
Released data
  24-Apr-07  最新調查顯示,巿民對特區政府的滿意程度,在財政預算案發表後,繼續在五成左右徘徊。 
  3-Apr-07  至於特區政府的民望,在財政預算案發表後似乎暫時平頂,能否進一步攀升則要視乎政府如何處理現時棘手的問題,和開展新的施政理念。再看特區政府表現的五項指標,對比三個月前,各項指標都全面上升,巿民對政府在維持經濟繁榮方面的滿意率再次回升至1997年9月以來的新高。不過,政府在民主步伐和改善民生兩方面的表現就明顯落後,滿意率不足四成。 
  6-Mar-07  由於今年的財政預算案獲得好評,特區政府的民望在預算案發表後急升9個百分比,兩次調查的累積升幅有13個百分比。 
  21-Feb-07  最新調查顯示,五項信心及信任指標如常保持正面。翻查資料,巿民對特區政府的滿意程度,在1月已經止跌回升。我們當時曾經列出以下利好事件:特首北京述職、特首公佈『十一五與香港發展』行動綱領、政府實施內地孕婦來港產子新措施、政府公佈文物建築保護政策、和恆生指數創出歷史新高等。之後,除了特首選舉觸及的社會政策外,似乎都沒有明顯利好事件。因此,我們估計,上述事件同時提升了巿民對特區政府的滿意和信任程度。 
  30-Jan-07  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度,在過去一個月亦同步上升。至於一個月來的社會大事如何影響特首和特區政府的民望,巿民可以參閱『民意網站』中『民意日誌』所載資料,作出判斷。資料顯示,一個月來發生的大事包括特首北京述職、特首公佈『十一五行動綱領』、政府實施內地孕婦來港產子新措施、政府公佈文物建築保護政策、和恆生指數創出歷史新高等,都可能有助提升特首和政府的民望。 
  27-Dec-06  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度方面,數字亦連續下跌四個月,跌至2005年4至5月間的水平。再看特區政府表現的五項指標,對比三個月前,市民對政府在維護人權自由和推行民主步伐兩方面的滿意程度明顯下跌,而在改善民生和民主步伐兩方面的表現更是負面評價居多。由此推論,特首和特區政府的民望近來受壓,極可能與近期發生的多種事故有關,包括拆卸天星碼頭問題、食物安全的問題、內地孕婦留港產子問題、程翔事件和民主步伐等。」 
  28-Nov-06  最新調查顯示,特首和特區政府的民望在11月底略為下跌。跌幅雖然輕微,但巿民對特區政府的滿意程度就連續下跌三個月,回復至2005年中曾蔭權剛剛出任特首時的水平,值得注意。 
  31-Oct-06  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度在過去一個月變化不大,但不滿程度就明顯上升。整體而言,特區政府現時的民望大概回復至2005年中曾蔭權剛剛出任特首時的水平。 
  26-Sep-06  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度亦由4月中下旬的55%反覆下跌接近13個百分比,對政府五項具體政策範疇的滿意程度亦差不多全面下跌。特首能否在下一份施政報告中,回應巿民在政治、經濟和民生方面的訴求,將會直接影響特首和特區政府的民望發展。」 
  25-Jul-06  巿民對特區政府滿意程度方面,則回落至去年8月的水平。近期發生的事情,包括七一遊行、葉劉淑儀和陳方安生觸發有關民主步伐的討論,以及關於銷售稅的爭論,似乎都對特首和特區政府的民望構成壓力。」 
  27-Jun-06  巿民對特區政府整體表現的滿意程度,則繼續在五成至五成半之間上下波動。有關波動始於本年2月,最新數字為53%,比一個月前上升4個百分比。至於五項施政範疇方面,與三個月前的滿意率比較,除了推行民主步伐一項明顯下跌外,其餘四項都變化不大,當中又以處理與中央政府關係一項表現最佳。 
  30-May-06  巿民對特區政府整體表現的滿意程度,由2月開始便在五成至五成半之間上下波動,最新滿意數字是四成九,屬於波動的下限,波動形態與恆生指數有點相似。 
  25-Apr-06  巿民對特區政府整體表現的滿意程度,亦略為上升至政府宣佈重新規劃西九及發表財政預算案後的水平。 
  23-Mar-06  以同期數字比較,巿民對特區政府整體表現的滿意率就略為下跌,回落至政府宣佈重新規劃西九及發表財政預算案以前的水平,顯示近期發生的事件對政府的整體民望有一定影響。至於五項施政範疇方面,與五個月前的滿意率比較,維持經濟繁榮一項有明顯上升,處理與中央政府關係一項則從高位回落,但仍然是特區政府的強項。 
  28-Feb-06  特首曾蔭權的民望評分最近出現輕微波動,但特首的支持率和巿民對特區政府的滿意率就重上政改爭拗前的水平。由於最新數字是在政府宣佈重新規劃西九及發表財政預算案後進行,而兩件事情又只相隔一天,如何分析兩者的影響是個難題。不過,從民研計劃日前發表的財政預算案即時調查結果得知,預算案對財政司司長唐英年的民望沒有明顯刺激作用。以此推論,特首和特區政府民望的上升可能是受惠於西九規劃居多。 
  24-Jan-06  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度在過去三個月一直保持平穩。 
  29-Dec-05  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度在過去一個月亦繼續下跌,但速度已經放緩。 
  29-Nov-05  市民對特區政府的滿意程度在過去一個月就明顯下跌,回復至兩個月前的水平。特區政府如何處理和回應12月4日遊行巿民的訴求,將會影響特首及特區政府民望下一階段的發展。 
  1-Nov-05  市民對特區政府的滿意程度就繼續上升,再創回歸後的新高。五項施政範疇中,除了維持經濟繁榮一項外,全部屬於新高,當中滿意處理與中央政府關係的比率更加高達七成,蓋過上任政府的強項。 
  4-Oct-05  市民滿意特區政府表現的比率為52%,也是8年多特區歷史的新高。比起回歸初期四成左右的滿意率,是一種進步;比起2003年中的不足一成,更有天淵之別。 
  30-Aug-05  特區政府的整體民望方面,過去一個月沒有顯著變化。如果香港在未來一個月沒有出現重大事故,則10月施政報告的內容便是影響特首和特區政府民望走勢的關鍵因素。 
  2-Aug-05  特區政府的整體民望方面,過去一個月仍然錄得顯著升幅。以巿民對政府的滿意率計,過去一個月的升幅為4個百分比,三個月累積升幅為13個百分比,以董建華辭職計起累積升幅更高達24個百分比。巿民對政府的滿意程度,基本上已經回復到回歸初期,但特首的民望顯著回落,標誌著民意蜜月期已經結束。政府未來的民望走勢,將要視乎實際政策了。 
  30-Jun-05  隨著曾蔭權出任特首,特區政府的民望繼續上升,巿民對政府的滿意率重上四成,回復到接近1997年底的水平。接近回歸八週年,市民對中央政府的好感及其香港政策的滿意程度亦大幅反彈。因為成為中國國民而感到自豪的比率,亦回升至九七回歸時的水平。從民意的角度看,回歸八週年的勢頭相當不錯。 
  26-May-05  特區政府的民望繼續上升,對政府的滿意率已經回復到1999年4月的水平。 
  26-Apr-05  特區政府的民望繼續上升,巿民不滿政府的比率跌至1998年3月的水平,而巿民對各項政策範疇的滿意程度,在過去三個月來都錄得明顯升幅 
  1-Feb-05  特區政府民望方面,巿民的滿意程度在過去一月明顯下降。至於政府的具體表現方面,民生工作明顯是巿民最不滿的環節。特區政府的主要優勢,仍然在於處理與中央政府的關係。不過,這個優勢,在過去三個月來明顯減弱。 
  28-Dec-04  雖然市民對特區的施政諸多不滿,但表示在過去一年感到生活快樂的比率卻達到回歸後新高,而滿意香港在過去一年發展的比率就是1998年來的新高,顯示巿民的心情已從谷底反彈。不過,展望來年,巿民對社會整體的發展就沒有去年樂觀,對自己的發展就與去年差不多,整體來說是變得比較審慎。 
  23-Nov-04  市民對特區政府的不滿程度,比起一個月前略為上升,表示不滿與表示滿意者的比例大概是2對1之比。 
  26-Oct-04  市民對特區政府的不滿情緒,比起一個月前有輕微回落,而比起三個月前就有很大改善,當中又以維護人權自由和處理與中央政府關係方面的改善最大。 
  28-Sep-04  調查顯示,董建華的民望評分兩年來首次重上50分的水平,與特區政府的民望同步回升。翻查紀錄,特首和特區政府現時的民望水平,雖然仍屬負面,但已經回復到2002年中的數字。當時,董建華剛剛連任特首,官員問責制度開始起步,但基本法23條的討論還未開展,沙士亦未爆發。從民望起跌而言,特首和特區政府能夠重新起步,應該要好好把握。
Tung Chee-hwa』s popularity rating has now reached the benchmark of 50, first time in two years. The popularity of the SAR Government has also rebounded. Although the popularity of both is still on the downside, they have recovered to the level of mid-2002, when Tung started his second term of office. At that time, the accountability system for principle officials has just begun, controversies surrounding the Article 23 of the Basic Law have not yet started, while SARS was not yet known. In terms of popularity, the Chief Executive and SAR Government seem to be starting afresh. They should really treasure this opportunity. 
  31-Aug-04  特區政府的民望亦自5月中起同步回升,雖然仍屬低位,但在選舉期間仍然上升,已屬不錯。
The popularity of the SAR Government, on the other hand, has also rebounded since mid-May, together with Tung』s. Although still at the lower end, such rebound during election time is already not bad. 
  3-Aug-04  另一方面,特區政府及立法會議員的整體民望亦有輕微上升,雖然仍然不滿者眾,但各項不滿比率已經有所回落。
The popularity of the SAR Government and the Legco members on the whole, has also slightly improved. Although their satisfaction rates are still on the down side, various dissatisfaction rates have subsided. 
  29-Jun-04  接近回歸七週年時,市民對中央政府的香港政策,滿意程度就比去年同期顯著回落,扭轉了2000年開始的上升勢頭,應該與人大釋法和否決雙普選有直接關係。
The 7th anniversary of the handover is approaching, many more people are dissatisfied with the Central Government's policy on Hong Kong, when comparing the same time last year. This has reverted an upward trend which first started in 2000. There is little doubt that this was due to NPC's interpretation of the Basic Law and its veto of universal suffrage in 2007/08. 
  25-May-04  結果顯示,特首及特區政府的民望,現時都跌至去年八月以來的新低,高過去年七月的數字,但就低過去年六月的數字。換言之,兩者其實開始貼近去年七一遊行前夕的狀況。特區政府一定要汲取去年的經驗,盡快疏導市民的怨氣,及近期有關言論自由的憂慮。
The survey shows that the popularity of both the Chief Executive and the SAR Government are at their lowest since August last year. They are higher than the July 2003 figures, but lower than those of June 2003. In other words, the situation is getting like that before July 1 last year. Learning from last year's experience, the government must now move quickly to relieve people's grievances, especially people's recent worries that freedom of speech has been curbed. 
  27-Apr-04  人大釋法後,巿民不滿特區政府的比率再次上升,逆轉了去年12月開始的利好方向。五項具體表現指標中,不滿政府推行民主步伐的比率,成為市民最不滿的範疇,而特區政府過去的強項,即處理與中央政府關係方面的表現,不滿率亦升至歷史新高,值得注意。
After NPC's interpretation, people's dissatisfaction with the SAR Government has gone up again, reversing the positive trend which started last December. Among the 5 specific performance indicators, people were most dissatisfied with the government's performance in developing democracy. As for SARG's usual strength, that is, in handling its relation with the Central Government, dissatisfaction has gone to a historical high, which is noteworthy. 
  30-Mar-04  特區政府的民望,則一個月來沒有明顯的變化。不過,人大再次釋法將無可避免地影響特區和中央政府的民望,詳情有待觀察。
The popularity of the SAR Government has also not changed much over the last month. However, the interpretation of the Basic Law by the NPC will no doubt affect the popularity of the Central and SAR Governments. Exactly how remains to be seen. 
  3-Feb-04  巿民對特區政府的不滿程度亦繼續回落。不過,市民對特區政府在推行民主及維護人權自由方面的表現,不滿程度就再次回升。值得注意的,是特區政府的強項,即在處理與中央政府關係方面,雖然表現仍然不錯,但就有下跌跡象,可能與政制檢討有關。
People's dissatisfaction with the SAR Government has also continued to recede. However, in the areas of developing democracy and protecting human rights and freedom, dissatisfaction was on the rise again. One important point to note is that SARG's usual strength in handling its relation with the Central Government seems to have declined, even though it is still at a fairly positive level, probably due to factors related to constitutional review 
  30-Dec-03  調查在特首委任區議員前進行,董建華的民望仍然在低位徘徊,而特區政府的民望則略有起色。但以半年計,兩者同樣處於歷史低位。
The survey was conducted before CE made his appointment of District Councillors, his popularity was still in the low. SARG's popularity, however, has recovered a bit, but in terms of half-yearly averages, both of them were at historic low.  
  25-Nov-03  特首董建華及特區政府的民望在區議會選舉前都雙雙下跌,董建華現時的民望已經明顯處在信任危機線下。可以預期,特首如何處理區議會委任議席的問題可以是另一次危機的觸發點,政府適宜審慎從事,或可考慮在委任前先諮詢民意。
The popularity of CE Tung and the SAR Government has both gone down, right before the District Council Election. CE's rating is now significantly below the credibility crisis level, and the government must handle prudently what could be the next crisis - that of appointing members into the District Councils. Maybe it should consult the people first. 
  28-Oct-03  調查顯示,巿民對特區政府的不滿程度已顯著回落至一年前的水平,當中巿民對政府維持經濟繁榮的不滿程度更加大幅回落至兩年前的水平。
Our survey has found that people's general dissatisfaction with the government has subsided to that of a year ago. Their dissatisfaction with the government's maintenance of economic prosperity, in particular, has even dropped back to that of two years ago.  
  23-Sep-03  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度,亦同步回升到接近2月中的水平。雖然特首及特區政府的民望仍然偏低,但已經解除了近半年來出現的管治危機。
The popularity of the SAR Government is also near the mid-February level. Although the popularity of CE and SARG are still at a low level, the governance crisis of the half-year past is now over. 
  26-Aug-03  巿民對特區政府的滿意程度方面,則差不多已回復至『七一遊行』前的水平。
People's satisfaction with the SAR Government, the figure has more or less gone back to the level registered before the 'July 1 Demonstration'. 
  24-Jul-03  有關特首及特區政府民望的最新數字,並未顯示兩位問責官員辭職、特首上京述職、及特首在述職前後講話的效應。各項指標的負面比率全部創出歷史新高,明顯是受到七一遊行的影響。
The latest figures on the popularity of the CE and the SARG have not yet reflected the effects of two principal officials' resignation, CE's duty visit to Beijing, and his open remarks before and after that trip. The mass demonstration on July 1 has pushed all dissatisfaction figures to their record high. 
  24-Jun-03  回歸總結方面,所有關於特首及特區政府的『半年結』數字都是處於六年來新低,包括特首評分、市民對董建華施政方針的滿意程度、對特區政府表現的滿意程度、對特區政府的信任程度、對香港前途的信心及對一國兩制的信心。當中,市民對特區政府表現的滿意程度則平均只有一成半。
As for the anniversary wrap-up, as far as half-yearly averages are concerned, all indicators of CE and HKSARG's performances are at their record lows since the handover. These include the rating of CE, people's satisfaction with his policy direction, their appraisal of the performance of the HKSAR Government, their trust in the HKSAR Government, their confidence in Hong Kong's future, and their confidence in one country, two systems. Among them, the performance of the HKSAR Government are as low as 13% and 15% respectively. 
  27-May-03  在肺炎疫情逐漸過去後,巿民對特首董建華的評分、對其施政方針的滿意程度、以及對特區政府整體表現的滿意程度,都全面回升。換言之,肺炎疫情對政府民望帶來的衝擊可謂暫告一段落。
As the SARS epidemic gradually subsides, people's rating of CE Tung Chee-hwa, their satisfaction with his policy direction, and their appraisal of the performance of the SAR Government in general have all rebounded. In other words, the impact on the government's credibility caused by the SARS outbreak has somewhat come to an end for the time being. 
  25-Mar-03  市民對董建華施政方針的滿意程度首次跌破一成,而對整個特區政府的滿意程度亦只有一成二,正正反映了市民對現狀的不滿。
The fact that people's satisfaction with CE's policy direction fell below 10% for the first time, and that their satisfaction with the entire government was only 12%, is a clear reflection of their dissatisfaction with the current situation.  
  25-Feb-03  是次調查中各項指標差不多全面下跌,顯示市民對政府的不滿情緒繼續增長。此外,市民對特區政府的不滿和不信任程度均再創新高,而後者又突破四成,再次削弱了市民對香港前途的信心,是繼去年8月後再一次不信任政府者比信任者眾,和對前途沒有信心者明顯地比有信心者眾。
Practically all indicators have dropped in this round of survey. People's dissatisfaction with the government has continued to grow. At the moment, both the people's dissatisfaction and distrust with the government are at record highs, and the latter has also broken the 40% level. This has compressed people's confidence in the future of Hong Kong. Since August 2002, this is the second time when the level of distrust is higher than that of trust, and significantly more people are not confident in the future of Hong Kong than those being confident.  
  28-Jan-03  自去年12月中至今年1月中的一個月內,市民對特區政府的滿意程度變化不大。
Whereas no significant change was observed in people's satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, with the performance of the HKSAR Government between mid-December and mid-January. 
  24-Jun-98  六月初調查中只有一成二被訪者對特區政府維持繁榮方面的表現表示滿意,表示不滿的有六成二。另外,只有一成八滿意司級官員的表現,不滿者有四成。至於對行政會議成員方面,六月初數字顯示三成八不滿其表現,滿意者只有一成四。比較三者所獲的評價,市民目前最為不滿特區政府在維持繁榮方面的表現,這當然明顯與現時經濟低迷的環境有關。
  2-Sep-98  市民對董建華及特區政府表現的評價之滿意程度均有上升趨勢。市民對特區政府表現評價方面,八月初調查顯示,只有一成九被訪者表示對特區政府的表現滿意,及至八月底調查,此比率回升至二成八,較月初調查上升九個百分比。總括而言,市民一般頗認同政府是次在經濟層面上的托市行動,因而相對地,特首評分及政府滿意程度亦有同時上升趨勢。
  24-Jun-98  以整體表現來說,市民在九七年九月對特區政府表現給予最高評價,有四成九被訪者表示滿意,不過,滿意程度仍不足半數。及至九八年六月初,市民對特區政府的滿意程度跌至谷底,只有兩成被訪者表示滿意特區政府的表現,表示不滿者有四成二。待特首董建華於日前公佈一系列紓緩經濟的措施後,滿意程度始回升至兩成半。但以整月計,則仍是回歸以來的最低位
  Jan-98  總括來說,被訪者對回歸後的政府表現及生活狀況的評價皆傾向負面,故當被問及香港整體情況時,半數被訪者表示「差左」,認為香港整體現況「好左」的只有百分之六,跟半年前相比,當時只有一成二的被訪者預計回歸後的香港會「愈來愈差」,五成八估計情況不會有變,反映出在政府表現及生活狀況評價下降的帶動下,市民對香港整體現況的評價亦隨之下降。雖然如此,香港整體情況評價的下跌並未驅使被訪者作出離港的意念,回歸半年後表示會「留係香港」的被訪者仍高達八成一,跟回歸前差不多。既然大部份被訪者都打算留在香港,他們對香港特區政府又有甚麼期望呢?調查發現,當被問及特區政府應於十年內優先處理哪些項目時,回答房屋問題及經濟發展分別佔被訪者三成二及二成七,合計共五成九,較上半年分別上升六個及四個百分點,這個結果基本上與市民的憂慮範圍相符。
On the whole, people』s evaluation of the overall condition of Hong Kong after the handover tended to be negative, as people』s evaluation of government performance and their own lives were also negative. Over half of the respondents claimed that Hong Kong』s overall situation has become worse after the handover and only 6% thought it has become better. In the previous survey, only 12% predicted that Hong Kong would become worse after the handover, while 58% predicted no change. Despite this, the majority of the respondents, i.e. 81%, said they would stay in Hong Kong, similar to the data six months ago.As most of the respondents intended to stay in Hong Kong, what are their expectations of the SAR Government? The survey shows that 32% and 27% respectively said the government should put housing and economic development as the top priorities. This is consistent with people』s areas of concern.