鄧小平的功過 Merits and Faults of Deng Xiaoping 返回
鄧小平的功過 - 按次計算 (13/4/2010) Merits and Faults of Deng Xiaoping - per poll (13/4/2010) |
| 調查方法/Survey Method | 樣本資料/Contact Information | 人口變項/Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷/Full questionnaires | | 數表/Table | 圖表/Chart 2/1995-3/2010 | 資料圖表/Old charts | |
鄧小平的功過 - 半年結 (13/4/2010) Merits and Faults of Deng Xiaoping - half-yearly average (13/4/2010) |
| 調查方法/Survey Method | 樣本資料/Contact Information | 人口變項/Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷/Full questionnaires | | 數表/Table | 圖表/Chart 1-6/1995-1-6/2010 | |
鄧小平的功過 - 年結 (13/4/2010) Merits and Faults of Deng Xiaoping - yearly average (13/4/2010) |
| 調查方法/Survey Method | 樣本資料/Contact Information | 人口變項/Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷/Full questionnaires | | 數表/Table | 圖表/Chart 1995-2010 | |