香港個人科技應用意見調查 - 調查問卷返回
I. Human Technology Adoption1. Do you currently own any desktop computer, excluding those in the office? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
2. Do you currently own any notebook computer? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
3. Do you currently own any PDA/Palm? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
4. Do you currently own any mobile phone? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
5. Do you currently own any private email account? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
6. Do you currently own any personal (or family) homepage? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
7. Have you installed broadband at home? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
8. Do you currently own any digital camera or digital video camera? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
9. Does your family currently own any TV game (e.g. PS2)? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
10. Do you currently listen to any MP3 music file? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
11. Of all the above-mentioned products, which three of them are the most important to you? Please rank in order. |
Desktop computer |
Notebook computer |
PDA/Palm |
Mobile phone |
Private email account |
Personal homepage |
Broadband |
Digital camera or digital video camera |
TV game |
MP3 music file |
Don't know / hard to say |
12. What do you use your personal computer mainly for? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Do not use personal computer |
Clerical work processing |
e-mail, ICQ [Social] |
Information searching, news reading…etc [Information] |
Investment and financial planning, bills paying…etc [Finance] |
Online shopping, consuming [Consuming] |
Games, entertainment [For leisure] |
Software downloading, Management of personal information [Application] |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
13. What do you think you will use your personal computer mainly for one year from now? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Will not use personal computer |
Clerical work processing |
e-mail, ICQ [Social] |
Information searching, news reading…etc [Information] |
Investment and financial planning, bills paying…etc [Finance] |
Online shopping, consuming [Consuming] |
Games, entertainment [For leisure] |
Software downloading, Management of personal information [Application] |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
14. What do you use your mobile phone mainly for? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Do not use mobile phone |
Communication |
Getting connected to the Internet |
Sending and receiving short messages (SMS) |
Downloading (e.g. ring tone, screen logo) |
Entertainment (e.g. game, MP3) |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
15. What do you think you will use your mobile phone mainly for one year from now? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Will not use mobile phone |
Communication |
Getting connected to the Internet |
Sending and receiving short messages (SMS) |
Downloading (e.g. ring tone, screen logo) |
Entertainment (e.g. game, MP3) |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
II. IT Proficiency Rating & Attitudinal Questions
16. In general, please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your proficiency of Information Technology, with 10 indicating absolutely proficient, 0 indicating absolutely not proficient and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself? |
0:10 |
Don't know / hard to say |
17. Again, please use a scale of 0-10 to rate the overall proficiency of Information Technology of the people in Hong Kong, with 10 indicating absolutely proficient, 0 indicating absolutely not proficient and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate the people in Hong Kong? |
0:10 |
Don't know / hard to say |
18. Assume that we select one hundred Hong Kong people to form a representative sample. How would you rank yourself regarding the proficiency of Information Technology when compared with others? |
1:100 |
Don't know / hard to say |
19. Assume that your current proficiency of Information Technology scores 100, what do you think this indicator will become one year from now? |
0:9997 |
Don't know / hard to say |
20. How important do you think Information Technology is to you? |
Very important |
Quite important |
Half-half |
Quite unimportant |
Very unimportant |
Don't know / hard to say |
21. Do you think the Internet has generally made your life better or worse? |
Do not use the Internet |
Better |
No changes |
Worse |
Don't know / hard to say |
22. Do you think mobile phone has generally made your life better or worse? |
Do not use mobile phone |
Better |
No changes |
Worse |
Don't know / hard to say |
III. POP Tracking Questions
23. On the whole, how satisfied are you with the government's policies on the development of Information Technology? |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Quite dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
24. On the whole, do you have confidence in Hong Kong's future? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
25. Hong Kong is currently facing various problems. What kind of problems are you most concerned with? (Read out the first three answers) |
Political problems |
Economic problems |
Social problems |
Don't know / hard to say / can't tell which is the most important |
No opinion |
26. Generally speaking, are you satisfied with the present social condition in Hong Kong? |
Very satisfied |
Quite satisfied |
Half-half |
Quite dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don't know / hard to say |
27. Please evaluate the social condition in Hong Kong nowadays. If you were to use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate whether Hong Kong is a civilized society, with 10 indicating absolutely civilized, 0 indicating absolutely uncivilized, 5 indicating half-half, how would you rate Hong Kong? |
0:10 |
Don't know / hard to say |
28. If you were to use a scale of 0-10 to evaluate whether Hong Kong is an efficient society, with 10 indicating absolutely efficient, 0 indicating absolutely inefficient, 5 indicating half-half, how would you rate Hong Kong? |
0:10 |
Don't know / hard to say |
29. Which of the following media is your major source of current news? |
Television |
Radio |
Newspapers |
Magazines |
Friends |
Family members |
Internet |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
IV. Downloading Service
30. Have you ever used any form of downloading service, such as the download of computer software, music files, games, ring tones, screen savers and cursors, via computer or mobile phone? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q32) |
Don't know what downloading service is (skip to D1) |
31. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] Do you download via computer, mobile phone or other media? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Computer (e.g. desktop computer, notebook computer, PDA) (skip to Q34) |
Mobile phone (skip to Q34) |
Others (please specify) (skip to Q34) |
32. [Only for those who have never used downloading service] Why not? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Downloading service is not important |
Downloading service is difficult to use |
Downloading service is expensive |
Others (please specify) |
Don't know / hard to say |
33. [Only for those who have never used downloading service] Would you consider using the downloading service(s) in foreseeable future? |
Yes (skip to D1) |
No (skip to D1) |
Don't know / hard to say (slip to D1) |
34. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] What do you usually download? (If there is more than one, please base on the downloading service you use most often) |
Computer software |
Music files |
Games |
Ring tones |
Screen savers |
Cursors |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say / forgotten |
35. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] On average, how many times do you use the downloading service(s) per week? (exact number) (input "0" when the answer is less than one) |
0:997 |
Don't know / hard to say |
36. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] Do you need to pay for the downloading service(s) you are using? |
Yes |
Partly |
No |
Don't know / hard to say / forgotten |
37. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] Do you think the charges for the existing downloading service are reasonable or not? |
Very reasonable |
Quite reasonable |
Hal-half |
Quite unreasonable |
Very unreasonable |
Don't know / hard to say |
38. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] If you need to pay for the downloading service, how much at most you are willing to pay for downloading a ring tone of mobile phone? |
0:997 |
Not willing to pay |
Don't know / hard to say |
39. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] Screen logo? |
0:997 |
Not willing to pay |
Don't know / hard to say |
40. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] Picture message? |
0:997 |
Not willing to pay |
Don't know / hard to say |
41. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] Games? |
0:997 |
Not willing to pay |
Don't know / hard to say |
42. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] Are you currently a registered member of any website which provides downloading service(s)? |
Yes |
No |
Don't know / hard to say |
43. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] What factors would you consider when choosing the downloading service? (multiple responses allowed) |
Service charge |
Ease of use |
Timeliness of updating materials |
Speed of getting connected to the website |
Speed of downloading |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
44. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] How important do you think downloading service is to you? |
Very important |
Quite important |
Hal-half |
Quite unimportant |
Very unimportant |
Don't know / hard to say |
45. [Only for those who have ever used any form of downloading service] What downloading service do you think you will use in the coming 12 months? (Do not read out the answers, multiple responses allowed) |
Will not download |
Computer software |
Music files |
Games |
Ring tones |
Screen savers/cursors |
Others |
Don't know / hard to say |
V. Personal Particulars
D1 Gender |
Male |
Female |
D2 Age |
(exact number)【99=Refused to answer】 |
D3 Education attainment |
Primary or below |
Secondary |
Matriculated |
Tertiary, non-degree course |
Tertiary, degree course |
Postgraduate or above |
Refused to answer |
D4 Occupation |
Managers and administrators |
Professionals |
Associate professionals |
Clerks |
Service workers and shop sales workers |
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers |
Craft and related workers |
Plant and machine operators and assemblers |
Non-skilled workers |
Students |
Housewives |
Unclassified |
Others (unemployed, retired, etc.) |
Refused to answer |
D5 The type of ownership of your house is: |
Self-purchased, or |
Rent? |
Refused to answer |
D6 House type |
Public housing estate |
Housing Authority subsidized sale flats |
Housing Society subsidized sale flats |
Private housing |
Village: villas/ bungalows/ modern village houses |
Villages: simple stone structures/ traditional village houses |
Public temporary housing |
Private temporary housing |
Staff quarters |
Others |
Refused to answer |
I. 生活科技應用 |
1. 你宜家有冇桌面電腦,辦公室既唔計? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
2. 你宜家有冇手提電腦? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
3. 你宜家有冇掌上電腦或者電子手帳? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
4. 你宜家有冇流動電話? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
5. 你宜家有冇私人電郵戶口? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
6. 你宜家有冇個人(或家庭)網頁? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
7. 你屋企宜家有冇安裝寬頻? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
8. 你宜家有冇數碼相機或者數碼錄像機? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
9. 你屋企宜家有冇任何電視遊戲機產品(如PS2)? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
10. 你宜家有冇收聽MP3音樂檔案? |
有 |
冇 |
唔知/難講 |
11. 係以上產品中,你認為邊三樣對你最重要? 請你順序講出。 |
桌面電腦 |
手提電腦 |
掌上電腦或者電子手帳 |
流動電話 |
私人電郵戶口 |
個人網頁 |
寬頻 |
數碼相機或者數碼錄像機 |
電視遊戲機產品 |
MP3音樂檔案 |
唔知/難講 |
12. 你宜家主要用個人電腦做咩呢? (不讀答案,可選多項) |
冇用個人電腦 |
文書處理 |
電郵e-mail, ICQ [社交] |
搵資料, 睇新聞……等 [資訊] |
投資理財, 繳費……等 [財務] |
購物, 消費 [消費] |
遊戲, 娛樂 [消閒] |
下載軟件, 個人資料管理 [應用] |
其他 |
唔知/難講 |
13. 你估計一年後你會主要用個人電腦做咩呢? (不讀答案,可選多項) |
唔會用 |
文書處理 |
電郵e-mail, ICQ [社交] |
搵資料, 睇新聞……等 [資訊] |
投資理財, 繳費……等 [財務] |
購物, 消費 [消費] |
遊戲, 娛樂 [消閒] |
下載軟件, 個人資料管理 [應用] |
其他 |
唔知/難講 |
14. 你宜家主要用流動電話做咩呢? (不讀答案,可選多項) |
冇用流動電話 |
通訊 |
上網 |
收發短訊(SMS) |
下載服務 (如: 電話鈴聲、屏幕圖案) |
娛樂 (如: 遊戲、MP3) |
其他 |
唔知/難講 |
15. 你估計一年後你會主要用流動電話做咩呢? (不讀答案,可選多項) |
唔會用 |
通訊 |
上網 |
收發短訊(SMS) |
下載服務 (如: 電話鈴聲、屏幕圖案) |
娛樂 (如: 遊戲、MP3) |
其他 |
唔知/難講 |
II. 資訊科技認識 與 有關個人態度題目 |
16. 整體黎講,請你用0-10分形容你對資訊科技既認識;10分代表非常認識,0分代表完全唔認識,5分代表一半半。你會點樣形容你對資訊科技既認識呢? |
0:10 |
唔知/難講 |
17. 請你再用0-10分評價整體香港人對資訊科技既認識;10分代表非常認識,0分代表完全唔認識,5分代表一半半。你會點樣形容香港人對資訊科技既認識呢? |
0:10 |
唔知/難講 |
18. 假設我地抽取一百個香港人成為一個有代表性既樣本,咁以你對資訊科技既認識而論,你覺得相比起其他人你應該排行第幾呢? |
1:100 |
唔知/難講 |
19. 又假設你宜家對資訊科技既認識值一百分,你預計一年之後呢個指標會變成幾多分呢? |
0:9997 |
唔知/難講 |
20. 你覺得資訊科技對你黎講有幾重要? |
非常重要 |
幾重要 |
一半半 |
幾唔重要 |
非常唔重要 |
唔知/難講 |
21. 你認為互聯網改善左你既生活質素定係令你既生活變糟? |
冇用互聯網 |
改善 |
冇變 |
變糟 |
唔知/難講 |
22. 你認為手提電話改善左你既生活質素定係令你既生活變糟? |
冇用手提電話 |
改善 |
冇變 |
變糟 |
唔知/難講 |
III. 民意研究計劃追蹤問題 |
23. 整體黎講,你滿唔滿意政府既資訊科技發展政策? |
非常滿意 |
幾滿意 |
一半半 |
幾唔滿意 |
非常唔滿意 |
唔知/難講 |
24. 你對香港既前途有冇信心呢? |
有信心 |
冇信心 |
唔知/難講 |
25. 現在香港面對好多問題,你個人最關心邊種問題呢? (讀出首三個答案) |
政治問題 |
經濟問題 |
社會問題 |
唔知、難講、分唔到邊樣最重要 |
無意見 |
26. 整體黎講,你滿唔滿意香港宜家既社會環境? |
非常滿意 |
幾滿意 |
一半半 |
幾唔滿意 |
非常唔滿意 |
唔知/難講/唔瞭解 |
27. 我地想請你評價一下香港既社會現狀。如果你要用0-10分評價香港是否一個文明既社會,10分代表絕對文明,0分代表絕對唔文明,5分代表一半半,你會比幾多分香港社會? |
0:10 |
唔知/難講 |
28. 咁如果10分代表絕對高效率,0分代表絕對低效率,5分代表一半半,你會比幾多分香港社會? |
0:10 |
唔知/難講 |
29. 以下邊一種渠道是你主要既新聞來源? |
電視 |
電台 |
報紙 |
雜誌 |
朋友 |
家人 |
互聯網 |
其他 |
唔知/難講 |
IV. 下載服務 |
30. 你有冇用過任何形式既下載服務,包括透過電腦或流動電話下載電腦軟件、音樂檔案、遊戲、電話鈴聲、螢幕保護程式(screen saver)、滑鼠游標(cursor)等? |
有 |
冇 (跳至Q32) |
唔認識下載服務 (跳至D1) |
31. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 你係透過電腦、流動電話定係其他媒體下載呢? (不讀答案,可選多項) |
電腦 (如: 桌面電腦、手提電腦、電子手帳) (跳至Q34) |
流動電話 (跳至Q34) |
其他 (請註明) (跳至Q34) |
32. [只問從未使用下載服務之被訪者] 點解唔用? (不讀答案,可選多項) |
下載服務唔重要 |
下載服務使用困難 |
下載服務費用昂貴 |
其他 (請註明) |
唔知/難講 |
33. [只問從未使用下載服務之被訪者] 你短期內會唔會考慮用下載服務? |
會 (跳至D1) |
唔會 (跳至D1) |
唔知/難講 (跳至D1) |
34. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 你通常會下載什麼? (如多過一個答案,以最常下載的服務為準) |
電腦軟件 |
音樂檔案 |
遊戲 |
電話鈴聲 |
螢幕保護程式(screen saver) |
滑鼠游標(cursor) |
其他 |
唔知/難講/唔記得 |
35. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 你平均每星期使用下載服務幾多次? (實數)(少於一次請入"0") |
0:997 |
唔知/難講 |
36. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 你宜家用既下載服務需唔需要收費? |
需要 |
部分需要 |
唔需要 |
唔知/難講/唔記得 |
37. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 你認為現有既下載服務收費合唔合理? |
非常合理 |
幾合理 |
一半半 |
幾唔合理 |
非常唔合理 |
唔知/難講 |
38. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 如果下載服務需要收費,你最多會願意俾幾多錢黎下載手提電話既音樂鈴聲呢? |
0:997 |
唔願意 |
唔知/難講 |
39. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 咁屏幕圖案呢? |
0:997 |
唔願意 |
唔知/難講 |
40. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 咁圖像訊息(picture message)呢? |
0:997 |
唔願意 |
唔知/難講 |
41. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 咁遊戲呢? |
0:997 |
唔願意 |
唔知/難講 |
42. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 你宜家係唔係任何提供下載服務網站既註冊會員? |
係 |
唔係 |
唔知/難講 |
43. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 係你選擇下載服務時,邊d係你考慮既因素? (可選多項) |
費用 |
使用的方便程度 |
版本的更新速度 |
連接網站的速度 |
下載速度 |
其他 |
唔知/難講 |
44. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 你覺得下載服務對你嚟講有幾重要? |
非常重要 |
幾重要 |
一半半 |
幾唔重要 |
非常唔重要 |
唔知/難講 |
45. [只問曾經使用任何形式下載服務之被訪者] 在未來十二個月內,你估計你會用咩野下載服務? (不讀答案,可選多項) |
唔下載 |
電腦軟件 |
音樂檔案 |
遊戲 |
電話鈴聲 |
螢幕保護程式(screen saver)/滑鼠游標(cursor) |
其他 |
唔知/難講 |
V. 背景資料 |
D1 性別 |
男 |
女 |
D2 年齡 |
(實數)【99=拒答】 |
D3 教育程度 |
小學或以下 |
中學 |
預科 |
專上非學位 |
專上學位 |
研究院或以上 |
拒絕回答 |
D4 職業 |
經理及行政人員 |
專業人員 |
輔助專業人員 |
文員 |
服務工作及商店銷售人員 |
漁農業熟練工人 |
手工藝及有關人員 |
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 |
非技術工人 |
學生 |
家庭主婦 |
不能辨別 |
其他(包括失業、已退休、及其他非在職者) |
拒絕回答 |
D5 請問你住緊既單位係: |
自置,定係 |
租住既呢? |
拒絕回答 |
D6 居住房屋 |
公營租住房屋 |
房屋委員會補助出售單位 |
房屋協會補助出售單位 |
私人住宅單位 |
村屋:別墅/平房/新型村屋 |
村屋:簡單磚石蓋搭建築物/傳統村屋 |
公營臨時房屋 |
私人臨時房屋 |
員工宿舍 |
其他 |
拒絕回答 |