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而家想請你用0-100分評價你對特首曾蔭權既支持程度,0分代表絕對唔支持,100分代表絕對支持,50分代表一半半,你會俾幾多分特首曾蔭權呢? (半年結)
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen? (half-yearly average)

Date of survey
Total sample
(Half-yearly Average) 
(Half-yearly Average) 
Support Rating
(Half-yearly Average) 
Standard Error
(Half-yearly Average) 
Number of Raters
Recognition Rate
  7-12/07  13177   13177   64.9   0.6   12898   97.9% 
  1-6/07  13157   12690   66.1   0.6   12432   98.0% 
  7-12/06  13180   13180   62.9   0.6   12922   98.0% 
  1-6/06  13253   12379   67.3   0.6   12044   90.9% 
  7-12/05  13083   13083   67.4   0.5   12560   96.0% 
  1-6/05  10197   10197   68.0   0.5   9608   94.2% 
  7-12/04  6079   6079   61.3   0.5   5857   96.3% 
  1-6/04  8165   8165   62.3   0.5   7793   95.4% 
  7-12/03  6178   6178   62.0   0.5   5895   95.4% 
  1-6/03  8306   8306   59.6   0.5   7773   93.6% 
  7-12/02  6230   6230   61.8   0.5   5731   92.0% 
  1-6/02  9595   9595   65.3   0.5   8538   89.0% 
  7-12/01  2108   2108   64.8   0.5   1825   86.6% 
  1-6/01  3627   3627   69.8   0.6   3358   92.6% 
  7-12/00  1038   1038   70.0   0.5   892   86.0% 
  1-6/00  535   535   64.7   0.7   493   92.1% 
  7-12/99  1035   1035   63.8   0.8   900   87.0% 
  1-6/99  1049   1049   68.1   0.7   962   91.7% 
  7-12/98  1608   1608   61.4   0.8   1445   89.9% 
  1-6/98  538   538   61.7   0.8   467   86.8% 
  7-12/97  1077   1077   62.6   0.8   818   76.0% 
  1-6/97  525   525   61.3   0.8   392   74.7% 

##### 二零零五年六月二十一日:曾蔭權出任特首 June 21 , 2005: Donald Tsang Yam-kuen became the Chief Executive 

#### 二零零五年三月十二日:曾蔭權出任署理特首 March 12 , 2005: Donald Tsang Yam-kuen became the Acting Chief Executive 

### 二零零一年五月一日:曾蔭權出任政務司司長 May 1 , 2001: Donald Tsang Yam-kuen became the Chief Secretary for Administration

## 一九九七年七月一日:曾蔭權出任財政司司長 July 1 , 1997: Donald Tsang Yam-kuen became the Financial Secretary

# 一九九五年九月:曾蔭權出任財政司 September, 1995: Donald Tsang Yam-kuen became the Financial Secretary under British rule