二零零七年區議會選舉跟進調查 Follow-up Survey on the 2007 District Council Election返回
| 調查方法 / Survey Method | 樣本資料 / Contact Information | |
請問你滿唔滿意今次區議會選舉既安排,例如投票站地點、投票時間、票站範圍既安排等? Are you satisfied with the overall arrangement of the recent District Council Election, like the location of polling station, polling hours, the areas of the polling station, etc.? |
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你滿唔滿意自己所屬選區既選舉結果,包括無須投票而自動當選者? Are you satisfied with the election results of your constituency, including those candidates elected uncontested? |
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你知唔知道邊一位候選人係你所屬既選區當選? Do you know which candidate in your constituency was elected as one of the new District Council members? |
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你知唔知道係你所屬選區當選既候選人係屬於民主派,定係親中派,定係其他人士? Do you know if the elected candidate at your district belongs to the pro democracy camp, pro China camp or others? |
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你認為今屆區議會選舉係唔係廉潔咁進行? Do you think this year's District Council Election was corruption-free? |
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你知唔知道黎緊屆區議會有冇委任議席?(答案=有) Do you know whether there is any appointed member in the next District Council? (Answer = yes) |
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你贊唔贊成區議會設有委任議席? Do you agree there should be appointed members in the District Council? |
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以下分析已撇除非登記選民 Non-registered voters have been excluded from the following analyses |
整體黎講,你滿唔滿意剛剛過去既區議會選舉既安排(如投票站地點、投票時間同選民指引等)? Are you satisfied with the overall arrangement of the recent District Council Election, like the location of polling station, polling hours, voter guidelines, etc.? |
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你滿唔滿意自己所屬選區既選舉結果? Are you satisfied with the election results of your constituency? |
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你知唔知道邊一位候選人係你所屬既選區當選? Do you know which candidate in your constituency was elected as one of the new District Council members? |
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你認為今屆區議會選舉係唔係廉潔咁進行? Do you think this year's District Council Election was corruption-free? |
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你知唔知道黎緊屆區議會有冇委任議席?(答案=有) Do you know whether there is any appointed member in the next District Council? (Answer = yes) |
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你贊唔贊成區議會設有委任議席? Do you agree there should be appointed members in the District Council? |
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