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而家想請你用0-100分評價你對特首董建華既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分特首董建華呢? (按月計算)
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa? (monthly average)

 Month of Survey
Support Rating  
(Monthly Average)  
Standard Error  
(Monthly Average)  
Total Sample  
Number of Raters  
Recognition Rate  
  12/1998 57.7 0.7 1031 1006# 97.6%#
  11/1998 57.4 0.8 1018 976 95.9%
  10/1998 55 0.7 2548 2361 92.7%
  9/1998 58.7 0.8 1565 1495 95.5%
  8/1998 54.5 0.8 1621 1548# 95.5%#
  7/1998 56.1 0.8 1085 1034# 95.3%#
  6/1998 56 0.8 2143 1968# 91.8%#
  5/1998 58.6 0.8 1072 973 90.8%
  4/1998 60.4 0.7 1083 1022# 94.4%#
  3/1998 61.6 0.7 1074 1024# 95.4%#
  2/1998 59.2 0.8 1036 956# 92.2%#
  1/1998 59.5 0.8 1032 963# 93.3%#
  12/1997 62.8 0.7 1583 1476# 93.2%#
  11/1997 63.4 0.7 1588 1466 92.3%
  10/1997 64.9 0.7 3111# 2806# 90.2%#
  9/1997 67.7 0.7 1549# 1474# 95.1%#
  8/1997 65.7 0.7 1595 1446 90.7%
  7/1997 64.5 0.7 1621 1439# 88.8%#
  6/1997 57.9 0.9# 1630 1231# 75.6%#
  5/1997 58.6 0.9 1585 1311# 82.7%#
  4/1997 57.7 0.9 1579 1327# 84.0%#
  3/1997 59.9# 0.9 1586 1335# 84.2%#
  2/1997 60.1 0.9 1622 1354# 83.5%#
  1/1997 64.4 0.9 1131 801# 70.8%#
# 原數字有錯誤,特此更正。
# The original figure was mistaken, it is hereby corrected.