二零零七年區議會選舉第三次調查 Third Survey on the 2007 District Council Election返回
| 調查方法 / Survey Method | 樣本資料 / Contact Information | 人口變項 / Respondents' demographics | 調查問卷 / Full questionnaires | |
如果你投票既話, 你選擇候選人既關鍵係佢地既政治取向定係民生政策取向? What would be your critical consideration when you vote? The political alignment of the candidates or their stand on livelihood issues? |
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你選擇候選人既時候, 最主要考慮乜野? What is your main consideration in selecting a candidate? |
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你知唔知你果個選區有邊D政黨參選呢? Do you know what political parties are running for elections in your constituency? |
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你認為選出黎既區議員最需要解決咩問題? Which problem do you think the new District Council members need to tackle first? |
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以下分析已撇除非登記選民 Non-registered voters have been excluded from the following analyses |
你有冇打算係黎緊十一月既區議會選舉中投票? Do you plan to vote in the District Council Election this November? |
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(只問打算投票者)你決定左投邊個未? (Only ask who planned to vote)Have you decided whom to vote for? |
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同2004年九月立法會選舉前比較, 你對今年十一月區議會選舉既投票意欲係增加左、減少左, 定係冇變呢? Compared to the Legislative Election in September 2004, has your intention to vote in the District Council Election in November this year increased, decreased, or remained the same? |
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你選擇候選人既時候, 最主要考慮乜野? What is your main consideration in selecting a candidate? |
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如果你投票既話, 你選擇候選人既關鍵係佢地既政治取向定係民生政策取向? What would be your critical consideration when you vote? The political alignment of the candidates or their stand on livelihood issues? |
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你認為選出黎既區議員最需要解決咩問題? Which problem do you think the new District Council members need to tackle first? |
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你知唔知你果個選區有邊D政黨參選呢? Do you know what political parties are running for elections in your constituency? |
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七一遊行有冇增加或者減少你係11月18日區議會選舉既投票意欲? Has the July 1 Demonstration increased or decreased your intention to vote in the District Council Election on 18 November this year? |
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