

Conducted independently by the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong on March 1, 2007, the 「First Survey on Chief Executive Election Forum Instant Poll」 was partly co-sponsored by Cable TV, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Economic Journal and Wen Wai Po. POP hereby acknowledges their support with thanks. According to our sponsorship agreement, the findings of the instant poll would be used by the sponsors first, and then published at this website some times later as part of POP』s public service. Users of these findings are requested to cite the source appropriately when re-printing or quoting these figures.
調查方法 Survey method | 樣本資料 Contact information | 人口變項 Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷 Full questionnaires |
| 頻數表 Frequency Tables: Q1– 候選人表現 Candidates』 performance ; Q2 – 候選人支持率 Support for candidates |
| Q3– 論壇前候選支持率 Support for candidates before forum ; Q4 – 被訪者政治取向 Political alignment of respondents |
| 深入分析 Further Analysis: 人口變項分析數表 Tables of demographic analyses | 人口變項分析圖表 Charts of demographic analyses |
| 深入分析 Further Analysis: 論壇時段分析數表 Tables of time segment analyses ; 論壇時段分析圖表 Charts of time segment analyses |
| 分析評論 Commentary |

調查日期 Date of survey : 1/3/2007

[Q1] 你認為邊位候選人係論壇上表現比較好?
[Q1] At the forum, which candidate do you think has performed better?

   頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage
  曾蔭權 Donald Tsang  236   46.5 
  梁家傑 Alan Leong  172   33.9 
  唔知/難講 Don't know/hard to say  100   19.7 
  合計 Total  508   100.0 
  缺數 Missing  2    

[Q2] 如果聽日俾你投票選特首,你會選邊個?
[Q2] If you were to vote for the Chief Executive tomorrow, which one would you choose?

   頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage
  曾蔭權 Donald Tsang  334   67.9 
  梁家傑 Alan Leong  107   21.7 
  Blank vote/abstention/neither of them
 51   10.4 
  合計 Total  492   100.0 
  缺數 Missing  18    

[Q3] 係呢個論壇之前,你傾向選邊個呢? 
[Q3] Before this forum, which one did you prefer?

   頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage
  曾蔭權 Donald Tsang  333   68.2 
  梁家傑 Alan Leong  82   16.8 
  Blank vote/abstention/neither of them
 73   15.0 
  合計 Total  488   100.0 
  缺數 Missing  22    


[Q4] 你認為自己既政治取向,係傾向認同邊一個派別呢?
[Q4] Which of the following political camps are you more inclined to align with?

   頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage
  民主派 Pro-democracy  100   19.7 
  親中派 Pro-China  20   3.9 
  中間派 Pro-China 204  40.2 
  冇政治傾向/唔屬於任何派別 No preference 171   33.7 
  唔知/難講 Don't know/hard to say 12   2.4 
  合計 Total  507   100.0 
  缺數 Missing   

深入分析 Further Analysis: 人口變項分析數表 Tables of demographic analyses

[Q1] 你認為邊位候選人係論壇上表現比較好?
At the forum, which candidate do you think has performed better?

Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
Alan Leong Kah-kit  
Don't know/hard to say
Total Sample 
 頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage  頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage  頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage
  有被訪者 All respondents  510    236   46.5%   172   33.9%   100   19.7% 
  政治取向 Political inclination
  民主派 pro-democracy camp  100   25   25.0%   59   59.0%   16   16.0% 
  親中派 pro-China camp  20   13   65.0%   3   15.0%   4   20.0% 
  中間派 Moderate camp  204   98   48.3%   68   33.5%   37   18.2% 
  其他 Others  0   0   0.0%   0   0.0%   0   0.0% 
  冇政治傾向/唔屬於任何派別 No preference  171   97   57.1%   38   22.4%   35   20.6% 
  唔知/難講 Don't know/hard to say  12   3   25.0%   2   16.7%   7   58.3% 
  性別 Gender
  男 Male  223   102   45.7%   82   36.8%   39   17.5% 
  女 Female  287   134   47.0%   90   31.6%   61   21.4% 
  年齡 Age
  18-29  89   45   50.6%   28   31.5%   16   18.0% 
  30-49  178   78   43.8%   69   38.8%   31   17.4% 
  50或以上 50 or above  232   109   47.4%   73   31.7%   48   20.9% 
  教育程度 Education attainment
  小學或以下 Primary or below  108   58   54.2%   25   23.4%   24   22.4% 
  中學 Secondary  279   127   45.7%   101   36.3%   50   18.0% 
  大專或以上 Tertiary or above  116   51   44.0%   42   36.2%   23   19.8% 
  職業 Occupation
  行政及專業人員 Executives and professionals  96   41   43.2%   42   44.2%   12   12.6% 
  文職及服務人員 Clerical and service workers  106   40   37.7%   40   37.7%   26   24.5% 
  勞動工人 Production workers  52   25   48.1%   20   38.5%   7   13.5% 
  學生 Students  41   22   53.7%   11   26.8%   8   19.5% 
  全職主婦 Housewives  105   50   47.6%   32   30.5%   23   21.9% 
  其他 Others  102   57   56.4%   23   22.8%   21   20.8% 
  家庭所屬階級 Family class
Claimed to be middle or upper-middle levels
 171   80   47.1%   59   34.7%   31   18.2% 
Claimed to be lower-middle or grassroot levels
 317   148   46.8%   106   33.5%   62   19.6% 

[Q2] 如果聽日俾你投票選特首,你會選邊個?
[Q2] If you were to vote for the Chief Executive tomorrow, which one would you choose?

Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
Alan Leong Kah-kit  
Don't know/hard to say
Total Sample 
 頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage  頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage  頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage
  有被訪者 All respondents  510    334   67.9%   107   21.7%   51   10.4% 
  Q1. 你認為邊位候選人係論壇上表現比較好? At the forum, which candidate do you think has performed better? 
  曾蔭權 Donald Tsang  236   224   95.3%   5   2.1%   6   2.6% 
  梁家傑 Alan Leong  172   44   27.0%   95   58.3%   24   14.7% 
  唔知/難講 Don't know/hard to say  100   64   69.6%   7   7.6%   21   22.8% 
  Q3. 係呢個論壇之前,你傾向選邊個呢? Before this forum, which one did you prefer?
  曾蔭權 Donald Tsang  333   287   87.8%   25   7.6%   15   4.6% 
  梁家傑 Alan Leong  82   12   15.0%   61   76.3%   7   8.8% 
  空白票/棄權/兩個都唔選 Blank vote/abstention/neither of them  73   29   40.8%   16   22.5%   26   36.6% 
  政治取向 Political inclination
  民主派 pro-democracy camp  100   46   48.4%   40   42.1%   9   9.5% 
  親中派 pro-China camp  20   18   94.7%   1   5.3%   0   0.0% 
  中間派 Moderate camp  204   142   71.4%   36   18.1%   21   10.6% 
  其他 Others  0   0   0.0%   0   0.0%   0   0.0% 
  冇政治傾向/唔屬於任何派別 No preference  171   119   72.1%   26   15.8%   20   12.1% 
  唔知/難講 Don't know/hard to say  12   7   63.6%   3   27.3%   1   9.1% 
  性別 Gender
  男 Male  223   146   67.3%   54   24.9%   17   7.8% 
  女 Female  287   188   68.4%   53   19.3%   34   12.4% 
  年齡 Age
  18-29  89   65   74.7%   18   20.7%   4   4.6% 
  30-49  178   110   63.2%   46   26.4%   18   10.3% 
  50或以上 50 or above  232   152   68.8%   41   18.6%   28   12.7% 
  教育程度 Education attainment
  小學或以下 Primary or below  108   75   74.3%   13   12.9%   13   12.9% 
  中學 Secondary  279   180   66.2%   65   23.9%   27   9.9% 
  大專或以上 Tertiary or above  116   77   68.1%   26   23.0%   10   8.8% 
  職業 Occupation
  行政及專業人員 Executives and professionals  96   57   61.3%   27   29.0%   9   9.7% 
  文職及服務人員 Clerical and service workers  106   70   67.3%   22   21.2%   12   11.5% 
  勞動工人 Production workers  52   29   60.4%   14   29.2%   5   10.4% 
  學生 Students  41   32   78.0%   8   19.5%   1   2.4% 
  全職主婦 Housewives  105   73   73.0%   17   17.0%   10   10.0% 
  其他 Others  102   70   70.7%   16   16.2%   13   13.1% 
  家庭所屬階級 Family class
Claimed to be middle or upper-middle levels
 171   117   70.9%   32   19.4%   16   9.7% 
Claimed to be lower-middle or grassroot levels
 317   205   67.0%   70   22.9%   31   10.1% 

[Q3] 係呢個論壇之前,你傾向選邊個呢? 
[Q3] Before this forum, which one did you prefer?

Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
Alan Leong Kah-kit  
Don't know/hard to say
Total Sample 
 頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage  頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage  頻數 Frequency  百份比 Percentage
  有被訪者 All respondents  510    333   68.2%   82   16.8%   73   15.0% 
  政治取向 Political inclination
  民主派 pro-democracy camp  100   47   50.5%   33   35.5%   13   14.0% 
  親中派 pro-China camp  20   17   89.5%   0   0.0%   2   10.5% 
  中間派 Moderate camp  204   138   69.7%   26   13.1%   34   17.2% 
  其他 Others  0   0   0.0%   0   0.0%   0   0.0% 
  冇政治傾向/唔屬於任何派別 No preference  171   124   75.6%   19   11.6%   21   12.8% 
  唔知/難講 Don't know/hard to say  12   6   50.0%   3   25.0%   3   25.0% 
  性別 Gender
  男 Male  223   145   67.8%   41   19.2%   28   13.1% 
  女 Female  287   188   68.6%   41   15.0%   45   16.4% 
  年齡 Age
  18-29  89   67   77.9%   11   12.8%   8   9.3% 
  30-49  178   105   61.8%   35   20.6%   30   17.6% 
  50或以上 50 or above  232   154   69.4%   34   15.3%   34   15.3% 
  教育程度 Education attainment
  小學或以下 Primary or below  108   76   74.5%   13   12.7%   13   12.7% 
  中學 Secondary  279   180   67.4%   50   18.7%   37   13.9% 
  大專或以上 Tertiary or above  116   76   67.3%   16   14.2%   21   18.6% 
  職業 Occupation
  行政及專業人員 Executives and professionals  96   57   62.0%   21   22.8%   14   15.2% 
  文職及服務人員 Clerical and service workers  106   72   70.6%   15   14.7%   15   14.7% 
  勞動工人 Production workers  52   30   61.2%   9   18.4%   10   20.4% 
  學生 Students  41   31   77.5%   7   17.5%   2   5.0% 
  全職主婦 Housewives  105   73   70.9%   13   12.6%   17   16.5% 
  其他 Others  102   68   70.1%   15   15.5%   14   14.4% 
  家庭所屬階級 Family class
Claimed to be middle or upper-middle levels
 171   121   73.3%   27   16.4%   17   10.3% 
Claimed to be lower-middle or grassroot levels
 317   202   66.4%   50   16.4%   52   17.1% 

深入分析 Further Analysis: 人口變項分析圖表 Charts of demographic analyses


深入分析 Further Analysis: 論壇時段分析數表 Tables of time segment analyses

[Q1] 你認為邊位候選人係論壇上表現比較好?
[Q1] At the forum, which candidate do you think has performed better?

每5分鐘 Per 5 minutes

 19:05 - 19:10   19:10 - 19:15   19:15 - 19:20   19:20 - 19:25   19:25 - 19:30   19:30 - 19:35   19:35 - 19:40   19:40 - 19:45   19:45 - 19:50   19:50 - 19:55   19:55 - 20:00   20:00 - 20:05   20:05 - 20:10   20:10 - 20:15   20:15 - 20:20   20:20 - 20:25   20:25 - 20:30   20:30 - 20:35   20:35 - 20:40   20:40 - 20:45   20:45 - 20:50   20:50 - 20:55   20:55 - 21:00   21:00 - 21:05   21:05 - 21:10   21:10 - 21:15   21:15 - 21:20   21:20 - 21:25   21:25 - 21:30 
Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
 0.0%   36.4%   42.9%   60.0%   56.3%   52.9%   38.9%   46.2%   31.6%   17.6%   47.4%   66.7%   20.0%   44.4%   40.9%   63.6%   40.0%   57.9%   50.0%   66.7%   52.6%   53.8%   31.3%   44.4%   53.8%   50.0%   53.8%   36.4%   53.3% 
Alan Leong Kah-kit
 20.0%   0.0%   14.3%   6.7%   18.8%   29.4%   38.9%   38.5%   36.8%   47.1%   31.6%   33.3%   60.0%   27.8%   45.5%   31.8%   40.0%   36.8%   40.9%   20.0%   36.8%   38.5%   31.3%   33.3%   38.5%   45.5%   46.2%   36.4%   20.0% 

每10分鐘 Per 10 minutes
 19:00 - 19:10   19:10 - 19:20   19:20 - 19:30   19:30 - 19:40   19:40 - 19:50   19:50 - 20:00   20:00 - 20:10   20:10 - 20:20   20:20 - 20:30   20:30 - 20:40   20:40 - 20:50   20:50 - 21:00   21:00 - 21:10   21:10 - 21:20   21:20 - 21:30 
Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
 0.0%   40.0%   58.1%   45.7%   37.5%   33.3%   45.5%   42.5%   52.4%   53.7%   58.8%   45.2%   47.5%   51.4%   43.2% 
Alan Leong Kah-kit
 20.0%   8.0%   12.9%   34.3%   37.5%   38.9%   45.5%   37.5%   35.7%   39.0%   29.4%   35.7%   35.0%   45.7%   29.7% 

每15分鐘 Per 15 minutes
 19:00 - 19:15   19:15 - 19:30   19:30 - 19:45   19:45 - 20:00   20:00 - 20:15   20:15 - 20:30   20:30 - 20:45   20:45 - 21:00   21:00 - 21:15   21:15 - 21:30 
Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
 25.0%   53.3%   45.8%   32.7%   45.1%   48.4%   57.1%   47.5%   48.4%   46.0% 
Alan Leong Kah-kit
 6.3%   13.3%   35.4%   38.2%   39.2%   39.1%   33.9%   36.1%   38.7%   34.0% 

深入分析 Further Analysis: 論壇時段分析圖表 Charts of time segment analyses

分析評論 Commentary








The following observations and comments on the findings of the instant poll are provided by Dr Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, to sponsors for first publication, subsequently uploaded onto this website:

This instant poll was targeted at Hong Kong people who have watched or listened to the Chief Executive Election forum. As such, the findings of this poll may not be able to represent the views of the entire population. Nevertheless, because these respondents cared more about the election, their views may be more relevant.

According to this survey, although more people considered Donald Tsang』s performance at the forum to be better, it is not overwhelming. A total of 46% said Tsang had performed better, 34% said Alan Leong was better, 20% could not make up their mind.

However, where support rate is concerned, Tsang is way ahead of Leong with 68% support, if respondents were given the vote. In other words, when people choose between the two candidates, there are reasons other than candidates』 performance at the forum.

Moreover, this survey shows that among the respondents, almost 60% of the self-proclaimed pro-democratic camp supporters considered Alan Leong to have performed better in the forum. However, among the self-proclaimed pro-China respondents, Donald Tsang was praised by 65% of them. Among those who claimed themselves to be politically unaligned or moderate, Tsang also has a considerable edge, with 57% and 48% praise respectively. This shows that respondents』 political preference has affected their judgment of the candidates』 performance at the forum.

As for other demographic groupings, Tsang received over 50% praise among the primary educated, students and youths. Across all other groups, no candidate managed to secure over 50% praise.

One interesting finding is that practically all those who said Donald Tsang had performed better supported him to become CE, but 27% of those who said Alan Leong had performed better supported his rival Donald Tsang. This again shows that candidates』 performance at the forum was not the only factor affecting respondents』 choice.

調查方法 Survey method | 樣本資料 Contact information | 人口變項 Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷 Full questionnaires |
| 頻數表 Frequency Tables: Q1– 候選人表現 Candidates』 performance ; Q2 – 候選人支持率 Support for candidates |
| Q3– 論壇前候選支持率 Support for candidates before forum ; Q4 – 被訪者政治取向 Political alignment of respondents |
| 深入分析 Further Analysis: 人口變項分析數表 Tables of demographic analyses | 人口變項分析圖表 Charts of demographic analyses |
| 深入分析 Further Analysis: 論壇時段分析數表 Tables of time segment analyses ; 論壇時段分析圖表 Charts of time segment analyses |
| 分析評論 Commentary |