
Released data
  22-Jun-06  評分數字顯示,巿民對『香港人』和『中國人』身份的認同程度,與半年前比較都有下跌,但都是在誤差範圍之內。不論是以認同度評分比較,抑或是以『廣義香港人』對比『廣義中國人』的選擇比較,都仍然是以香港本位佔優。
Our rating figures show that the strength of Hong Kong people's self-identification as 'Hong Kong Citizens' and 'Chinese Citizens' have both decreased over the past six months, but the drops were within the error margins. Whether we are comparing the absolute strength of identification ratings, or the categorical choice between 'Hong Kong People in broad sense' or 'Chinese People in broad sense', HK-orientation prevailed. 
  15-Jun-05  巿民的身份認同感方面,雖然自稱『中國人』的比率繼續上升,但以認同感的強度計,則仍然是以『香港人』的感覺較為強烈。
Regarding Hong Kong people's ethnic identity, although more and more people have identified themselves as ethnical Chinese, the strength of their 'Hongkonger' identity is relatively stronger. 
  21-Jun-04  調查顯示,巿民對『香港人』的認同感在去年底跌至歷史低點後略有回升,屬於正面發展。
On what could be an indicator of people's sense of belonging, the strength of people's identity as 'Hong Kong people' has rebounded after it dropped to historical low by the end of last year, which is a positive development. 
  23-Dec-03  調查顯示,巿民對廣義『中國人』的身份的認同感達到四成八的新高,與廣義『香港人』的認同感看齊。從認同感的評分看,巿民對『香港人』的認同感自3月起明顯下跌0.56分,到達歷史新低,顯示市民對社會的歸屬感有所退卻。
Our survey has found that people's identification as 'Chinese People' in the broader sense has reached a historic high of 48%, more or less the same as that for 'Hong Kong People' in the broader sense. As for the ratings, people's strength of their 'Hong Kong People' identity has dropped significantly since March, down 0.56 mark to a historic low, meaning that people's sense of belonging to this place has dwindled.  
  8-Jul-03  撇開個別調查之間的波動,回歸以來,巿民對「中國人」身份的認同感明顯增加,半年結數字由初時接近7.3分一度上升至2001年下半年接近7.9分,但後來又逐漸回落至今年上半年的7.5分,可能是由於接近回歸五年時,中央領導人開始就香港的具體事務發言多了有點關係。至於巿民對「香港人」身份的認同感,回歸以來屬於平面波動,近年來變化不大。最後,香港巿民對台灣問題的看法,三年來亦變化不大。
Brushing aside fluctuations in separate polls, the strength of Hong Kong people's identity as Chinese Citizens, as reflected in the half-yearly averages, has increased significantly from almost 7.3 marks after the handover, to almost 7.9 marks in the second half of 2001. It then dropped gradually to 7.5 marks registered in the early half of this year. One possible reason for this turn was that near the fifth anniversary of the handover, our leaders of the Central Government have begun to make more comments on specific Hong Kong affairs. Regarding people's identity as Hong Kong Citizens, fluctuations were mainly horizontal, and there were little changes in recent years. Finally, Hong Kong people's opinion on Taiwan issues has also changed very little in the past three years. 
  20-Mar-03  撇開個別調查之間的波動,回歸以來,巿民對「中國人」身份的認同感明顯增加,半年結數字由初時的7.3分上升至現時的7.8分左右,升幅明顯。巿民對「香港人」身份的認同感,則屬於平面波動,大概介乎7.6分至8.0分之間。此長彼不動,兩者的距離自然逐步拉近。回歸後四至五年間,兩者的分數幾乎重疊,但之後又拉開了一點,可能是與中央領導人近年開始就香港的具體事務發言多了有點關係。
Brushing aside fluctuations in separate polls, the strength of Hong Kong people's identity as Chinese Citizens has significantly increased since the handover, roughly from 7.3 to 7.8 marks, as far as half-yearly figures are concerned. People's identity as Hong Kong Citizens, however, has only fluctuated laterally between 7.6 and 8.0 marks. As one advances while the other remains stable, the gap between the two naturally diminishes. In fact, between the 4th and 5th anniversaries after the handover, the two scores have almost overlapped with each other. They pulled apart a bit after that, probably because our leaders in the Central Government have begun to make more comments on specific Hong Kong affairs. 
  25-Jun-98  最新六月初調查發現有六成六被訪者表示沒有因為九七後正式成為中國國民而感到自豪,表示感到自豪者有三成二。對比九七年回歸前夕,表示自豪之被訪者下跌一成半,相信與回歸時相對興奮的情緒已降溫有關。本研究組另一項調查要求被訪者說出自己的身份時,九八年調查顯示有三成四被訪者表示自己是「香港人」,與九七年下半年數字相比,比率相當接近,反映市民仍基本上以自己作為「香港人」為本位。至於在九八年調查中回答自己是中國人的被訪者有二成半,對比九七年下半年的一成八有明顯上升趨勢,增幅為七個百分比。若再以廣義的「中國人」一詞(即將回答「中國人」及「香港的中國人」的比率合計)而論,則合共有四成四被訪者給予此答案,較九七下半年的三成八上升六個百分比,總體而言,表示自己是「中國人」的被訪者比率有上升趨勢,顯示市民對自己作為「中國人」的身份進一步予以肯定。
Regarding their expectations of the forthcoming policy address, people are obviously more concerned with economic and employment issues. However, the former has significantly decreased, due to economic recovery. Over one-third did not give specific answers, which is record high since the handover, showing that people are losing interest in the policy address. Regarding Hong Kong people's ethnic identity, all figures are almost the same as that six months ago.