曾蔭權當選特首有冇增加或者減少你對香港前途既信心?Has Donald Tsang's success in the CE election increased or reduced your confidence in the future of Hong Kong?
調查日期 Date of survey |
增加信心 Confidence increased |
沒有影響/不變 No effect/No change |
減少信心 Confidence reduced |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 51.9% | 42.3% | 1.3% | 4.5% | 100.0% |
In your view, will Donald Tsang do a better or worse job than CH Tung as the CE?
調查日期 Date of survey |
好D Better |
一樣(差不多) The same (more or less the same) |
差D Worse |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 80.5% | 10.6% | 0.4% | 8.4% | 100.0% |
Are you satisfied with the whole CE election process?
調查日期 Date of survey |
非常滿意 Very satisfied |
幾滿意 Quite satisfied |
一半半 Half-half |
幾唔滿意 Quite dissatisfied |
非常不滿 Very dissatisfied |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 6.0% | 30.0% | 21.5% | 20.6% | 9.7% | 12.2% | 100.0% |
組合數據 Collapsed data
調查日期 Date of survey |
滿意 Satisfied |
一半半 Half-half |
不滿 Dissatisfied |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 36.0% | 21.5% | 30.3% | 12.2% | 100.0% |
Do you think Donald Tsang has achieved his goal of facing the general public during the election process?
調查日期 Date of survey |
做到 Yes |
一半半 Half-half |
做唔到 No |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 37.1% | 21.6% | 30.4% | 11.0% | 100.0% |
Has Lee Wing-tat's contest for the CE nomination increased or reduced your positive or negative feelings towards him?
調查日期 Date of survey |
增加好感/減少反感 Positive feelings increased / Negative feelings reduced |
沒有影響/不變 No effect/No change |
減少好感/增加反感 Positive feelings reduced / Negative feelings increased |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 8.4% | 68.1% | 15.4% | 8.2% | 100.0% |
Has Lee Wing-tat's contest for the CE nomination increased or reduced your positive or negative feelings towards the Democratic Party?
調查日期 Date of survey |
增加好感/減少反感 Positive feelings increased / Negative feelings reduced |
沒有影響/不變 No effect/No change |
減少好感/增加反感 Positive feelings reduced / Negative feelings increased |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 6.1% | 72.9% | 12.2% | 8.8% | 100.0% |
Has Chim Pui-chung's contest for the CE nomination increased or reduced your positive or negative feelings towards him?
調查日期 Date of survey |
增加好感/減少反感 Positive feelings increased / Negative feelings reduced |
沒有影響/不變 No effect/No change |
減少好感/增加反感 Positive feelings reduced / Negative feelings increased |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
20-23/6/05 | 6.0% | 65.8% | 17.8% | 10.5% | 100.0% |
參考數據 : 你估計董建華做特區行政長官會比彭定康做港督做得好D定差D?
Reference data : In your view, will CH Tung as the CE do a better or worse job than Chris Patten as the Governor?
調查日期 Date of survey |
好D Better |
一樣(差不多) The same (more or less the same) |
差D Worse |
唔知/難講 DK/HS |
合計 Total |
11/12/96 | 40.3% | 15.3% | 9.4% | 35.0% | 100.0% |