size for each question also varies. 

All the findings from our surveys on "popularity of principal officials" have been released online through our HKU POP Site.  

(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 16 January 2007)