特首民望:項目簡介 Popularity of the Chief Executive: A brief Description返回

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The background the POP question on"policy directions"
CE's Popularity Survey
Popularity survey of CE and the HKSAR Government





The background the POP question on"policy directions"

The exact question used in mapping people's satisfaction with CE's policy direction is as follows:

"On the whole, how satisfied are you with Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's policy direction?"
Available answers include"very satisfied","quite satisfied","half-half","not quite satisfied","very dissatisfied" and"don't know / hard to say". Obviously, the number of"refusals" is also registered.

HKUPOP was established in 1991, we began to record people's satisfaction of Governor Chris Patten's policy address ever since he gave his first one in October 1992. The question used then was:"On the whole, how satisfied are you with XXX's policy address?" We used this question up to September 2002, shortly before Tung Chee-hwa delivered his first policy address of his second session. Meanwhile, POP continued to develop other indicators of policy satisfaction, including"people's satisfaction with CE's policy direction" since July 1997,"hypothetical voting on XXX as the CE" and"people's appraisal of CE's job performance", both since February 2002. Our frequent CE rating exercise continues, and Donald Tsang's becoming the CE did not change our operation. Our effort to search and test for the best method to study people's satisfaction of public policies continues up to this date.

(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 28 February 2006)



  • 民研計劃在成立以後至回歸前,從不間斷地對港督彭定康進行評分調查。及至1997年回歸以後,亦即是董建華成為第一任特首之後,便開始了特首董建華的民望評分。及至董建華辭職,曾蔭權接任,民研計劃隨即開始調查特首曾蔭權的民望。有關調查的密度在港督彭定康年代每月最少進行一次,董建華於上任後至1997年底每月進行三次,1998年1月開始每月進行兩次。 
  • 「港督或特首民望」調查一直沿用的提問方式為「而家想請你用0-100分評價你對港督/特首某某某既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分港督/特首某某某呢?」。 
  • 樣本數目方面,於2000年4月或以前,樣本數目都稍為超過500個,由2000年4月17日開始的有關調查的樣本數目就增加至1,000個以上。 



CE's Popularity Survey

In advanced democratic countries, the popularity of their supreme leaders is the crux of all opinion polls. Soon after the establishment of HKUPOP, we immediately measured the popularity of our top leader as frequently as we could, using our limited resources. We began our "Governor rating surveys" in April 1992, which became "Chief Executive rating surveys" after the handover. The development of this survey is as follows: 
  • From its establishment to the handover of Hong Kong, HKUPOP continually conducted surveys to measure the popularity ratings of Governor Chris Patten. After the handover in 1997, when Tung Chee-hwa became the first Chief Executive, we began our popularity survey of CE Tung Chee-hwa. After Tung resigned and Donald Tsang took over, we began our popularity survey of CE Donald Tsang. The frequency of our surveys was at least once per month during the period of Governor Chris Patten. It was then changed to three times per month when Tung became CE, until the end of 1997. From January 1998 onwards, the survey is conducted twice every month. 
  • The wordings used in the questionnaire are: "Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to Governor/Chief Executive XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate Governor/Chief Executive XXX?" 
  • Regarding sample size, from the beginning to April 2000, the sample size of surveys was set at slightly over 500. Since April 17, 2000, the sample size was increased to at least 1000. 

The findings from our surveys on "popularity ratings of Governor/Chief Executive" conducted on or before December 1999 were released through our newsletter POP Express. After our HKU POP Site was established, the findings of January 2000 onward are released online, while all previous findings published in our POP Express have also uploaded on-line in various formats. 

(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 31 October 2006)




(1) 特首民望調查的發展: 
  • 民研計劃在成立以後至回歸前,從不間斷地對港督彭定康進行評分調查。及至1997年回歸以後,亦即是董建華成為第一任特首之後,便開始了特首董建華的民望評分。及至董建華辭職,曾蔭權接任,民研計劃隨即開始調查特首曾蔭權的民望。有關調查的密度在港督彭定康年代每月最少進行一次,董建華於上任後至1997年底每月進行三次,1998年1月開始每月進行兩次。
  • 「港督或特首民望」調查一直沿用的提問方式為「而家想請你用0-100分評價你對港督/特首某某某既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分港督/特首某某某呢?」及「假設明天選舉特首,而你又有權投票,你會唔會選某某某做特首?」。 

(2) 巿民對政府整體滿意程度調查的發展

  • 有關市民對特區政府滿意程度調查是自1997年7月開始至今,密度為每月進行一次。
  • 調查一直沿用的提問方式為「你對特區政府既整體表現滿唔滿意呢?」。 



Popularity survey of CE and the HKSAR Government

One important aspect of opinion polling around the world is to monitor people's appraisal of the top leader and overall satisfaction with the government. Shortly after HKUPOP was established, we started to conduct surveys on these aspects. We explained the development of these surveys in our press releases of October 31 and November 28, 2006. Today, we release an updated version with some editing, so that readers can have a more comprehensive picture of such development.

(1) Development of CE's popularity survey 
  • From its establishment to the handover of Hong Kong, POP has continually conducted surveys to measure the popularity rating of Governor Chris Patten. After the handover when Tung Chee-hwa became the first Chief Executive in 1997, we began our popularity survey of CE Tung Chee-hwa. After Tung resigned and Donald Tsang succeeded, POP has begun to measure Tsang's popularity. The frequency of our surveys was at least once every month during the Patten era. It was then increased to three times per month when Tung became CE, until the end of 1997. From January 1998 onwards, it was reduced to twice every month.
  • The question wordings used in "popularity of Governor or CE" survey are: "Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Governor/ the Chief Executive XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Chief Executive XXX?" and "If a general election of the Chief Executive were to be held tomorrow, and you had the right to vote, would you vote for XXX?". 

(2) Development of people's satisfaction with the HKSAR Government survey 

  • The survey on people's satisfaction with the HKSAR Government was started in July 1997. Since then, it has been conducted once every month.
  • The question wordings used in the questionnaire are: "Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the HKSAR Government?". 

Before April 2000, the sample size of our regular surveys was set at slightly over 500. After that, it was increased to at least 1,000. The above surveys are of no exception. All the above findings are now released on POP Site on a regular basis. Previous findings published in our newsletter POP Express have also been uploaded online in various formats.

(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 30 January 2007)