Q: What is the difference between "support ratings" and "support rates"?
A: "Support ratings" are expressed on a 0-100 scale, it shows how good or bad people feel about certain public figures or organizations. "Support rates" are expressed in terms of 0% - 100%, indicating the proportion of people supporting certain public figures or political groups. A person may have a mediocre support rating, but he may be considered by most people as the best person suited to a job, simply because there is no better people around. Likewise, a person may have an acceptable rating, but because he lacks leadership, nobody wants him to take up a certain job.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of
10 January 2006)
問: 為什麼特首和問責官員的支持率採用不同提問方式?
Q: Why are we using different wordings to measure the support rates of CE and the principal officials?
答: 「支持率」和「認許率」都只是概括用詞,讀者適宜參閱網站內問卷全文。特首支持率的提問方式為──「假設明天選舉特首,而你又有權投票,你會唔會選曾蔭權做特首?」問責官員支持率的提問方式為──「假設明天你有權投票決定續任或者罷免某某官員,你會投續任、罷免、定棄權票?」簡而言之,問卷設計是要盡量劃一概念而又要符合實際需要。(初版:2006年2月9日新聞公報之附加資料)
A:"Support rate", "approval rate" and "vote of confidence/dismissal" used in this release are just a general expressions. One should always look at the exact wordings used in the questionnaire. To measure the support rate of the CE, we used this question -- "If a general election of the Chief Executive were to be held tomorrow, and you had the right to vote, would you vote for Donald Tsang Yam-kuen?" To measure the support rate of the principal officials, we used this question -- "If you had the right to vote on the reappointment or dismissal of a certain official tomorrow, how would you vote?" Put it in simple terms, we have tried our best to use the same concept modified to suit different situations.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 9
February 2006)
Q: Why is POP not releasing support ratings and support rates of Directors of Bureau at the same time?
A:Since the accountability system started, POP has closely monitored the popularity of the Principal Officials using regular surveys. At first, we mainly used rating questions, supplemented by support rate questions. Other indicators were also used, mainly for additional analysis. However, parallel to the development of democracy on the whole and people’s sense of voting in particular, starting from 2006, we have adjusted the importance of support rating and support rate questions to the ratio of 1:1. CE support ratings and support rates are now conducted and released twice a month, those of Secretaries of Departments once a month, and those of Directors of Bureaux separately in odd and even months respectively.
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 14 March
Q: Is there a "successful" support rate?
A:We discussed the concept of "ideal" support rate in our release of July 25, 2006. We pointed out that if support rate figures can be converted into real votes, then two-thirds majority, or 67%, can be taken as the ultimate test for all constitutional requirements. Likewise, in most constitutional systems, any simple majority of over 50% would return a candidate by popular election. We can, therefore, consider 51% to be the benchmark for a "successful" support rate. Referring to the popularity figures we release today, only Ambrose Lee’s popularity rate could be considered "ideal". The popularity of Donald Tsang, Wong Yan-lung, Sarah Liao and Stephen Ip can all be considered as "successful" but less than "ideal". Of course, the factor of statistical coincidence, the meaning of "abstention", and the connections between "support ratings" and "support rates", are also important factors to be considered. We will discuss them here in future. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of
8 August 2006)
Q: In HKUPOP's latest survey, judging from government officials' support rates alone, how can we describe the popularity of the CE and the principal officials using various benchmarks?
A: In our press releases of July 25, August 8 and 29, September 12 and 26, 2006, we discussed five benchmarks of popularity, namely, "ideal", "successful", "depressing", "disastrous" and "inconspicuous". We will not repeat the discussion here, but we will apply them to our latest survey findings. In early October, the support rate of Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee exceeds 66%, his performance can be labeled as "ideal". The support rates of SJ Wong Yan-lung, CE Donald Tsang, FS Henry Tang and Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works Sarah Liao all exceed 50%, their performance can be labeled as "successful". The combined support and disapproval rates of Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue, Secretary for the Commerce, Industry and Technology Joseph Wong and CS Rafael Hui do not reach 50%, their performance can be labeled as "inconspicuous". The performance of all other officials range between "successful" and "depressing", they can be labeled as just "mediocre". They include Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Stephen Ip, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food York Chow, Secretary for Education and Manpower Arthur Li, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Frederick Ma, Secretary for Home Affairs Patrick Ho, Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Michael Suen, and Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam. In early October, no official falls under the categories of "depressing" or "disastrous".
(First release: Supplementary section of our press release of
10 October 2006)