每次調查結果 Results per Poll返回

調查日期 Date of survey:  <<13-20/6/2012, ..., 24-26/5/2016, 21-24/11/2016, 22-25/5/2017, ..., 3-6/6/2019>>

Please rate on a scale of 0-100 your satisfaction with the XXX as a disciplinary force. 0 stands for very dissatisfied, 100 stands for very satisfied, 50 stands for half-half. How would you rate it?

調查日期: 21-24/11/2016
Date of survey: 21-24/11/2016

Discipilnary Force
Satisfaction Rating
Standard error
Total sample
No. of Raters
 消防處 HKFSD   83.9   0.5   1,000   569   557   98.0%  
 政府飛行服務隊 GFS   77.1   0.7   1,000   604   498   82.4%  
 醫療輔助隊 AMS   76.6   0.6   1,000   574   499   86.9%  
 民眾安全服務隊 (民安隊) CAS   72.6   0.8   1,000   598   464   77.5%  
 香港海關 C&E   71.2   0.7   1,000   607   563   92.7%  
 入境事務處 IMMD   70.4   0.7   1,000   551   529   95.9%  
 懲教署 HKCS   70.0   0.8   1,000   594   468   78.8%  
 香港警務處 HKPF   64.6   1.0   1,000   590   573   97.0%  
 廉政公署 ICAC   63.2   0.9   1,000   600   553   92.2%  

*Less than five namings or those non-disciplinary forces