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Points to Note Regarding the Opinion Survey on the Public Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2002


1. As an opinion survey, the findings of this survey are meant to reflect the perception of the general public of various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. They are neither results of objective appraisals nor professional assessments.


2. This survey has mainly adopted the method of absolute rating according to individual attributes, rather than relative ranking. It is more conducive to profile analysis of relative strength and weaknesses for individual institutions. Readers should not over-emphasize the relative ranking of different institutions.


3. The researcher is aware POP itself is part of The University of Hong Kong, which is one of the institutions rated by respondents. In order to eliminate any possible bias due to social desirability effect, all respondents were specifically told at the beginning of the interview that POP was an independent research body, and that they should simply report what they honestly felt, otherwise the result would not be meaningful.


4. In order to eliminate any possible bias due to the ordering of answers, the sequence of prompting the respondents with the name of the eight institutions was randomly rotated across all rating questions.


5. The researcher believes that this survey has been conducted fairly, objectively, and scientifically. The research instrument and survey findings are fully open for public scrutiny. We welcome open comments and validation study by other research bodies.




1. 作為一項意見調查,是次調查的結果只能反映一般香港市民對本地各大專院校的主觀評價,並非對該等院校的客觀評審,或專業推介。


2. 是次調查主要採用分類分項評分法,而非相對排名法,有利分析個別院校的長處和缺點。讀者不宜過份集中比較院校之間的排名。


3. 研究機構 -- 即民意研究計劃 -- 明白到本身乃香港大學的一部份,屬於被評價的院校之一。為了確保被訪者不受此因素影響評分,訪員在訪問的引言中便強調民意研究計劃是中立的研究組織,被訪者切勿因為民意研究計劃屬於香港大學而影響其本意,並務須如實作答,否則調查結果便沒有參考價值。


4. 此外,為了避免因提問次序而引起的偏差,每條評分問題中八間院校的提問次序皆以隨機方法輪流轉換。


5. 研究機構認為是次調查已做到客觀、科學、和非常公正。研究機構已將調查的方法和數據全面公開,歡迎賜教,亦歡迎任何機構以同樣方法重覆驗正。