CH Tung has resigned as the Chief Executive. Would you say he has accrued more merits or faults in the development of Hong Kong?
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In your view, how should the proportion of merits to faults be like for CH Tung?
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What do you think is CH Tung's major contribution in governing Hong Kong? Should it be in the political area, economy and people's livelihood, other areas, or no contributions?
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What do you think is CH Tung's major fault in governing Hong Kong? Should it be in the political area, economy and people's livelihood, other areas, or no faults?
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參考數據 : 你認為彭定康對香港既整體發展功績多定過失多?
Reference data : Would you say Chris Patten has accrued more merits or faults in the development of Hong Kong?
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參考數據 : 你認為彭定康管治香港,主要既功績係咩?
Reference data : What do you think is Chris Patten's major contribution in governing Hong Kong?
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參考數據 : 你認為彭定康管治香港,主要既過失係咩?
Reference data : What do you think is Chris Patten's major fault in governing Hong Kong?
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