每次調查結果 Results per Poll返回
調查日期 Date of survey: <<8/7/1997, ..., 20-22/3/2005, 15-21/9/2005, 13-17/3/2006, ..., 20-23/7/2018>> |
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX?
第二階段(評分) - 調查日期: 15-21/9/05
Second stage (rating) - Date of survey: 15-21/9/05
於第二階段認知度最低的兩個中國及台灣領導人 Bottom 2 Legislative Councillors in terms of recognition rate in second stage
請你講出最認識十個當今中國及台灣領導人既名字。(可選多項) Please name up to ten contemporary leaders in Mainland China and Taiwan that you are most familiar with. (multiple response) 第一階段(提名) - 調查日期: 1-7/9/05 First stage (naming) - Date of survey: 1-7/9/05