
Released data
  5-Sep-06  最新調查顯示,12項主觀社會指標在過去6個月全面下跌,當中以『治安』指標的跌幅最大,然後是『安定』、『公平』和『法治』,其餘指標的跌幅都在抽樣誤差範圍之內。指標下跌,大概是反映了巿民整體不滿情緒的增加,而立法會議員受襲,應或多或少影響了巿民對社會治安的評價。論排名,『自由』與『文明』指標仍然長期高踞榜首,而『公平』指標則長期排在榜末。去年7月開始,榜末四項指標,即『社會福利』、『民主』、『平等』及『公平』指標,開始與其他指標相隔一段距離,值得注意。屬於12項主要『社會指標』以外的兩項『次社會指標』,即『法庭公正程度』和『司法制度公平程度』次指標,數字有輕微上升,總算是一個好消息」。
Our latest finding shows that all 12 subjective social indicators have dropped over the past 6 months, with 'public order' registering the biggest drop, followed by 'stability', 'fairness' and the rule of law. Other drops are all within sampling errors. The drop across the board probably reflects people's growing dissatisfaction with the general situation, while the assault on a Legislative Councillor must have also affected people's appraisal of the public order. In terms of ranking, 'freedom' and 'civilization' continue to top the list, while 'fairness' is always at the bottom. Starting from July last year, the 4 bottom indicators, namely, 'social welfare', 'democracy', 'equality' and 'fairness', appear to have kept a constant distance from the rest, which deserves more attention. Apart from the 12 main indicators, two sub-indicators, namely, 'impartiality of the courts' and 'fairness of the judicial system' have slightly increased, which is good news at last. 
  7-Mar-06  整體而論,各項主觀社會指標在過去四個月變化不大,『繁榮』指標再次輕微上升,『平等』指標則輕微下跌,其他指標的升跌都在抽樣誤差之內。法治指標方面,『法庭公正程度』、『司法制度公平程度』、以及終審法院首席法官李國能的評分,在上次到達高點後略為回落,但沒有影響整體『法治』指標。論排名,『自由』與『文明』指標仍然長期高踞榜首,『公平』與『民主』指標則長期在榜末浮游,而『繁榮』指標則在2003年中跌至榜末後徐徐回升至中游位置。去年7月開始,榜末四項指標,即『社會福利』、『平等』、『民主』及『公平』指標,開始與其他指標相隔相當距離,是值得注意的發展。
Generally speaking, the readings of all subjective social indicators have not changed much over the past 4 months. 『Prosperity』 continues to climb a bit, while 『equality』 drops a little, otherwise all variations are not statistically significant. Regarding the legal indicators, 『impartiality of the courts』, 『fairness of the judicial system』 and the popularity rating of Chief Justice Andrew Li have all dropped a little after reaching record high last time, but the overall 『rule of law』 indicator has not changed much. In terms of ranking, 『freedom』 and 『civilization』 are still topping the list, while 『fairness』 and 『democracy』 are still at the bottom. 『Prosperity』 has gradually recovered to the middle of the ladder after dropping to the bottom in mid-2003. Starting from July last year, the 4 bottom indicators, namely, 『social welfare』, 『equality』, 『democracy』 and 『fairness』, have kept a constant distance from the rest of the indicators. This is something which deserves more attention. 
  3-Nov-05  所有社會及法治主觀指標在過去三個月都全面上升,除了『繁榮』指標的升幅輕微外,所有指標的升幅都超越抽樣誤差,而『法庭公正程度』、『司法制度公平程度』、以及終審法院首席法官李國能的評分,都是屬於回歸後新高。論排名,『自由』與『文明』指標仍然長期高踞榜首,『公平』與『民主』指標則長期在榜末浮游,而『繁榮』指標則在2003年中跌至榜末後徐徐回升至中游位置。
The readings of all subjective indicators have increased over the past 3 months. Except for 'prosperity', all increases are statistically significant. 'Impartiality of the courts', 'fairness of the judicial system' and the popularity rating of Chief Justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang have all reached record high since the handover. In terms of ranking, 'freedom' and 'civilization' are still topping the list, while 'fairness' and 'democracy' are still at the bottom. 'Prosperity', on the other hand, has gradually recovered to the middle of the list after its mid-2003 drop to the bottom. 
  26-Jul-05  大部分主觀指標在過去三個月都明顯下跌,當中以『公平』、『平等』、『廉潔』跌幅最大,但『繁榮』指標則逆勢而上,『安定』和『法治』亦企穩不變。論排名,『自由』與『文明』長期高踞榜首;『公平』與『民主』則長期在榜末浮游;而『繁榮』與『安定』則在2003年中跌至低點後徐徐回升。大部分指標在最新調查中都明顯下跌,是民心轉向的徵兆,特區政府不能掉以輕心。
The readings of most subjective indicators have dropped over the past 3 months, most noticeably for 'fairness', 'equality' and 'corruption-free'. 'Prosperity' has, however, gone up against the general trend, while 'stability' and 'rule of law' have stood firm. In terms of ranking, 'freedom' and 'civilization' have consistently topped the list, while 'fairness' and 'democracy' always drifted at the bottom. 'Prosperity' and 'stability', on the other hand, have gradually recovered after mid-2003. The fact that most indicators have dropped in our latest survey is an alert to the government that public optimism may have changed. 
  3-May-05  隨著政府的民望上升,連同終審法院首席法官評分的15項主觀指標中的11項,在過去3個月都全面上升。值得注意的,是上次排行榜末的公平指標,在特首的背景由商人出身轉為文官出身後,分數急升0.77分,榜末位置亦由民主指標取代。此外,法治程度指標沒有跟隨大勢上升,排名在眾多指標中下跌3位,或多或少與人大再次釋法拉上關係。
Riding on the upward trend of government popularity, 11 of the 15 subjective indicators, including the popularity rating of Chief Justice, have improved over the past 3 months. As the personal background of the Chief Executive changed from that of a businessman to that of a civil servant, the fairness indicator has made a significant improvement of 0.77 marks. Its bottom place is now taken over by the democracy indicator. Another point to note is that the rule of law indicator has not followed the general trend, it dropped 3 places in terms of ranking. The reinterpretation of the Basic Law has, no doubt, left its mark.  
  25-Jan-05  連同終審法院首席法官評分的15項主觀指標中的13項,在過去3個月全面上升,當中自由、治安、廉潔和法庭公正程度指標,更加達到回歸以來的新高,全部超過7分,顯示巿民的感覺良好。領匯事件雖然在社會上引起爭議,但似乎又增加了巿民對法庭的信任程度。不過,值得注意的,是公平指標明顯回落兼排行榜末,平等指標沒有跟隨大勢上升。政府似乎須要更加積極面對利益輸送和平等機會的問題。
Among the 15 subjective indicators including the popularity rating of Chief Justice, 13 have increased over the past 3 months. Freedom, public order, corruption-free, and impartiality of the courts even reached record high since the handover, all scored over 7 marks. Hong Kong people seem to be feeling good. Amidst the controversy surrounding the Link Reit listing, people have apparently increased their faith in the courts. There are, however, warning signals. Fairness indicator has dropped significantly, still at the bottom of the list, while equality has stayed back against the general trend. Collusion and equal opportunity have become issues which the government must face head-on. 
  27-Jul-04  上次調查在人大釋法後,14項主觀指標全面下跌,3個月後,差不多所有指標都止跌回升,但大部分仍未回復年初的水平。不過,『繁榮』指標就一枝獨秀,由去年7月的谷底兼歷史低點顯著回升,由榜末升至中游位置。『公平』及『民主』指標,就長期在榜末位置徘徊。
Our previous survey was conducted after NPC interpreted the Basic Law, all 14 subjective indicators plunged. Three months later, almost all have rebounded, although not yet to their January level. The 'prosperity' indicator, however, is exceptional, as it surged from the bottom position and record low last July to the middle of the list. 'Fairness' and 'democracy', however, have long lingered at the bottom part of the list. 
  4-May-04  調查在人大釋法後、但尚未否決07/08雙普選前進行,因此,人大決議的衝擊尚未顯然。不過,14項主觀指標,連同司法制度的代表人物李國能法官的評分,都已經全線回落,反映市民的不滿情緒開始上升。去年七一遊行把社會的不安推至高峰,大部分主觀指標當時都跌至谷底。人大釋法後,14項指標中有5項又再跌破去年7月中的水平,分別是公平指標、社會福利指標、平等指標、法治程度指標和治安指標。政府適宜小心處理市民的不滿。
The survey was conducted after NPC interpreted the Basic Law, but before it vetoed universal suffrage in 2007/08. The full impact of NPC's decision, therefore, is still to be seen. Nevertheless, all 14 subjective indicators, together with the popularity rating of Chief Justice Andrew Li, the figurehead of the judicial system, have already plunged. People's dissatisfaction is brewing. Last year's July 1 Demonstration pushed people's dissatisfaction to the extreme, as most subjective indicators fell to record low. Now, after the NPC interpretation, 5 out of the 14 indicators have fallen even below those of mid-July last year. They include 'fairness', 'social welfare sufficiency', 'equality', 'compliance with the rule of law', and 'public order'. The government must now handle people's dissatisfaction with care. 
  20-Jan-04  在11項主觀指標中,自由指標長期保持首位,去年7月起升幅顯著,明顯是受惠於七一及元旦遊行。此外,安定及繁榮兩項指標亦自7月起大幅回升,分別由第8及11位上升至第6及8位,反映經濟情況好轉。不過,民主及公平指標就跌至榜末,成為市民最不滿的環節。
Among the 11 subjective indicators, 'freedom' continues to top the list as usual. It has also gone up significantly since July last year, obviously being a positive effect of the July 1 and New Year Rallies. Two other indicators have also surged since July: 'stability' and 'prosperity' have gone up from the 8th and 11th places to the 6th and 8th places respectively, indicating economic recovery. However, 'democracy' and 'fairness' have now dropped to the bottom, to become the most dissatisfied items. 
  4-Nov-03  由於14項主觀指標的調查方法和日期完全一致,因此,所得數字其實可以一併比較。數據顯示,巿民最滿意香港的自由、廉潔和文明程度,最不滿的是繁榮、公平和民主程度。除了治安主觀指標外,所有指標在10月都有回升。不過,自由、治安、平等、民主、和各項法治指標則仍未回升至4月中七一遊行前的水平。值得一提的,是調查期間剛巧傳出前高等法院上訴庭法官、現任平等機會委員會主席王見秋,涉及雙重福利事件,而候任平等機會委員會行動科總監余仲賢在履新前被解約,及王見秋被指涉及利益申報問題等事情尚未出現。該等事件會否影響巿民對司法制度的信心尚待跟進,但特區政府和司法部門都不能掉以輕心。
Since the method and dates of survey for all 14 subjective indicators are the same, all of them could be compared on equal footing. Figures show that people are most satisfied with Hong Kong's degree of freedom, corruption-free practices and civilization. They are least satisfied with the degree of prosperity, fairness and democracy. Other than public order, all indicators have rebounded in October. Freedom, public order, equality, democracy, and various rule of law indicators, however, have not yet gone back to the level of mid-April, before the July 1 Demonstration. One point to note is that the controversies surrounding double payment received by Equal Opportunities Commission Chairman Michael Wong Kin-chow, who is a retired Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court, have just erupted shortly after our fieldwork started. The sacking of Patrick Yu Chung-yin as Director of Operations of the Equal Opportunities Commission, the alleged acceptance of undeclared gifts by Wong, have not yet surfaced. The exact effect of these controversies on people's confidence in the judiciary is yet to be studied, but one thing for sure is that both the government and the judiciary must not overlook the consequence of this incident. 
  29-Jul-03  由於七項指標的調查方法和日期完全一致,因此,所得數字其實可以一併比較。數據顯示,巿民對香港現時的自由程度評價最高,然後是法治、安定、民主和繁榮。不過,各項指標以及對立法會議員整體表現的滿意程度,在7月中都全面報跌,顯示社會普遍瀰漫著不滿的情緒。
Since the method and dates of survey for the 7 indicators are the same, all of them could be compared on equal footing. The latest findings suggested that people are currently most satisfied with Hong Kong's degree of freedom, followed by rule of law, stability, democracy and then prosperity. All indicators, however, have dropped, so has people's satisfaction with the overall performance of LegCo members. This indicates widespread dissatisfaction in every corner of our society. 
  6-May-03  由於七項指標的調查方法和日期完全一致,因此,所得數字其實可以一併比較,而三項法治指標中又以「法治程度」最具代表性。分析顯示,在過去三個月,「安定」和「繁榮」指標明顯下跌,「自由」和「民主」指標屬平穩發展,而「法治」指標則略為下跌。論相對走勢,則五項主要指標的排名分別是「自由」、「法治」、「民主」、「安定」和「繁榮」。其中,「繁榮」指標在1997年11月前曾位列榜首,但自2001年4月起已跌至榜末。肺炎事件無疑令巿民對香港「繁榮」、「安定」的評價再退一步。
Since the method and date of survey for the 7 indicators are the same, all of them could be compared on equal footing. Moreover, among the 3 indicators relating to the rule of law, compliance with the rule of law is the most representative one. Results show that over the past 3 months, stability and prosperity have dropped significantly, while freedom and democracy have remained stable, and the rule of law has dropped somewhat. The relative ranking of the 5 major indicators is now freedom, rule of law, democracy, stability and prosperity. Prosperity used to be on the top of the list before November 1997, but it dropped to the bottom in April 2001 and has remained there since then. The outbreak of SARS has, no doubt, further compressed people's appraisal of Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.  
  4-Feb-03  終審法院首席法官的得分高於所有司長和問責局長,顯示巿民對司法制度的信心,較行政制度為高。此外,由於四項核心社會指標和三項法治指標的調查方法和日期完全一致,因此,所得數字其實可以一併比較。分析顯示,回歸初期數字高企的「繁榮」指標,五年半來可謂一落千丈,「安定」指標亦下跌不少,「民主」指標則一向平平無奇,反而一向被認為是香港支柱的「自由」和「法治」,在巿民的心目中仍然評價甚高,分別有7.20和6.66分,似乎優勢尚在。不過,值得注意的是,「法治」指標在回歸後經歷了兩次大幅下跌:第一次是在1999年中人大釋法之後,另外一次是在2000年中警方引用公安法拘捕大學生之後。雖然在兩次事件過後,法治指標都有回升,但已經不能回復回歸初期約7.2分的水平。特區政府應引以為戒。
The popularity rating of the Chief Justice was higher than those of all Secretaries and Directors of Bureaux, indicating that people have more confidence in Hong Kong's judicial system than in its executive system. Besides, since the method and date of survey for the 4 core social indicators and the 3 indicators relating to the rule of law were the same, all of them could be compared on equal footing. According to our analysis, prosperity which once stood high after the handover has plunged almost into vanity after five-and-a-half years, stability also declined, while democracy remained unattractive as ever. It thus seems that only freedom and the rule of law, long regarded by the people as two pillars of Hong Kong, have remained strong in the heart of the people. The latest scores were 7.20 and 6.66 marks respectively. It should, however, be noted that the indicator of the rule of law has experienced 2 dramatic plunges since the handover. The first one happened in mid-1999, after the interpretation of the Basic Law by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The other one occurred in mid-2000, after the police arrested some university students for breaching the Public Order Ordinance. Although the indicator rebounded each time after the 2 incidents, it has never gone back to the 7.2 marks level registered shortly after the handover. The HKSAR Government should better learn the lesson. 
  19-Jun-98  主觀性社會指標走勢方面,回歸後初段(即七、八月份)普遍呈現下跌。一般而言,在年底喘定,然後停留於比谷底略高的水平。唯是繁榮一項,則不斷由8.05分下跌至5.70分,跌幅頗大,兼且是多項指標中由本來獲得最高評價跌至現時的最低評價,亦是唯一跌至六分以下的指標。整體而言,回歸一年以來,市民評價最高的是社會的文明、自由、和效率,最低的是社會的公平程度、福利制度、和民主進程。當然,所列指標全屬主觀滿意程度,未必一定有客觀事實根據。