政府民望:常見問題 Popularity of the Government: FAQs返回

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常見問題 Frequently asked Questions
Q:Why is there no decimal place for the findings carried in this press release, whereas there are decimal places in the corresponding online tables?
Q:What is the difference between people's trust in governments and their appraisal of government performance?
Q:How does POP set the 5 specific policy items of the HKSAR government as the directions of investigation? 
Q:When the proportion of positive answers to a tracking question drops, does it mean that the proportion of negative answers will rise?
Q:In describing the support rates of government officials, there are benchmarks like "ideal", "successful", "depressing", "disastrous" and "inconspicuous". Are there similar benchmarks for describing a government's popularity?
常見問題與答案 Frequently asked Questions with Answers
Q:Why is there no decimal place for the findings carried in this press release, whereas there are decimal places in the corresponding online tables?

It's a matter of accuracy. Since there are already sampling errors of a few percentage points, giving decimal places are not meaningful. It may also mislead readers into thinking that the findings are very representative and accurate up to a fraction of a percentage point. Since online tables are meant for more serious references, we have left the decimal places unscratched. Press releases are usually quoted directly by the media, so we prefer to emphasize the concept of accuracy.  (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 3 January 2006)

Q:What is the difference between people's trust in governments and their appraisal of government performance?

People's trust in a government is often part of an attitude with deep roots, whereas their appraisal of a government's performance may be swayed by specific policies. Both are useful indicators, but for governments which are relatively more remote but nevertheless important, like the Central Government and the Taiwan Government in the heart of Hong Kong people, "trust in government" is probably a more useful measurement. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 3 January 2006)

Q:How does POP set the 5 specific policy items of the HKSAR government as the directions of investigation? 

Around the handover of Hong Kong, many experts and citizens became highly concerned with the long-term development of Hong Kong in four aspects, namely democracy, freedom, prosperity and stability. HKUPOP therefore started a number of tracking survey series, including social indicator surveys and surveys on the performance of the SAR government. The former series comprises 12 indicators, with "democracy", "freedom", "prosperity" and "stability" being the core indicators. These are matched by four aspects of SAR government's performance, namely, "developing democracy", "protecting human rights and freedom", "maintaining economic prosperity", and "improving people's livelihood", while the fifth aspect of "handling of its relation with the Central Government" is also added to measure the performance of the government in external affairs. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 23 March 2006)

Q:When the proportion of positive answers to a tracking question drops, does it mean that the proportion of negative answers will rise?

Not necessarily, unless there is only one positive and one negative answer. If we are using a five-point scale, or any balanced scale with a mid-point, some of the positive or negative answers might have just turned neutral, instead of taking sides. We therefore need to be very careful when reading these findings. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 20 June 2006)

Q:In describing the support rates of government officials, there are benchmarks like "ideal", "successful", "depressing", "disastrous" and "inconspicuous". Are there similar benchmarks for describing a government's popularity?

We discussed the concepts of these five benchmarks in our releases of July 25, August 8 and 29, and September 12, 2006, but they are related to the popularity figures of government officials, and they are all derived from our logic of converting support rate figures into actual votes. In mapping the popularity of a government, if we use questions like "Assuming there is a referendum tomorrow to decide whether the government should remain in power, how would you vote?", we may well come up with similar benchmarks. However, the wordings used by HKUPOP in gauging government popularity is "Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the government?" and we use a 5-point scale to register the answers. We manage to grasp people's feeling better using this question, but it makes it difficult to project whether a government should be removed. The five benchmarks we discussed become inapplicable. Nevertheless, we may boldly assume that if the popularity of our supreme leader remains to be "depressing", "disastrous" or "inconspicuous" for a long time, it will go unspoken that people wants the government to be removed. (First release: Supplementary section of our press release of 26 September 2006)